長期研究:Disability Studies
長期研究:Media reporting of Religion and Spirituality in Japan
短期研究:Australian Media Reporting of Aboriginal Spirituality
2024/12/06 更新
PhD ( 2003年5月 Australian National University Graduate Program of East Asian Studies Religion, Media, Asian Studies )
Bachelor of Asian Studies (Japanese) - Honours ( 1996年9月 Australian National University Faculty of Asian Studies )
Anthropology, media studies, religious studies, disability studies
人文・社会 / 文化人類学、民俗学 / Media studies, Disability studies
Australian National University, PhD
- 2003年5月
Association of Asian Studies, Australian Association of Asian Studies, Institute of Oriental Philosophy.
Association of Asian Studies, Australian Association of Asian Studies, Institute of Oriental Philosophy.
Looking in the Mirror Reflections on Living with Autism
ウェッブエッセイ 2018年8月
Saying Sorry: Issues Surrounding Australia’s Stolen Generations
Academia 89 309 - 318 2009年6月
Editors' Introduction: Projections and Representations of Religion in Japanese Media
Nova Religio 10 ( 3 ) 8 2007年10月
Representing Ancestor Worship as "Non-Religious": Hosoki Kazuko's Divination in the Post-Aum Era
Nova Religio 10 ( 3 ) 21 2007年10月
Editors' Introduction: Essays from the XIXth World Congress of the IAHR
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 32 ( 2 ) 4 2005年11月
Pana Wave: The New Aum Shinrikyō or Another Moral Panic?
Nova Religio 8 ( 3 ) 20 2005年10月
Sheets, Seals, and Sensation: Pana Wave and the Media
Asian Studies Review 29 ( 1 ) 35 2005年6月
Religion through the Eyes of Ōya Sōichi: "Emperor" of the Mass Media
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture 29 13 2005年6月
Mixed Blessings: Reactions of Two Japanese NRMs to Postwar Media Portrayals
Nova Religio 9 ( 2 ) 22 2005年4月
SCAP's Scapegoat? The Authorities, New Religions, and a Postwar Taboo
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 31 ( 1 ) 35 2004年7月
Opportunity and Challenge for Asian Scholars in English-Language Academic Publishing: The Case of Asian Ethnology 招待 国際共著
Benjamin Dorman, Harmony DenRonden
第24号 8 - 10 2024年7月
Book Reviews in Asian Ethnology: History and Development 招待
Benjamin Dorman, Paul Capobianco
第24号 11 - 13 2024年7月
The Abe Assassination, the Unification Church, and the Media: A Brief Overview
Japanese Religions Vol. 45 (1&2) 103 - 116 2023年8月
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 82-1 1 - 2 2023年7月
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 81 1&2 1 - 2 2022年6月
人類学研究所通信 23号 16 - 17 2022年
Introduction to じんるいけんブックレット ("Feedback: How the Hearing Aid Molded A Regime of Rhythm in the Postwar Period")
人類研ブックレット 8 31 - 32 2021年
Editor's Note
Asian Ethnology 80-1 1 - 5 2021年
じんるいけんブックレット Feedback: How the Hearing Aid Molded A Regime of Rhythm in the Postwar Period
じんるいけんブックレット Vol. 8 1 - 64 2021年
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 79 ( 2 ) 215 - 216 2020年12月
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 79-1 1 - 2 2020年6月
Reflections on Australian Connections
"Nothing Matters But Love: In Memory of Michael T. Seigel" (book) 328 - 329 2020年
Autism, Community Building, and Volunteering: A Personal Journey
人類学研究所 研究論集第7号 定着/非定着の人類学――「ホーム」とは何か 154 - 163 2019年3月
Editors' Introduction
Asian Ethnology 78 ( 1 ) 1 2019年
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 77 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 2 2018年12月
Looking in the Mirror Reflections on Living with Autism
ウェッブエッセイ 2018年8月
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 76-2 211 - 212 2017年
Review: Tim Graf and Jakob Montrasio, editors and directors, "Buddhism after the Tsunami: The Souls of Zen 3/11 Japan" Special (Classroom Edition)
Asian Ethnology 76-1 149 - 151 2017年
World Religion and Spiritualities Project 2017年
Spiritual Tourists” and Local Healers at a Hawai‘ian Power Spot
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 40 90 - 103 2016年6月
Film review of: Megumi Nishikura and Lara Perez Takagi, "Hafu: The Mixed Race Experience in Japan"
Asian Ethnology Vol 75 ( 2 ) 469 - 471 2016年
Editors’ Note
Asian Ethnology 75 ( 2 ) 277 - 278 2016年
Editors’ Note
Asian Ethnology 74 ( 1 ) 1 - 3 2015年
Editor's Note
Asian Ethnology Vol 73, 1-2 1 - 2 2014年11月
Editors' Introduction
Asian Ethnology 72 ( 1 ) 1 - 2 2013年7月
Editors' Introduction
Asian Ethnology 71 ( 1 ) 2 2013年7月
Scholarly Reactions to the Aum and Waco Incidents
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 39 ( 1 ) 153 - 177 2012年6月
Asian Ethnology Update
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 35 48 - 51 2011年7月
Asian Ethnologyに関する報告
南山宗教文化研究所所報 21 36 - 38 2011年6月
Seeing Stars: Celebrities and Spiritual Secrets in Occupied Japan
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 34 86 - 96 2010年6月
Book review "Nancy K. Stalker, Prophet Motive: Deguchi Onisaburō, Oomoto, and the Rise of New Religions in Imperial Japan"
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 35-2 4 2008年12月
Update on Asian Ethnology (formerly Asian Folklore Studies)
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture 32 4 2008年6月
Editors’ Introduction
Asian Ethnology 67 ( 1 ) 3 2008年6月
Asian Ethnologyについての報告
南山宗教文化研究所 研究所報 18 3 2008年5月
Asian Journeys (e-book)
( 担当: 編集)
Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University 2023年
"Editor's Introduction." In Asian Journeys
( 担当: 編集)
Anthroplogical Institute, Nanzan University 2023年
Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions
( 担当: 共著)
Brill 2012年10月
Celebrity Gods: New Religions, Media, and Authority in Occupied Japan
( 担当: 単著)
University of Hawai‘i Press 2012年2月
( 担当: 共著)
行路社 2011年11月
Japanese Religions on the Internet: Innovation, Representation and Authority (Erica Baffelli, Ian Reader and Birgit Staemmler, eds.)
( 担当: 共著)
Routledge 2011年1月
The Source and Development of Japan's Philosophies of Non-Violence (by Shinichi Yamamuro)
( 担当: 共訳)
The Institute of Oriental Philosophy The Journal of Oriental Studies 2010年9月
Religious Issues in Japan 2009: Religion and Society in Contemporary Japan
( 担当: 共訳)
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 2010年
Religious Issues in Japan 2008: Religion as a "Social Problem"
( 担当: 共著)
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 2009年
Ancient Japan and Religion
( 担当: 単訳)
University of Hawai‘i Press In "Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions," ed. Paul L. Swanson and Clark Chilson 2006年
Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya, 日本の社会参加仏教──法音寺と立正佼成会の社会活動と社会倫理
( 担当: 単訳)
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2006年
ジェンダーと宗教間対話, アーシュラ・キング
( 担当: 共訳)
南山宗教文化研究所 研究所 所報 2004年
In Memoriam: Bryan Ronald Wilson (1926–2004)
( 担当: 単訳)
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2004年
Nichiren's View of Women
( 担当: 単訳)
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2003年
Christianity and Buddhism
( 担当: 単訳)
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 1998年
じんるいけんBooklet 2021 Vol.8『フィードバック:戦後における補聴器が成したリズム感形成(モンデリ・フランク)』(人類学研究所公開講演会「デジタル時代における障がいと日本」シリーズ講演録)
じんるいけんBooklet 8 58 2021年
Editors' Note
Asian Ethnology 80 ( 1 ) 1 - 5 2021年
Starstruck: Celebrity and New Religions in Postwar Japan
7th International Conference on Media, Religion and Culture 2010年
Accurate reporting goes missing in Japan
ABC—The Drum, Unleashed 2010年
Reshaping an Established Journal: From "Asian Folklore Studies" to "Asian Ethnology"
Sophia University 2010年
Steps Toward Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Australian National University 2010年
“Seeing Stars: Celebrities and Spiritual Secrets in Occupied Japan”
Chicago, USA 2009年3月
Double Blind: Thoughts on the Editorial Process of Two Nanzan-based Journals
Sogang University, Seoul 2009年
Caught in the Net: Celebrity Representation, Media, and Japanese Religion from Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Tuebingen University, Germany 2009年
Celebrities and Secrets
Nanzan University 2008年10月
"A Foot in the Door: Publishing in a Peer-Reviewed Journal"
Australian National University, School of Music 2008年
記念国際シンポジウム??ひらかれる学術資産・学術メディアセンターの展望 (コメンテーター)
國學院大學 2007年
Projections and Representations of Religion in Japanese Media
Nova Religio 10 ( 3 ) 144 2007年
Print Media and New Religions: Historical Perspectives
Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 2007年
東洋哲学研究 45 ( 1 ) 1 2006年
Religious Politics, Japanese Style
Religion in the News 9 ( 1 ) 2 2006年
Tokyo's Dr. Phil
Religion in the News 8 ( 3 ) 2 2006年
Stars and Strategies: Hosoki Kazuko and the Transformation of Fortune-Telling
American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Philadephia, USA 2005年
創価大学、東洋哲学研究所 2005年
Media Ijime and New Religious Movements: Violence or Virtue?
XIX World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Tokyo 2005年
Essays from the XIXth World Congress of the IAHR
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 32 ( 2 ) 348 2005年
Peace or Pressure? Religious Reporting During the Occupation of Japan
XIX World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Tokyo 2005年
Millenialism, Media, and Moral Panic after Aum Shinrikyo
Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference, Canberra, Australia 2004年
The Latest Japanese Cult Panic
Religion in the News 6 ( 2 ) 2 2003年
Media Report: Japan's Battle of the Weekly Magazines
The Virginia Review 5 1 2003年
Strategies or Stumblings? Two Japanese New Religious Movements and the Press during the Allied Occupation
American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, USA 2003年
Aum Alone
Religion in the News 4 ( 1 ) 3 2001年
New Religions in the 'Rush Hour'
Japanese Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference, Queensland Australia 2000年
Policing the Cults in Post-war Japan: New Religions in a New Age
Australian National University 2000年
Dancing Gods and Sumo Champions
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies 1999年
「人類学・考古学の「大きな理論」と「現場の理論」」(2019~2021年度)、第3回研究会 2021年 南山大学人類学研究所
Community Building in Japan: Social Networks, Volunteering, and Education about Autism
Association of Asian Studies 2019年3月 Ben Dorman
オートエスノグラフィーと自閉症療育 コミュニティの構築とボランティア募集活動
[共同研究]定着/非定着の人類学―「ホーム」とは何か 2019年1月 藤川 美代子 (南山大学)
Community Building in Japan: Social Networks, Volunteering, and Disability
Anthropologists of Japan in Japan 2018年12月
Asian Ethnology: 日本と韓国に関する論文
2018年度第2回公開シンポジウム 「日本と韓国の人類学ネットワーク」 2018年11月 南山大学人類学研究所
Autism, Community, and Crowdfunding
Workshop: Disability and Japanese Society 2018年5月 Ben Dorman
Crowdfunding and Volunteer Management
Creating Connections 2018 2018年4月
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Living with Autism: A Parent’s Perspective
Anthropologists of Japan in Japan 2017年12月 Anthropologists of Japan in Japan
“How Scholars Represented Religious Terrorism: Aum and Waco.”
“Aftermath: Religion in the Wake of the 1995 Aum Affair," German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo 2011年8月 Ian Reader
“Scholarly Reactions to the Aum and Waco Incidents.”
European Association of Japanese Studies, Tallinn, Estonia 2011年8月 Ian Reader
“Of Gods and Bureaucrats: New Religions and the Authorities during the Occupation.”
Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii 2011年3月 Benjamin Dorman
Japanese Studies Association of Australia Biennial Conference Postgraduate Scholarship
1999年12月 Japanese Studies Association of Australia Travel/Accommodation to Attend Conference
20th Century Japan Research Award
1999年10月 University of Maryland Center for Historical Studies Research at University of Maryland Prange Collection Archives
PhD Graduate School Scholarship
1999年4月 Australian National University Research scholarship
Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Annual Scholarship
1998年12月 Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Research award
Monbusho Research Student Scholarship
1997年4月 Japanese Ministry of Education Two-year Research in Japan
Presentation at Association of Asian Studies Conference (Chicago USA)
Nanzan University 南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B
Travel support for research
Media Representations of Australian Aboriginal Spirituality and Culture
Nanzan University 南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A-2
Research Assistance
Australian Media Reporting of Aboriginal Spirituality
This research, which is in its nascent stages, poses two major questions: (1) How has the Australian media reported Aboriginal spirituality and culture historically? (2) How has the reporting changed over time?
Media reporting of Religion and Spirituality in Japan
My primary area of research is the Allied Occupation period of Japan and how newspaper and magazines reported new religious movements during that time. I also have an interest in contemporary media reporting, and have published articles on groups such as Aum Shinrikyo and Pana Wave, and individuals such as the multi-media personality and fortune teller Hosoki Kazuko.
I am working on autoethnography related to experiences raising a child with ASD in Japan and the United States. These experiences encompass medical, cultural, and social perceptions of ASD.
Disability Studies
I am examining the social perceptions of children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) in Japan and other countries, such as the United States.
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Steven Fedorowicz
Webinar/Disability and Japan in the Digital Age Series How the Hearing Aid Molded a Regime of Rhythm in the Postwar Period
Webinar/Feed back/How the Hearing Aid Molded a Regime of Rhythm in the Postwar Period
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Mark Bookman
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Frank Mondelli
Webinar/Asian Ethnology Series 2/Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia
Webinar/Asian Ethnology Series/Why Does Bhujangabhushan Sing?/Asian Ethnology Series Inaugural Event/Frank Korom
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Yoshiko Okuyama
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Andreas Riessland
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Gopalan Ravindran
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with David Faure and Xi He
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Mark Bookman
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Jin Feng
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Thomas David DuBois
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Roald Maliangkay
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Peter Knecht
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with McComas Taylor
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Tom Bauerle
Webinar/Book talk/Urban Migrants in Rural Japan Between Agency and Anomie in a Post-growth Society/Asian Ethnology Series No. 3/Susanne Klien
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Robert Campbell
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Peter Knecht
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Frank Proschan
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Guha Shankar
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Ian Reader
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Erica Baffelli
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Ian Reader and Erica Baffelli
Asian Ethnology International Editorial Board Meeting
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Patrick McCartney
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Patrick McCartney
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Professor Joy Hendry
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Professor Clark Chilson
Welcome to Asian Ethnology Podcast
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Professor Keller Kimbrough
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Professor Peter Knecht
Asian Ethnology Podcast Interview with Professor Scott Schnell
Academic Service
Academic Service
Editorial board member
Webinar/1st Public Lecture of the Anthropological Institute 2020 "Disaster, Disability, and Design in Japan: Reflections on Accessibility from 3/11 to COVID-19"/Mark Bookman
2014年4月 - 2015年3月