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掲載誌名 Journal name,出版機関名 Publishing organization,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.,発行年月(日) Date
2022  Vocational Education and Employment Outcomes in Australia and Japan  共著   
南山経済研究  , 南山大学経済学会  , 37巻2号  , 69-100  , 2022年10月   



2020  The employment outcomes of vocational education and training in Australia and Japan  共著   
Keio Business Review  , The Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University  , 54/3  , pp.39-59  , 2021/4/30   

概要(Abstract) This study compares the effects of vocational education and training (VET) on employment, employment status, and wages in Japan and Australia, by applying a difference-in-differences analysis to the data obtained from the Keio Household Panel Survey (KHPS) in Japan and the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. Vocational education effects were observed mainly for men in the KHPS and women in the HILDA Survey. For the HILDA respondents, the VET effects on employment and wages were more significant for those with a low academic background, while for the KHPS respondents, the reverse applied. 


2017  Labour market transitions in Australia: a panel data analysis  共著   
Australian Journal of Labour Economics  , Centre for Labour Market Research, Curtin University  , Vol.20, no.3  , 175-196  , 2018/07   

概要(Abstract) We compare labour market transitions between Australia and Japan using longitudinal data, applying dynamic multinomial models controlling for initial values, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogeneity of the dependent variables.
For Australia, casual or fixed-term employment in period t-1 significantly raises the probability of permanent or ongoing employment in period t for both men and women. For Japan, fixed-term employment in period t-1 does not have any significant effect on the probability of permanent or ongoing employment in period t for either sexes. While for Australian women, permanent or ongoing employment in the current period significantly lowers the probability of casual or fixed-term employment in the subsequent period, for Japanese women, there is a corresponding increase in probability. The theoretical probability of labour market transitions from fixed-term employment to permanent employment is the lowest for Japanese women among the four country-gender groups.

備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

2016  The effects of business cycles on employment: a panel data analysis for Australia and Japan  単著   
南山経済研究  , 南山大学経済学会  , 第31巻第2号  , pp.43-65  , 2016/10   



2015  女性のライフサイクルと就業に関する覚書  単著   
南山経済研究  , 南山大学経済学会  , 第30巻第2号  , 105-115  , 2015/10   



2014  Female Labour Supply in Australia and Japan:the Effects of Education and Qualifications  単著   
Australian Journal of Labour Economics  , Centre for Labour Market Research, Curtin University  , Vol.17, No.3  , 233-255  , 2015/03   

概要(Abstract) オーストラリアのパネルデータである、HILDA(The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) Survey と日本の

備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

2013  Female Labour Supply in Australia and Japan: An Analysis Based on Longitudinal Data  単著   
オーストラリア研究  , オーストラリア学会  , 27号  , 29-44  , 2014/03   


備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

2013  Cohort Effects, Spousal Incomes and Female Labour Force Participation in Japan: A Panel Data Analysis  単著   
Australian Journal of Labour Economics  , Center for Labour Market Research, Curtin University, Australia  , Volume 16, No.2  , 17  , 2013/06   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, I estimate labour supply functions for married women in Japan. In particular, I attempt to capture the differences between three cohorts of women regarding their choice of employment status: full-time employment or part-time employment. I also consider whether there are any cohort-related differences in the choice of working or non-working status. For this purpose, Waves 1-15 (1993-2007) of the Japanese Panel Survey on Consumers (JPSC) are used. The estimation reveals that younger cohorts have higher log odds ratios of full-time employment to not working and of part-time employment to not working. The estimation also reveals that younger cohorts exhibit significantly higher log odds ratios of working to not working compared with older cohorts. For both estimations, the negative effect of having children aged three to five years on both full-time and part-time employment is weaker among the younger cohorts. On the other hand, the negative effect of having children less than two years of age on full-time and part-time employment is common to both older and younger cohorts.

備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

2012  Cohort Effects in Female Labour Force Participation  単著   
經濟学論集   , 中央大学経済学研究会  , 第53巻第5・6合併号  , pp.47-63  , 2013/03   

概要(Abstract) 家計経済研究所「消費生活に関するパネル調査」の1993-2007年のデータを用いて女性の就業・非就業に関する計量分析を行った。とくに、女性の労働供給関数がコホート(生まれた年)によって異なるかどうかに焦点を合わせた。分析の結果は以下のようである。

備考(Remarks) 寄稿論文 

2012  Changes in the labour supply of Japanese women between 1993 and 2008: a panel data analysis  単著   
Asia Pacific Economic Papers  , Austraila-Japan Research Centre, Ausatralian National University  , No.396  , 1-39  , 2012/07   

概要(Abstract) In Japan a negative relationship between the labour force partcipaton rate of married women and spouse income has been observed. It has also been remarked that the labour force participation rate of married women has almost no correlation with their level of educational attainment. This paper examines whether there has been any changes in recent cohorts. Two kinds of panel data released in Japan (the JPSC and KHPS) are used for the analyses; one with two and the other, four observed labour market outcomes as dependent variables. The results suggest that the cohort differentials in both the probability of working and attaining full‐time employment are weak.
The effect of spouse income on female labour force participation is significantly negative, while that of higher education on working and full‐time employment is not robust. The results also indicate both younger university graduates and their older counterparts have approximately the same probability of gaining full-time
employment, suggesting more needs to be done to ensure higher education is beneficial for Japanese women in terms of employment outcome. 

備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

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