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年度 Year |
著書名 Title of the books |
著書形態 Form of Book |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
出版機関名 Publishing organization,判型 Book Size,頁数 No. of pp.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2009 | Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction | 共編著 | |
Palgrave Macmillan , A5 , 231 , 2009/07 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) A practical introduction to using qualitative research in applied linguistics research. |
2003 | Oral Communication 2 | 共著 | |
Screenplay , B5 , 144 , 2003/03 | |||
概要(Abstract) Oral communication textbook based on using movies in the classroom to motivate and instruct students |
備考(Remarks) Officially approved Mombukagakusho textbook for second-year high school oral communication classes |
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