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Title or Name of Session
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.
2023  Making the most out of intercultural diversity in the workplace for research and PhD training  単独  2023/06/01 
IFCU RESEARCH TALKS  , International Federation of Catholic Universities   



2021  Intercultural Strategies in High-Performance Environments: Observations from the Rugby World Cup 2019  単独  2021/06/03 
The 11th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2021)  , The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)    

概要(Abstract) Heralded as the most commercially successful and socially-engaged world cup to date, the Rugby World Cup 2019 was hosted across 12 cities in Japan from September to November in 2019. A total of twenty national teams participated in the tournament over a 44-day period and delivered the most competitive and best attended tournament in the world cup’s history. In order to succeed in the tournament, naturally each of the competing teams were immersed in a high-performance cultural environment. In this presentation, I will specifically discuss the intercultural strategies (intercultural sensitivity, adaptation and efficacy) witnessed and investigated during the world cup using a qualitative survey and non-participant observation approach in my role as a researcher and as a Team Liaison Officer for one of the competing national teams. Finally, I will address the research findings in terms of future implications for high-performance culture building contexts. 

備考(Remarks) Keynote Presentation 

2020  Assessing High-Performance Cultural Intelligence: A Study of International Rugby Teams in the Rugby World Cup 2019   単独  2020/12/15 
University of Canterbury Faculty Workshop Series  , College of Education, Health and Human Development.   



2020  Intercultural skills in high-peformance enivornments: An analysis of international teams in the Rugby World Cup 2019  単独  2020/03/10 
University of Canterbury Faculty Workshop Series   , College of Education, Health and Human Development.   



2018  Easier said than done!: Supporting English teachers in Japan through teacher-training workshops   共同  2019/01/05  
2019 Hawaii International Conference on Education   , HICE   



2018  "We have to motivate ourselves to motivate others": Creating a motivation workshop for teachers in Japan   共同  2018/12/07  
CLaSIC   , National University of Singapore   



2017  Working With Teachers For Teachers  未設定  2017/06/06 
2017 International Conference on Education Stockholm  , CLUTE INSTITUTE   



2016  Investigating the Inclusion of Intercultural Competence In English Teacher Training In Japan  共同  2017/03/14 
IJAS International Conference for Education Las Vegas  , International Journal of Arts & Sciences   



2016  Exploring the Potential of Massive Open Online Courses: Students’ Experiences  共同  2017/03 
TESOL International Convention 2017  , TESOL   

概要(Abstract) This paper examines students' experiences of using Massive Open Online Courses for the first time. Two groups of students (n=22) at a Japanese university explored courses provided by different online platforms. After an overview of the project's design, the students' experiences of navigating the courses are explained in detail.  


2016  Meeting the needs of English teachers in Japan through intensive teacher-training workshops  共同  2017/01/05  
15th International Education Conference  , HICE   

概要(Abstract) This paper examines the issue of providing support for English teachers in Japan. The presenters explicate how they are crafting a series of intensive teacher-training workshops which are designed to help improve in-service teacher training. In-depth interviews were conducted with in-service English teachers at junior high schools and senior high schools in Japan to ascertain their specific needs. The presenters outline their plans to provide pedagogical support for Japanese teachers of English in three ways; Creating practical lectures and workshops which will address the teachers' pedagogical needs; Making an online teacher support center (TSC) which will house teaching videos, audio files, word files, and other support material for teachers to freely access whenever and wherever they like; Publishing practical handbooks based on the lectures and workshops.


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