長期研究:anthropology of Japan
長期研究:qualitative research methods
長期研究:mixed methods research
Research methods in sociology, particularly fieldwork research methods and qualitative research approaches.
2024/12/04 更新
Masters of Linguistics (TESOL) ( 2004年10月 Macquarie University Department of Linguistics Linguistics )
Ph.D. (International Development) ( 2002年12月 Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development )
Masters of Arts (International Development) ( 1997年3月 Nagoya University )
Bachelor of Economics ( 1988年12月 Sydney University Economics Political Economy )
人文・社会 / 社会学 / ジェンダー・SOGI・障がい・移民・外国人
名古屋大学 国際開発研究科 国際開発専攻
- 2002年11月
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)
Japanese Language Education in Europe 26: The Proceedings of the 25th Japanese Language Symposium in Europe 563 - 568 2023年6月
Implementation of Online Study Abroad in Japan: Technology, Instructors, Pedagogy, and Student Dimensions
南山大学外国人留学生別科紀要 6 1 - 20 2023年3月
コロナの影響と政策ー社会・経済・環境の観点からー 2022年3月
Study Abroad Online: Possible, and worth doing, even in a pandemic
Bulletin of the Center for Japanese Studies 4 51 - 66 2021年3月
Study Abroad Students Joining a Local Church: Language Communities in a Local Japanese Social Network
外国人留学生別科紀要 3 1 - 24 2019年3月
Intercultural social networks: A study of service learning and its impact on Japanese-foreign student learning
Bulletin of the Center for Japanese Studies 2 15 - 27 2019年3月
Exploring Japanese high school English teacher perspectives on active learning
Academia (Literature and Language) 104 x - y 2018年6月
Positionality: Three perspectives on the experiences of Japanese students on a short-term study abroad program in Thailand
Academia (Literature and Language) 103 193 - 220 2018年1月
Local university students supporting Japanese students’ fieldwork in Thailand: Learning opportunities, motivation changes, and identity shifts
Academia (Social Sciences) 14 63 - 85 2018年1月
Active learning in the Japanese high school English classroom: How far have teachers already come?
Academia (Literature and Language) 103 63 - 77 2018年1月
Dorm life for exchange students: Language desert or language oasis?
Bulletin of the Center for Japanese Studies 1 1 - 20 2018年1月
Defining active learning: From the perspective of Japanese high school teachers of English
朝日大学一般教育紀要 42 65 - 79 2017年12月
Supporting Japanese students’ fieldwork in Thailand: Perspectives of local student volunteers
Academia (Social Sciences) 13 73 - 85 2017年6月
Exchange students creating target language social networks in international dormitories during short-term study abroad sojourns
国際教育センター 17 1 - 26 2017年3月
Using individual and interactive activities to initially scaffold extensive reading at a Japanese university
AGON (Revista Internationzale di Studi Culturali, Linguistici e Letterari 3 (7) 128 - 159 2016年3月
Book Review, Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy
JALT Journal 36(2) 226 - 229 2014年11月
Ten Principles to Guide Researching Your Own Classroom
2013 Pan-SIG Proceedings 19 - 27 2013年9月
Scaffolding Students' Initial Self-Access Language Centre Experiences
Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal 3 ( 3 ) 237 - 253 2012年9月
Teachers' Impact on Students' Extensive Reading Behavior
Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings 1 105 - 108 2012年2月
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction 3 - 24 2009年7月
Outside Class Extensive Listening: Spring Semester Student Reflections
Academia 83 255 - 271 2008年1月
Outside Class Extensive Listening: Spring Semester Student Reflections
Academia 83 255 - 271 2008年1月
Teacher-directed peer observations: "looking with" not "looking at"
Learning Learning 14 31 - 39 2007年10月
Peer Teaching for a Change: It's in Your Hands
More Autonomy You Ask 97 - 110 2006年10月
Making the First Connection: English Language Learning in the Faculty of Policy Studies
Academia 78 69 - 77 2005年6月
Hey, listen to this! Extensive Listening in the Nanzan English Program At Seto
Academia 77 303 - 313 2005年1月
Thais that Bind: Becoming a Teacher Educator Through International Volunteering
Extending Professional Contributions 87 - 95 2003年7月
Magical Journeys: Folktales in the Classroom
The Language Teacher 26(2) 32 - 3 2002年2月
Special Issue : Using the Narrative Mind
The Language Teacher 26(2) 2002年2月
A Few Resources to Keep in Mind
The Language Teacher 26(2) 24 - 6 2002年2月
Epistemological roots of a learner-centred approach
Academia 71 1 - 19 2002年1月
A Model of Resistance Factors to Implementing a Learner-Centred Approach
Journal of School of Foreign Languages 22 161 - 92 2001年8月
Defining a Learner-Centred Approach
『Academia』 Literature and Language 70 31 - 53 2001年6月
Accuracy, Fluency and Complexity in Oral Communication Tasks
Treatises and Studies by the Faculty of Kinjo Gakuin University, Studies in English Language and Lit 40 43 - 70 1999年1月
Ongoing Assessment
Testing SIG Newsletter Fall 3 - 4 1999年1月
“Did You Hear About This〜” A Truly Communicative EFL Class
Journal of School of Foreign Languages 17 198 - 225 1998年2月
Notes towards a Cognitive Definition of Communicative Competence
The Journal of Sugiyama Women’s University, Literature Department 30 95 - 110 1998年1月
A Qualitative Analysis of the Michigan English Placement Test-Form C
The Journal of Aichi Gakuin University, Humanities and Sciences 46(2) 151 - 170 1998年1月
A Quantitative Analysis of the Michigan English Placement Test-Form C
Journal of Aichi Gakuin University, Humanities and Sciences 46(2) 133 - 147 1998年1月
Lower Secondary Education in Indonesia: World Bank Investment in Effective Schooling
Universalizing Basic Education in Indonesia: Bottom-Up Approaches in Educational Planning and Manage 1998年1月
Towards a Framework of Communicative Competence
The Journal of Aichi Gakuin University, Humanities and Sciences 46(1) 159 - 187 1998年1月
Dialog Performances: Effective Communication Strategies for non-English majors in Japanese universit
The Journal of Aichi Gakuin University, Humanities and Sciences 45(2) 33 - 49 1997年1月
Human Resources Development
An Intergrated Development Analysis on Yogyakarta Special District (DIY) in Indonesia: A Case Study 1996年1月
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction
( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
Palgrave Macmillan 2009年7月
Oral Communication 2
( 担当: 共著)
Screenplay 2003年3月
Writing Successful Qualitative Research Proposals
Vientiane, Laos 2011年
Research Design for Language Classroom Research
Vientiane, Laos 2011年
Qualitative Research in Education
Izmir, Turkey 2011年
Qualitative Research in Education: Crafting Purposeful Research Designs
Izmir, Turkey 2011年
Qualitative Research in Education: Data Creation Methods
Izmir, Turkey 2011年
The Craft of Writing Research Questions
Vientiane, Laos 2011年
The Art and Craft of Action Research
Nagoya 2011年
Ready for Action (Research)! Where do I start?
Nagoya 2011年
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics
Penang, Malaysia 2010年
Narrowing Your Focus: The Art of Research Design
Penang, Malaysia 2010年
Let's begin action research in your classroom!
Nagoya 2010年
Volunteering in Japan: Developing community leadership skills
Ljubjana, Slovenia 2010年
Qualitative Research: Crafting Purposeful Research Designs
Penang, Malaysia 2010年
Developing confidence and leadership skills through volunteering
New York 2010年
Teaching Fieldwork Research Methods for Japan: Lessons from the Field
Tenri 2010年
Passing on the Power: Emboldening New Teachers
Nagoya 2010年
Ready for Action (Research)! Where do I start?
Nagoya 2010年
Promoting Teacher Development through Peer Observation
Nagoya 2009年
Professional Peer Development: Teacher-directed classroom observations
Kobe 2007年
Peace begins from friendship: Short-term exchange students’ Japanese language social networks in Japan
ヴェネツィア2018日本語教育国際研究大会 2018年8月 ICJLE 2018
LGBTQIA Perspectives
Creating Connections 2018 2018年4月 Nagoya International School
International student dormitories: Target language oasis or desert?
Professional Development Series 2018年2月 School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Presentation proposal writing workshop
West Tokyo JALT Chapter Meeting 2018年1月 JALT
Exchange students creating Japanese language social networks in international dormitories during short-term study abroad in Japan
2017 Spring Workshop 2017年4月 Anthropology of Japan in Japan
The Ten Steps of Research Design
1月研究法研究会 2017年1月 LEARN
Using Mixed Methods Approaches to Explore Learners’ Extensive Reading Experiences
9th Annual Extensive Reading Seminar 2016年10月 JALT Extensive Reading SIG
Short-term Study Abroad Experiences of Japanese University Students in Malaysia
9月研究法研究会 2016年9月 LEARN
Focus Groups
夏集中研究法研究会 2016年7月 LEARN
Mixed Methods Research Approaches in English SLA Research
文学・語学系列第1回研究例会 2016年7月 南山学会
Interviewing strategies: Using simple fact questions
July monthly meeting 2016年7月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
July monthly statistics meeting 2016年7月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Factorial ANOVA
May monthly statistics meeting 2016年5月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
One-way ANOVA
April monthly statistics meeting 2016年4月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Creating an effective research design
January monthly meeting 2016年1月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Writing a powerful presentation proposal
January monthly meeting 2016年1月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
January monthly statistics meeting 2016年1月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Introduction to mixed methods research
July intensive meeting 2015年8月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Introduction to social science research principles and terminology
June monthly statistics meeting 2015年6月 Language Education And Research Network (LEARN)
Mixed methods research designs
Research Workshop 2014年8月 University of Newcastle, Department of Rural Health
Mixed methods research designs
LEARN Monthly Meeting 2014年7月 LEARN
Research design: Qualitative and quantitative designs
LEARN Monthly Meeting 2014年7月 LEARN
Research design in qualitative research
LEARN Monthly Meeting 2014年5月 LEARN
Creating classroom questionnaires
JALT Gifu Chapter 2014年1月 JALT
Exploring how to research ethically
JALT Shizuoka Chapter 2013年12月 JALT
Exploring ethical dimensions of doing research
JALT Learner Development SIG 20th Annual Conference 2013年11月 JALT Learner Development SIG
Seven steps to writing effective classroom questionnaires
JALT Kyoto Chapter 2013年11月 JALT
Recent trends in research in JALT publications
29th Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2013年10月 JALT
Ten rules for doing effective research
JALT PanSIG 2013 Conference 2013年5月 JALT
"Let's try it!" Making new ideas work better
Student Involvement in Self Access Centers 2013年2月 Japan Association of Self Access Learning
Research in action: Understanding your learners better
2013年1月 Kanda University of Foreign Studies
Qualitative Research: Getting Started
Qualitative Research Workshop 2012年12月 JALT College and University Educators SIG
Teacher Research: Making a Difference Tomorrow
JALT 2012 National Conference 2012年10月 JALT
The Craft of Action Research
Yokohama JALT Chapter meeting 2012年9月 Yokohama JALT
Becoming a more effective language teacher through observing your own classes
11th Seminar for English Education 2012年7月 JALT / Kansai University of International Studies
The Road to Great Research
2012年7月 Miyazaki International College
Using questionnaires and student reflections to better understand your classroom
Shizuoka JALT Chapter 2012年4月 Shizuoka JALT
Your action research project
Educational Action Research 2012年3月 Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences
Creating effective student reflections, portfolios, and tests
Educational Action Research 2012年3月 Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences
Putting it all together - getting a picture of your classroom
Educational Action Research 2012年3月 Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences
Writing effective classroom questionnaires
Educational Action Research 2012年3月 Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences
The Crafting of Research Questions
2012年3月 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
2012年1月 名古屋大学高等教育研究センター
Lost Wanderings: My classroom research journey
JALT 2011 National Conference 2011年11月 Japan Association for Language Teaching
Action research: a toolbox for professional growth
JALT 2011 National Conference 2011年11月 Japan Association for Language Teaching
LEARN: Supporting language education and action research in Japanese universities
Bringing a Different World into Existence: Action Research as a Trigger for Innovations 2011年11月 Collaborative Action Research Network
First Steps in Analyzing Textual Data
2011年10月 大阪教育大学
Getting inside your students' minds using think-aloud protocols (TAPs)
JALT Gifu chapter monthly workshop 2011年9月 Japan Association for Language Teaching
Your Research Journey
2011年9月 Miyazaki International College
Teachers' Impact on Students' Extensive Reading Behavior
Extensive Reading World Congress 2011年9月 Japan Association for Language Teaching
Using think-aloud protocols to access cognitive processes
Connecting Neuroscience with EFL in Japan (FAB1) 2011年7月 Japan Association for Language Teaching
Data Collection in Action Research
2011年6月 Sharp-Do (Shizuoka Action Research and Professional Development Organization)
Ready for action (research)! Where do I start?
ETJ-Aichi Workshops 2011年5月 English Teachers in Japan - Aichi
The Art and Craft of Action Research
英語教育ワークショップ 2011年5月 名古屋外国語大学
Active Learning in the Classroom
Nagoya 2001年10月 Nagoya City Government Annual Lecture
Using Folktales in the Classroom
Nagoya 2001年 Nagoya JALT Chapter
Magical Journeys: AsianFolktales in the Classroom
Kitakyushu 2001年 JALTNationalConference
“I can do that” Storytelling in the Classroom
Shiga-ken 2001年 Japan Center of theMichigan Universities
comparative sociology
Focusing upon the life course, gender and diversity, comparing Japan with other countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America
anthropology of Japan
As I teach fieldwork research methods and Japanese contemporary culture classes, I am interested in how anthropological research is conducted in Japan.
I also take Japanese students to do fieldwork in Malaysia and Thailand, in policy studies.
qualitative research methods
I am particularly interested in understanding how different qualitative research data creation methods, such as observations, think-alouds, interviews and focus groups, and journals and diaries, are used in research. I'm also interested in using stimuli in interviews to create richer, stronger data.
mixed methods research
Understanding how qualitative and quantitative research methods can be used together, in research about sociology, anthropology, and applied linguistics.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金
How students should do out-of-class extensive listening and reading in the English language program
Nanzan University 南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A-2
Research subsidy
Using the Narrative Mind
Nanzan University 南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A
Research subsidy
Teacher trainer, CANHELP THAILAND(1998〜1999)
Seminar Director, Thailand Mukdahan Province Teacher Training program(2000)
Nagoya City Primary School Twilight School Nanzan University volunteer program organizer (2009 to 2015)