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Title or Name of Session
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.
2023  Normative Convergence and Practical Divergence in Democracy Promotion: Japan's and South Korea's Responses to the February Coup in Myanmar  共同  2023/09/05-09 
16th European International Studies Association Pan-European Conference on International Relations  , European International Studies Association   

概要(Abstract) The decline of democracy over the world is remarkable. Asia, in which many countries succeeded in democratization around 1990, is not an exception to the phenomena. Demonstrations opposing authoritarian rule and corruption occurred recently in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and South Korea. Myanmar, where the transition from the military regime to democratic government began in 2011, has experienced limited political and economic reforms and the violation of ethnic minorities’ human rights. On 1 February 2021, the military launched a coup and has continued its oppression of Myanmar's people and the democratization movement. The international community immediately criticized the coup and imposed economic sanctions on the military junta. This study compares Japan's and South Korea's assistance to Myanmar's democratization and responses to the military coup in 2021. Democracy promotion evolved into an international norm in the 1990s and has been one component of the international development regime led by the Western developed countries. Since the 2000s, however, the rise of democratic emerging aid donors has been remarkable. It is unclear, however, whether they provide an alternative to promoting democracy led by Western nations and encourage the reconceptualization of this idea in the world of declining democracies. By comparing governmental and civil society’s responses to and support for democratization and the coup in Myanmar, this study not only presents the promotion of democracy by Japan and South Korea, but also provides valuable insights to deepen our understanding of the possibilities and limits of the Asian countries in democracy promotion led by the western countries. 

備考(Remarks) Co-authored and presented with Hyo-sook Kim. 

2023  Covid-19に対するアメリカフードバンクの対応  単独  2023/07/17 
講演会  , アメリカ研究センター   



2022  “Japan’s and South Korea’s Democracy Promotion: Asian responses to the February coup in Myanmar.”  共同  2022/06/07-09 
Asian Conference of Asian Studies  , Asian Conference of Asian Studies   



2021  Japanese and Korean Responses to the 2021 Coup  共同  2022/02/06 
Spring Flowers International Conference on Myanmar  , Burmese American Community Institute   


備考(Remarks) With H. Kim. Online 

2021  The Promotion of Democracy and Japan’s and South Korea’s Official Development Assistance; Possibilities and Limitations in the Asian Mode of Foreign Aid  共同  2021/08/26 
International Conference of Asian Scholars 12th meeting  , International Conference of Asian Scholars   


備考(Remarks) With H. Kim. online 

2021  Japan's Election Assistance in the Context of Asian and African Democracy  単独  2021/07/08 
Africa: Crossroad (Scramble) of (Re)Emerging Forces Webinar 6  , Ritsumeikan University Institute of International Relations and Area Studies   

概要(Abstract) “Japan’s Electoral Assistance in the Context of Asian and African Democracy.” Presentation at the Africa: Crossroad (Scramble) of (Re)Emerging Forces Webinar 6, hosted by the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University 

備考(Remarks) online 

2019  Organized Religion and Civil Society in Japan  単独  2019/08/14 
Invited presentation, Ateneo de Manila University  , Development Studies and Japanese Studies programs, Ateneo de Manila University   



2019  日韓の国際選挙援助支援:アジア型援助モデルに関する議論の観点から  共同  2019/06/08-09 
アジア政経学会春大会  , アジア政経学会   


備考(Remarks) 金孝淑氏と共同発表 

2018  Strategy, Security, and Japan’s Foreign Aid to Southeast Asia  単独  2018/12/06-07 
Third Thammasat Annual Academic and Post Graduate Conference on Asia Pacific Studies  , Thammasat University   



2018  From Eastern Seaboard to CALABARZON: A Cautionary Tale about Japan’s Foreign Aid and Development Approach  単独  2018/09/13 
Academic Diplomacy Project Symposium  , Academic Diplomacy Project   



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