Updated on 2024/11/19


NAKAO Hisashi
Faculty of Humanities Department of Anthropology and Philosophy Professor


  • 博士(文学) ( 2013.3   京都大学 )

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Research Areas

  • Others / Others

Committee Memberships

  •   Bioarchaeology International Associate Editor  


  •   Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science Co-editor  



  • 弥生時代中期北部九州大型甕棺の楕円フーリエ解析 -甕棺形状の時空間変動について-

    日本考古学   59   2024.10

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    The present study examines shapes of burial jars, ‘Kamekan’, used mainly in the northern Kyushu of the Middle Yayoi period by Elliptic Fourier analysis to investigate the inter-regional variations. The results suggest that highly small inter-regional differences during the first division of the Middle Yayoi period (KIIa and KIIb types) are inconsistent with a traditional view that areas along the Genkai sea (i.e., Fukuoka and Sawara areas) are socially higher than other areas and that such social hierarchies are reflected to the relevant archaeological remains. The temporal changes in the inter-regional variations after the second division of the period (KIIc and KIIIa types) are consistent with other social changes in the division (i.e., increased frequency of violence and related social changes). Note that the temporal changes suggest that even though frequency of violence increased in the targeted areas, it was not so serious that it did not inhibit inter-regional interactions.

  • 西都原考古博物館所蔵古人骨の分析:受傷痕跡所見および3Dデータの幾何学的形態測定

    宮崎県立西都原考古博物館研究紀要   19   2024.3

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    The present research examines human skeletal remains collected at the Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture and the Kagoshima Prefectural Archaeological Center in two ways. First, we measured the 3-dimensional data of human craniums and conducted geometric morphometrics on them. The results show that samples from the Ebino Miyakonojo, and Saito city are relatively clustered and regional variations are found to some extent, which is consistent with the previous research. Second, traumas found on the samples from the Shimauchi underground tunnel tombs were examined. The results suggest that the traumas were not possibly due to warfare.

  • Macro-scale population patterns in the Kofun period of the Japanese archipelago: Quantitative analysis of a larger sample of three-dimensional data from ancient human crania

    Humans   4(2)   131 - 147   2024.3

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    The present study collected a larger set of three-dimensional data on human crania from the Ko-fun period (as well as from previous periods, i.e., the Jomon and Yayoi periods) in the Japanese archipelago (AD 250 to around 700) than previous studies. 3D geometric morphometrics were employed to investigate human migration patterns in finer-grained phases. These results are con-sistent with those of previous studies, although some new patterns were discovered. These pat-terns were interpreted in terms of demic diffusion, archaeological findings, and historical evi-dence. In particular, the present results suggest the presence of a gradual geological cline throughout the Kofun period, although the middle period did not display such a cline. This dis-crepancy might reflect social changes in the middle Kofun period, such as the construction of keyhole-shaped mounds in the peripheral regions. The present study implies that a broader inves-tigation with a larger sample of human crania is essential to elucidate the macro-level cultural evolutionary processes.

  • Cultural Evolution of Ritual Practice in Prehistoric Japan: The Kitamakura Hypothesis Is Examined

    Letters on Evolutionary and Behavioral Science   15(1)   1 - 8   2024.2

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    Various disciplines, including evolutionary biology, anthropology, archaeology, and psychology have studied the evolution of rituals. Archaeologists have typically argued that burial practices are one of the most prominent manifestations of ritual practices in the past and have explored various aspects of burial practices, including burial directions. One of the important hypotheses on the cultural evolution of burial practices in Japan is the kitamakura hypothesis, which claims that burial directions (including Kofuns and current burials) were intended to be oriented toward the north after the Kofun period under the influence of Confucianism or Buddhism. This hypothesis would be more plausible if burial directions were not oriented northward before the Kofun period. The present research focused on the burial directions in the northern Kyushu area of the Yayoi period, i.e., the directions of the kamekan jar burials. The results are almost consistent with the hypothesis, although one notable exception is found, and its possible interpretations and implications are discussed.

  • Demic diffusion of the Yayoi people in the Japanese archipelago

    Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science   14(2)   58 - 64   2023.11

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    The present study examines the 3-dimensional data of human crania from the Yayoi period (800 BC to AD 250) of the Japanese archipelago by geometric morphometrics to investigate demic diffusion patterns. This is the first study on the Yayoi crania using their 3D data and geometric morphometrics with a much larger number of skeletal remains outside of the Kyushu regions than previous studies. The comparative results between the Jomon and Yayoi samples show that the Yayoi people not only in the eastern parts but also in the western parts of the archipelago are significantly different from the final Jomon people and the Yayoi people were not strongly affected by the Jomon people. A relatively gradual geological cline is also found among the Yayoi population, suggesting that the immigrants from the continental East Asia moved from the western parts to the eastern parts of the archipelago though the causes of the morphological changes are unclear.

  • Cultural identity and intergroup conflicts: Testing parochial altruism model through archaeological data

    Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science   32   75 - 87   2023.9

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    The present research used archaeological data, i.e., the data obtained from kamekan jar burials in the Mikuni Hills of the northern Kyushu area in the Mid- dle Yayoi period, to test the parochial altruism model. This model argued that out-group hate and in-group favor coevolved via prehistoric intergroup conflicts. If this model is accurate, such an out-group hate and in-group favor could be re- flected in the archaeological remains, such as pottery making; the more frequent intergroup conflicts are and the more each group is opposed, the more independent and coherent each group will be and more evident cultural identity could be estab- lished within each group. We employed an elliptic Fourier analysis for the shapes of kamekan jar burials. We examined whether frequent intergroup conflicts in the period influenced kamekan jar pottery between subareas of the Mikuni Hills. The results suggested that the shapes of kamekan jar burials after the KIIIa type are slightly different between subareas, which is partially consistent with the model. However, the results do not support the model directly.

  • 朝日遺跡III11A13区出土人骨の再検討

    朝日遺跡ミュージアム研究紀要   2   47 - 61   2023.3

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    本稿では、朝日遺跡のIII11A13区出土人骨の再整理の結果および所見について報告するとともに、古人骨の下顎骨の幾何学的形態測定の分析結果を示す。再整理・検討の結果、次の3 点がわかった。まず、本例は弥生時代前期から中期に帰属し、仰臥屈葬の状態で埋葬された事例である。埋葬後に軟部組織が融解する過程で膝部分が崩れ、出土時の状態に至ったと考えられる。次に、上顎左右の犬歯および下顎の左右第一小臼歯が抜去された可能性があり、この抜去歯種の組み合わせの類例として土井ヶ浜遺跡の事例を挙げた。最後に、周辺地域の下顎骨の3D データをもとにランドマークおよび主成分分析を行い、本事例の形態を分析した。この結果、比較的近隣地域の弥生人骨に近いことがわかった。

  • A proposal of a new automated method for SfM/MVS 3D reconstruction through comparisons of 3D data by SfM/MVS and handheld laser scanners

    PLOS ONE   2022.7

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    SfM/MVS photogrammetry has received increasing attention due to its convenience, broadening the range of its applications into archaeology and anthropology. Because the accuracy of SfM/MVS depends on photography, one important issue is that incorrect or low-density point clouds are found in 3D models due to missing photographic images. A systematic way of taking photographs solve these problems, though it has not been well established and the accuracy has not been examined either, with some exceptions. The present study aims to (i) develop an efficient method for recording pottery using an automated turntable and (ii) assess its accuracy through a comparison with 3D models made by laser scanning. We recorded relatively simple pottery manufactured by prehistoric farmers in the Japanese archipelago using SfM/MVS photogrammetry and laser scanning. Further, by measuring the Hausdorff distance between 3D models made using these two methods, we show that their difference is negligibly small, suggesting that our method is sufficiently accurate to record pottery.

  • 岡山県(広島・兵庫県)出土古墳時代人骨の幾何学的形態測定による分析

    古代吉備   33   43 - 60   2022.7

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    The present study examines human skeletal remains from the late Yayoi period to the late Kofun period of Okayama, Hyogo, and Hiroshima Prefectures using geometric morphometrics. We put landmarks on the surface of 3D models of the human skeletal remains and calculate and analyze their spatial configurations. The results suggest weak but different tendencies by period and area. In particular, the faces are flatter and occipital regions further back in human skeletal remains of the early-middle Kofun period than the middle- late Kofun period in Okayama Prefecture. Further examinations of the sizes and shapes of the Kofuns where human skeletal remains are found are needed for archaeological interpretations of the above anthropological results.

  • 人間進化における集団間紛争:偏狭な利他性モデルを中心に

    心理学評論   65(2)   119−134   2022.7

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    The evolution of altruism in human societies has been intensively investigated both in social and natural sciences. A widely acknowledged recent idea is “parochial altruism model”, suggesting that intergroup hostility and intragroup altruism can coevolve through lethal intergroup conflicts. The current article critically examines this idea by reviewing research relevant to intergroup conflicts in human evolutionary history from evolutionary biology, psychology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology. After brief introduction, section 2 illustrates the mathematical model of parochial altruism and some critiques to the model and its interpretation mainly from evolutionary biology. Section 3 delves the archaeological evidence of prehistoric intergroup conflicts in the Japanese archipelago’s Jomon and Yayoi periods, Europe’s Mesolithic period, and North America’s Pacific period as counter examples of the parochial altruism model. In section 4, the ethnographies of intergroup relationships and conflicts show that intergroup relationships in many ethnic groups are not as simple as the assumption in the mathematical model of parochial altruism. In section 5, we outline psychological research on intergroup conflicts suggesting that intergroup hostility and ingroup altruism are not necessarily correlated. In conclusion, we argue that the assumption and parameter settings of the parochial altruism model are inconsistent with empirical data.

  • 3D data of human skeletal remains acquired by two kinds of laser scanners: Einscan Pro HD and Creaform HandySCAN BLACK™ | Elite

    Academia   2022.6

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    Publisher:Nanzan University  

    3D techniques are becoming increasingly relevant in archaeology and anthropology. As there are several methods for constructing 3D models and there is no assurance that the 3D models produced by each method will have the same qualities, it is necessary to compare the 3D models and examine their qualities. The present study compared 3D models produced by two types of laser scanners, that is, Einscan Pro HD and Creaform HandySCAN BLACK™ | Elite, and concluded that the models are not significantly different and reliable.

  • SfMとレーザー計測による古人骨計測の比較

    奈文研論叢   3   39 - 64   2022.3

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    3D measurement using SfM/MVS (Structure from Motion/Multiview Stereo) and laser scanners has become increasingly popular in archaeology. Especially, the quality (i.e., precision and/or accuracy) of 3D models by SfM sometimes varies depending on target objects, measurers, and equipment, and so quality control is one of the important problems for SfM measurement. The aim of the present article is to compare different models acquired by two different methods, i.e., SfM and laser scanners using human skulls from the Odake shell midden and Kuma-nishioda site and examine the quality of 3D models by SfM under certain conditions. We conclude that, although not significantly different, there are advantages and disadvantages with both kinds of 3D models.

  • 遠賀川式土器の形態に関する数理的考察:田村遺跡、矢野遺跡、綾羅木郷遺跡を中心に

    奈文研論叢   3   65 - 82   2022.3

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    This article quantifies the morphological variations of the Ongagawa pottery of the Early Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago to clarify its spatiotemporal similarities and differences. We focus on and quantify items of pottery from the birthplace of Ongagawa pottery, i.e., the Itazuke and Sasai sites, and from the Tamura, Ayaragi-go, and Yano sites by elliptic fourier analysis and spherical harmonics. The results are mostly consistent with the conventional view on the diffusion of Ongagawa pottery. Although quantitative analysis by the spherical harmonics of three-dimensional data could reveal more detailed morphological variations than elliptic fourier analysis of two-dimensional data, the results of the two different quantitative methods are similar to some degree. Both methods should be used properly bearing in mind the pros and cons of each.

  • 遠賀川式土器を例とした三次元モデルと二次元実測図データの比較

    情報考古学   27(1 ( 2) )   1 - 10   2022.3

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    3-dimensional data have recently attracted many archaeologists’ attention because of their various kinds of merits. The present study compared 3-dimensional data and traditional 2-dimensional data, especially measured drawings, and examined their merits and demerits. We obtained 3-dimensional data of Ongagawa pottery, which has relatively uniform and simple forms used in the early Yayoi period, with a laser scanner (Creafrom HandySCAN BLACK™ | Elite) and mathematically analyzed the 3-dimensional and 2-dimensinal data of Ongagawa pottery by spherical harmonics and Elliptic Fourier Analysis. The results suggest that we could capture more detailed geographical and durational difference in pottery by spherical harmonics though both results by two different methods are not significantly different. Given the costs and efforts of 3-dimensional data acquisition and analysis, we could conclude that 2-dimensinal data are still useful and important to some degree.

  • 考古学と進化論:物質性とニッチ構築

    現代思想   10月号   23 - 30   2021.9

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  • Population pressure and prehistoric violence in the Yayoi period of Japan

    Journal of Archaeological Science   132   105420   2021.6

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    The causes of prehistoric inter-group violence have been a subject of long-standing debate in archaeology, anthropology, and other disciplines. Although population pressure has been considered as a major factor, due to the lack of available prehistoric data, few studies have directly examined its effect so far. In the present study, we used data on skeletal remains from the middle Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago, where archaeologists argued that an increase of inter-group violence in this period could be explained by a population-pressure hypothesis. We quantitatively examine the effect of population pressure on the frequency of inter-group violence by compiling an exhaustive data set. We collected demographic information based on burial jars (kamekan) and the frequency of violence based on the ratio of injured individuals. The results are consistent with the hypothesis, i.e., high population density can promote inter-group violence.

  • 日本考古学の理論的 ・ 哲学的基礎:発掘報告書と型式(学)を中心に

    旧石器研究   16   1 - 9   2020.5

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    The present article examines the theoretical foundations of Japanese archaeology epistemologically. The section 2 epistemologically examines excavation reports as one of the foundational works in Japanese archaeology, i.e., what excavation reports are and should be. It is argued that with a lack of epistemological justification of excavation reports, their epistemological status is highly puzzling. The section 3 also epistemologically and methodologically examines types or typology as one of the foundational methods in Japanese archaeology and it is claimed that definition of each type is ambiguous and not systematic. Taken together, as a conclusion, since some of the theoretical foundations in Japanese archaeology are epistemologically problematic, it might lead us to conclude that Japanese archaeology itself is epistemologically questionable.

  • ナチュラル・ペダゴジー理論の行方

    ベビーサイエンス   18   50   2019.3

  • 弥生時代中期における戦争:人骨と人口動態の関係から

    情報考古学   24(1・2)   10 - 29   2019.3

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    It has been commonly claimed that prehistoric warfare in Japan began in the Yayoi period. Population increases due to the introduction of agriculture from the Korean Peninsula to Japan resulted in the lack of land for cultivation and resources for the population, eventually triggering competition over land. This hypothesis has been supported by the demographic data inferred from historical changes in Kamekan, a burial system used especially in the Kyushu area in the Yayoi period. The present study aims to examine the previous claim by using an expanded dataset of human skeletal remains and Kamekan. First, in order to quantify the intensity of warfare, we developed a database of injured individuals found in the middle phase of the Yayoi period in two large populations in the northern Kyushu area, the Fukuoka plain and the upper- and middle-stream of the Homan River. Second, we collected Kamekan data from site reports published after 1990 and constructed a comprehensive database to infer the demography in these areas. Finally, we compared the frequency of injured individuals and the inferred demography. The results suggest that the frequency of injured individuals and the population increase tended to be higher at the upper- and middle-stream of the Homan River than on the Fukuoka plain. Different assumptions of the lifetime of each type of Kamekan can produce mixed results on the relationship between demography and the frequency of injured individuals. They were positively correlated under the traditional assumption of constant time intervals, while there was no correlation using time intervals based on carbon dating by the National Museum of Japanese History. Thus, our results are partially consistent with the previous claim that the population increase and the lack of land and resources due to the introduction of agriculture were causes of warfare in the northern Kyushu area in the middle phase of the Yayoi period.

  • A quantitative history of Japanese archaeology and natural science

    Japanese Journal of Archaeology   6(1)   3 - 22   2018.9

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    Publisher:The Japanese Archaeological Association  

    This study examines the relationship between Japanese archaeology and natural science through a quantitative analysis of the two most authoritative archaeological journals and two other relevant journals in Japan. First, although previous studies have emphasized the impact of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tokyo on the scientific aspects of Japanese archaeology, results of the present study suggest that its impact has been more limited than previously assumed. Second, while previous studies claimed that research funding by the Japanese government from the latter half of the 1970s was an important factor in developing the scientific aspects of Japanese archaeology, the present study shows a result inconsistent with the claim. Finally, although I admit that the previous studies have properly captured some aspects of the relationship between Japanese archaeology and science, I conclude that we should look at the broader array of contributors to the relationship between Japanese archaeology and natural science.

  • 人骨から見た暴力と戦争:海外での議論を中心に

    日本考古学   44   65 - 77   2017.8

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    Violence and warfare in prehistory have been intensely discussed in various disciplines recently. Especially, some controversies are found on whether prehistoric hunter-gatherers had already been engaged in inter-group violence and warfare. Japanese archaeology has traditionally argued that warfare began in the Yayoi period with the introduction of full-fledged. agriculture, though people in the Jomon period. when the subsistence system had been mainly hunting and gathering, had not been involved in inter-group violence and warfare. However, Lawrence Keeley, Samuel Bowles, Steven Pinker, and others have recently focused on archaeological data of human skeletal remains, especially remains with some injures, arguing that prehistoric hunter-gatherers had already initiated inter-group violence and warfare. This paper aims to summarize and examine recent arguments that address the relationship between violence or warfare and human evolution based on archaeological data. In the first place, we summarize the claims of Keeley, Bowles, and Pinker that warfare had already been initiated and was commonplace among prehistoric hunter-gatherers, as well as the counter-argument of Ferguson that these original data are problematic. Secondly, we collect the available data on human skeletal remains from the Mesolithic period in Europe (between 11000BC and 3.500 BC) and argue that these data support Ferguson's argument. In particular, the available data suggests that even though inter-group violence and warfare were present during this period. they were very sporadic. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study and suggest future directions.

  • Violence and warfare in the prehistoric Japan

    Letters on Evolutionary and Behavioral Science   8(1)   8 - 11   2017.3

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    The origins and consequences of warfare or largescale intergroup violence have been subject of long debate. Based on exhaustive surveys of skeletal remains for prehistor ic hunter-gatherers and agriculturists in Japan, the present study examines levels of inferred violence and their implications for two different evolutionary models, i.e., parochial altruism model and subsistence model. The former assumes that frequent warfare played an important role in the evolution of altruism and the latter sees warfare as promoted by social changes induced by agriculture. Our results are inconsistent with the parochial altruism model but consistent with the subsistence model, although the mortality values attributable to violence between hunter-gatherers and agriculturists were comparable.

  • 人間進化と二つの教育:人間進化の過程において教育はどのような役割を果たしたか

    現代思想   5月号   188 - 197   2016.4

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  • Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatiotemporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period

    Biology Letters   12   2016002   2016.3

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    Whether man is predisposed to lethal violence, ranging from homicide to warfare, and how that may have impacted human evolution, are among the most controversial topics of debate on human evolution. Although recent studies on the evolution of warfare have been based on various archaeological and ethnographic data, they have reported mixed results: it is unclear whether or notwarfare among prehistoric hunter–gathererswas common enough to be a component of human nature and a selective pressure for the evolution of human behaviour. This paper reports the mortality attributable to violence, and the spatio-temporal pattern of violence thus shown among ancient hunter–gatherers using skeletal evidence in prehistoric Japan (the Jomon period: 13000 cal BC–800 cal BC). Our results suggest that the mortality due to violence was low and spatio-temporally highly restricted in the Jomon period, which implies that violence including warfare in prehistoric Japan was not common.

  • 共感・共感的配慮と道徳性

    心理学評論   58(2)   236 - 248   2015.9

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    During the 20th century, many social and developmental psychologists advocated a “received view of empathy” : empathy does not lead to prosocial behaviors but rather, empathic concern does. The main aim of this paper is to examine this received view mainly by focusing on recent research in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of empathy. Specifically, Section 2 examines psychological and neuroscientific research on empathy and argues that the received view can be still maintained. Section 3 considers philosophical arguments mainly made by Michael Slote (2010) and argues that his attempt fails and that it is unlikely that empathy is the basis of morality. Finally, some possible future directions in the study of the relationship between empathy and morality are discussed.

  • メタ認知研究の方法論的課題

    動物心理学研究   65(1)   45 - 58   2015.6

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    This paper considers methodological problems in animal metacognition studies. After summarizing a variety of experimental designs to study animal metacognition, we review recent literature that were not included in Fujita (2010)’s more comprehensive review. We then examined Carruthers (2008; Carruthers and Rithie 2012)’ skeptic argument against animal metacognition. He argued that no experiments thus far successfully exclude the possibility that animals, as well as human infants, elicit “metacognitive” responses without explicitly and consciously monitoring internal representations. We argued that newly developed experimental paradigms to study explicit memory processes could be a key to reject Caruuthers’ skeptic argument and thus facilitate understanding how we access to the internal representations.

  • Evo-devo as a motley aggregation: Methodological and theoretical diversity in the 1980s

    Biological Theory   10   156 - 166   2015.4

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    Although there are many historical and philosophical analyses of evolutionary developmental biology (EvoDevo), its development in the 1980s, when many individual or collective attempts to synthesize evolution and development were made, has not been examined in detail. This article focuses on some interdisciplinary studies during the 1980s and argues that they had important characteristics that previous historical and philosophical work has not recognized. First, we clarify how each set of studies from the 1980s integrated the results or approaches from different biological fields, such as paleontology, developmental genetics, comparative morphology, experimental embryology, theoretical developmental biology, and population genetics. Second, after close examination we show that the interdisciplinary studies during the 1980s adopted different and conflicting views of genes, such as developmental-genetic, epigenetic, or population-genetic ones. We conclude that EvoDevo in the 1980s was a motley aggregation of various kinds of local integration. Finally, we discuss the implications of our analysis by comparing these early EvoDevo studies with those of the Modern Synthesis and with the present state of EvoDevo.

  • Ready to learn or ready to teach: A critique to the natural pedagogy theory.

    Review of Philosophy and Psychology   5(4)   465 - 483   2014.8

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    According to the theory of natural pedagogy, humans have a set of cognitive adaptations specialized for transmitting and receiving knowledge through teaching; young children can acquire generalizable knowledge from ostensive signals even in a single interaction, and adults also actively teach young children. In this article, we critically examine the theory and argue that ostensive signals do not always allow children to learn generalizable knowledge more efficiently, and that the empirical evidence provided in favor of the theory of natural pedagogy does not defend the theory as presented, nor does it support a weakened version of the theory.We argue that these problems arise because the theory of natural pedagogy is grounded in a misguided assumption, namely that learning about the world and learning about people are two distinct and independent processes. If, on the other hand, we see the processes as interrelated, then we have a better explanation for the empirical evidence.

  • 言語進化と複雑系アプローチ:言語進化研究の何が問題なのか

    計測と制御   53(9)   835 - 840   2014.6

  • The evolution of punishment

    Biology & Philosophy   27(6)   833 - 850   2012.6

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    Many researchers have assumed that punishment evolved as a behavior-modification strategy, i.e. that it evolved because of the benefits resulting from the punishees modifying their behavior. In this article, however, we describe two alternative mechanisms for the evolution of punishment: punishment as a loss-cutting strategy (punishers avoid further exploitation by punishees) and punishment as a cost-imposing strategy (punishers impair the violator’s capacity to harm the punisher or its genetic relatives). Through reviewing many examples of punishment in a wide range of taxa, we show that punishment is common among plant and animal species and that the two mechanisms we describe have often been important for the evolution of punishment.

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  • カタチの由来・データの未来:三次元計測の人類史学

    ( Role: Joint author)

    勁草書房  2024.2 

  • 教育の起源を探る――進化と文化の視点から

    ( Role: Joint author)

    ちとせプレス  2023.3 

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    Total pages:65-81  

  • The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Climate and Environmental Change

    ( Role: Joint author)

    Routledge  2020.10 

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    Total pages:568 p.  

  • 道徳の自然誌

    ( Role: Sole translator)

    勁草書房   2020.8 

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    Responsible for pages:268+xxv  

  • 生命の教養学 14 感染る

    ( Role: Joint author)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2019.9 

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  • ブライアン・ファーガソン「戦争は人間の本能か」

     日経サイエンス  2018.12 

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    Responsible for pages:74-80  

  • ムカシのミライ:プロセス考古学とポストプロセス考古学の対話

    ( Role: Joint author)

    勁草書房  2018.10 

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  • 文化進化の考古学

    ( Role: Joint editor)

    勁草書房  2017.8 

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    Total pages:240 p.  

  • 科学と文化をつなぐ

    ( Role: Joint author)

    東京大学出版会  2016 

  • 人間進化の科学哲学

    ( Role: Sole author)

    名古屋大学出版会  2015.4 

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    Total pages:246 p.  

  • 発達科学の最前線―進化する発達科学-

    ( Role: Joint author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2014.4 

  • Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2012 (CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy & Ethics Series Vol.1)

    CAPE Publications  2013.2 

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    Total pages:176 p.  

  • 文化系統学への招待

    ( Role: Joint editor)

    勁草書房  2012.5 

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    Total pages:240 p.  

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  • 朝日遺跡出土資料の三次元記録

    あいち朝日遺跡ミュージアム 研究紀要   1   37 - 42   2022.3

  • 教育の生物学的基盤:進化か文化か

    教育心理学年報   58   284 - 290   2019.9

  • Practice without theory is blind (and theory without practice is empty)

    日本旧石器学会シンポジウム予稿集   17   71 - 74   2019.5

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  • 日本で戦争が始まったのはいつか

    日経サイエンス   2018年12月号   78   2018.12

  • 書評:ジャン=フランソワ・ドルティエ『ヒト、この奇妙な動物』

    図書新聞   2018年10月20日   4   2018.10

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    Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評:S. ボウルズ・H. ギンタス(著)竹澤正哲・大槻久・ 高橋伸幸・稲葉美里・波多野礼佳(訳)『協力する種:制度と心の共進化』

    社会心理学研究   33(1)   41 - 42   2017.9

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    Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評「心と行動の進化を探る ─人間行動進化学入門─」

    生物科学   66(1)   63   2014.9

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    Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

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  • 縄文時代古人骨頭蓋形状の幾何学的形態測定による分析

    考古学研究会第69回研究集会  2023.4 

  • The process of 3D digitization and data sharing in archaeology: A case study of Ongagawa-style pottery and skeletal remains in Japan

    American Association of Biological Anthropologists  2023.4 

  • 古墳時代古人骨頭蓋形状の幾何学的形態測定による分析

    HBES-J 2022  2022.12 

  • A new dataset of three-dimensional models in prehistoric Japan

    Cultural Evolution Society Annual Meeting  2022.9  Cultural Evolution Society

  • The cause of warfare in the middle Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago

    WAC-9  2022.7 

  • 中国地方における古墳時代人骨の幾何学的形態測定による分析

    考古学研究会第68回総会  2022.5 

  • SfM/MVSモデルとレーザースキャナーモデルの手法と精度の比較

    日本文化財科学会第38回大会  2021.9 

  • SfMとレーザースキャナーによる遠賀川式土器の三次元計測

    日本考古学協会第87回総会  2021.5 

  • 遠賀川式土器の二次元・三次元定量解析結果の比較

    考古学研究会第67回総会  2021.4 

  • 古人骨の三次元計測:SfMとレーザースキャナーの比較

    日本情報考古学会第44回大会  2021.3 

  • 過去という実験

    サイエンスアゴラ2019:キーノートセッション  2019.11 

  • Warfare in the Neolithic: Comments on Project “Neolithic Civilizations of Eurasia: Jomon - Origin, Early Stages, Local Peculiarities ”

    International Workshop “Early Civilizations from the Viewpoints of the Northeast Eurasian Prehistory: A New Perspective”  2019.11 

  • Quantifying morphological variation of bronze and iron arrowheads of the Kofun period in Japan

    MORPH 2019  2019.9 

  • Elliptic Fourier analysis of the Ongagawa pottery in prehistoric Japan

    MORPH 2019  2019.9 

  • 三次元データベースと数理解析・モデル構築による分野統合的研究の促進

    新学術領域研究「出ユーラシアの統合的人類史学 - 文明創出メカニズムの解明 -」キックオフ・ミーティング  2019.9 

  • 弥生時代中期北部九州における戦争

    日本進化学会第21回大会  2019.8 

  • Practice without theory is blind (and theory without practice is empty)

    日本旧石器学会  2019.6 

  • 人間進化における教育

    第60回日本教育心理学会  2018.9 

  • An introduction to cultural evolutionary studies

    第14回日独先端科学(JGFoS)シンポジウム  2018.9  日本学術振興会

  • 進化発生生物学の歴史と哲学

    日本進化学会第20回大会  2018.8 

  • Violence and warfare in Japanese prehistory

    Perspectives on prehistoric cultural evolution: From archaeology to behavioral experiment  2017.8 

  • Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatiotemporal pattern of skeletal evidence for conflict in the Jomon and Yayoi period

    WAC-8  2016.8 

  • 日本先史時代の文化進化

    日本進化学会第17回大会  2015.8 

  • 文化進化を研究するとはどういうことか

    文化情報学研究科共通シンポジウム/アドバンストシンポジウム  2014.6 

  • Ready to learn: A critique of the theory of natural pedagogy

    39th Annual Meeting of Society for Philosophy and Psychology  2013.6 

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  • 『動物心理学研究』優秀論文賞

    2018.8   日本動物心理学学会   中尾央・後藤和宏.2015. メタ認知研究の方法論的課題.『動物心理学研究』65(1): 45-58.

Research Projects

  • 考古・人類学データの多次元表象とモデリングによる文化動態の解明


    南山大学  科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究(A)マテリアマインド:物心共創人類史学の構築 

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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\78900000

  • マテリアマインド:物心共創人類史学の構築(総括班)


    南山大学  科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究(A) 

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\6000000

  • 日本先史時代古人骨の三次元データに関する人類学・考古学的統合研究


    大幸財団  大幸財団学術研究助成金 

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\850000

  • 戦争と道徳性の進化に関する自然哲学的考察


    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 基盤C 

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4290000

  • 遠賀川式土器の3次元計測と数理解析による農耕拡散過程の解明


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A-1 

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\1000000

  • 三次元データベースと数理解析・モデル構築による分野統合的研究の促進


    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)  新学術領域研究

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\70070000

  • 古墳時代鉄鏃の変化と地域性に関する数理的解析


    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 基盤C 

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    Authorship:Coinvestigator(s)  Grant type:Competitive

  • 考古学理論・実践の歴史・哲学的考察に基づく人文学の哲学の基盤構築


    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 若手B 

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\2800000

  • 歴史科学諸分野の連携・総合による文化進化学の構築


    日本学術振興会  課題設定による先導的人文・社会科学研究推進事業 

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    Grant amount:\11350000

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