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メレ ウィニバルドス ステファヌス
MERE,Winibaldus Stefanus
MERE, Winibaldus Stefanus
法学部 法律学科 教授
International (Human Rights) Law - (Business/Economics and Human Rights, Criminal Law, Environmental Law)
Human Rights, Law and Religion,
Catholic Socio-Theological Teaching (Theology & Human Rights, Theology & Business/Economics)


  • PhD in Law (Human Rights and Business) ( 2017年11月   SOAS, University of London, UK )



    学位論文名:Making Multinational Enterprises Accountable: Enhancing Human Rights Due Diligence Obligation in Dealing with Corporate Complicity

  • LLM in International Law with International Relations ( 2011年7月   University of Kent, Canterbury, UK )



    学位論文名:Foreign Debt, IFI’s Conditionality and the Right to Socio-Economic Self-determination in Indonesia: A Legal Assessment

  • MA in International Law ( 2010年7月   SOAS, University of Lodon, UK )



    学位論文名:Fostering ‘Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights’ through Due Diligence Measures to Prevent Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuse


  • 人文・社会 / 公法学  / 人権、法律、企業、


  • 2019 ~ present: Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises (多国籍企業学

  • 2023 ~ present: Asian Society of International Law

  • 2021 ~ present: European Society of International Law

  • 2020 ~ present: Association for Asian Studies

  • 2020 ~ present: Jurnal Ledalero Editorial Board

  • 2019 ~ present: Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights Editor Board

  • 会)



  • 2019 ~ present: Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises (多国籍企業学  

  • 2023 ~ present: Asian Society of International Law  

  • 2021 ~ present: European Society of International Law  

  • 2020 ~ present: Association for Asian Studies  

  • 2020 ~ present: Jurnal Ledalero Editorial Board  

  • 2019 ~ present: Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights Editor Board  

  • 会)  



  • Suicide trends in Denmark—An ecological study exploring suicide methods from 1995 to 2019

    Plos One   18 ( 12 )   1 - 13   2023年12月



    This study investigates the trends in suicide rates in Denmark from 1995 to 2019 by analysing changes based on sex, age, and the means used for suicide. It found that hanging, self-poisoning and firearms remain the most prevalent means of suicide. Suicide prevention initiatives are required, especially interventions targeting males and the elderly. Restricting access to the means of suicide for these groups with high fatality rates may help reduce the overall suicide rate.

  • A Communion of Love for preventing Suicide and Protecting Right to Life

    The Japan Mission Journal   77 ( 4 )   246 - 252   2023年12月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religious Research  

    Efforts to prevent suicide and protect right life require a communion of love as a basic societal condition where every member of a society can recognize the value of his or her own life and regain acceptance after undergoing failures and hardships in life.

  • 『COVID-19に関する不安度の開発と信頼性および妥当性の検討』

    アカデミア   第25号   165 - 177 (13p)   2023年6月



  • "Preferential Option for the Poor: Human Rights and the Ecclesiastical Approach to Sustainable Development Goal 1"

    Verbum SVD   64 ( 2 )   177 - 198 (21p.)   2023年


    出版者・発行元:Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Institut  

    This article examines the relevance of the Catholic Church’s principle “preferential option for the poor” and global principle of human rights for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)1 on ending poverty as the first goal among the 17 SDGs of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  • Disruptions and Corporate Human Rights Responsibility: A Flashback to Covid-19 Pandemic

    Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights   Vol. 6. ( No. 2. )   277 - 298   2022年12月


    出版者・発行元:University of Jember & Indonesian Consortium for Human Rights Lecturers  

    This article aims to examine the question of how and to what extent business entities can balance the necessities of making business profits and performing social responsibilities in spite of various disruptions encountered in a pandemic. How and to what extent should their social and human rights responsibilities be managed during the COVID-19 pandemic or a similar crisis? This article argues that efforts to ensure effective performance for a balanced approach between commercial responsibilities and human rights responsibilities require a corporate organizational culture that takes human rights risks as seriously as commercial risks. In practice this organizational attitude should be manifested through a clear indicator of its commitment to both “know” and “show” human rights responsibilities by way of embedding human rights policy and due diligence procedures into corporate culture.

  • The Discoursive Perspective Of Liberalism Versus Multiculturalism

    International Journal of Indonesian Philosophy and Theology   Vol. 3. ( No. 2 )   71 - 84   2022年


    出版者・発行元:AFTI & AAFKI  

    This paper aims to show the limitations of the liberal viewpoint vis-à-vis overcoming the conflict between freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia. The multi-ethnic and multi-religious condition, a unique feature of Indonesian society, demonstrates that the conventional liberal framework of the concept of freedom of religion and belief is insufficient.

  • 「公益」から「共通善」へ ー インドネシアにおける合法化・体系化された立退き・移動とSDGs

    「社会と倫理」   第36号   53 - 66   2021年11月



    本稿は、インドネシアにパーム油農産業の開発における合法化され体系化された土地収奪による立退きと強制移動の可能性を検討し、分析する。国の発展と経済成長の観点から、公共のためにより大きな利益をもたらす先住民族の土地と資源の生産的かつ効率的な利用が必要であろう。実際に、パーム油生産業は国の発展と経済成長に貢献してきた。 但し、一方では、「公益」のためだと言われているその油ヤシ農産業の拡大が先住民族の立退きおよび強制移動をももたらしたという事実に、法的および倫理的疑問を提起する。それは、「公益」という名の下で、先住民族の土地と森林を油ヤシ農産業のために利用すること(正確には土地収奪)を認める法的および政策的の枠組みは、どこまで正当で、許容できるのか、そして「公益」の概念だけで充分なのか、という疑問である。本稿は、「公益」という法的概念だけでは実際に不充分であるため、S D Gsの理念となっている「誰一人として取り残されない」という「共通善」の概念を導入する必要があると主張した。

  • Constructing Modern Indonesia Based on Pancasila in Dialogue with the Political Concepts Underlying the Idea of Human Rights

    Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights   Vol. 5 ( No. 1 )   1 - 24 (24 p)   2021年6月


    出版者・発行元:Jember University Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration  

    This article aims to describe the role of Pancasila as an ideological basis and collective identity for the multicultural society of Indonesia. It argues that in the midst of democratisation and openness to globalisation, Pancasila needs to be re-interpreted and given a place in contemporary political discourse. This means that Pancasila should be read in the light of the contemporary political discourse between communitarianism and liberalism. Such a dialogue is fundamental to coping with the dogmatisation of Pancasila, which can result in the loss of its political relevance as a collective identity. Furthermore, liberalism and communitarianism are the two fundamental philosophical pillars beside socialism upon which the concept of human rights is developed. Therefore, combining Pancasila with the two philosophical concepts is very important to strengthen the role of Pancasila in promoting the idea and practices of human rights politics in Indonesia.

  • Teologi Bisnis: Korporasi, Masalah HAM, dan Mandat Penciptaan-Penyelamatan

    Jurnal Ledalero   Vol. 20 ( No. 1 )   83 - 99   2021年6月


    出版者・発行元:Penerbit Ledalero  

    This article aims at framing a theological understanding about business in the context of the impacts of corporate conducts on human rights. Using “creation, fall and redemption” approach as basis for biblical worldview to understand issues related to business and its social impacts, this article highlights the necessity of internal factors as foundational values that can bring about a true commitment to do business not only based on legal and moral norms as a mere socio-political consensus, but also as an expression of a socio-spiritual obedience to and faith in God. Because, more than just accumulating commercial benefits, business has mission to realize God’s work for human salvation in this world through the production and distribution of goods and services that respect human rights.

  • 倫理的で持続可能な事業活動の環境・人権デュー・ディリジェンスの重要性 --- インドネシアのパーム油生産業の事例

    「生命と倫理」   第8号   21 - 34 項   2021年3月



    本稿は、インドネシアのパーム油生産業を事例として用い、事業利益、経済成長、持続可能なパーム油生産業のバランスが取れる実用的なアプローチの可能性を検討し分析する。特に、 パーム油生産業の主要なアクターとなる企業とその投資家は、実用的なアプローチを実現するに当たって、どのようにそれそれの役割を有効的に果たすべきか、を検討する。結論として、経済的利益と持続可能なパーム油産業のバランスを保つために、パーム油産業に関与する企業とそのカウンターパートは、環境・人権のデューデリジェンスを実施するための社会的および法的責任を遵守する必要があると主張する。

  • Recent trend toward a balanced business and human rights responsibility in investment treaties and arbitrations

    International Journal on Human Rights and Business   Vo.4 ( No.2 )   1 - 16   2020年12月


    出版者・発行元:Human Rights and Business Centre of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora  

    This paper aims to explore recent regulatory and policy development that tries to implement a balanced business and human rights responsibility in investment regime. It shows that at least from recent cases of legal development through State duty to regulate in investment treaties and duty to adjudicate in matters related to dispute settlement, there is an initial and limited, but significant trend of legal development toward such a balanced approach for business and human rights in investment law regime.

  • 補完性とレジリエンス及び持続可能の関係 ー インドネシアの村落基金の事例

    「社会と倫理」   第35号   39 - 56   2020年12月




  • Dignity, Biblical Justice, Forgiveness and the Death Penalty,

    The Japan Mission Journal   Vol. 74 ( No. 4, )   259 - 267   2020年12月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religous Research  

    This article examines the philosophical, moral and theological understanding of capital punishment in its relation to the notion of human dignity, justice and forgiveness. It argues that the principle of human dignity - which implies the moral imperative to do justice and to observe forgiveness - will encourage a more humane form of punishment or even a complete negation of retributive punishment in the form of death penalty. This then will help to create a transformative justice in which basic human rights are restored in our society

  • 企業による人権デューディリジェンスをより有効的に実施するために ― いくつかの重要な課題と条件 ―

    「社会と倫理」   第34号   pp 16 - 37   2019年12月



    2011 年に国連人 権理事会において採択された「ビジネスと人権に関する指導原則」(国連指導原則)では、人権デュー・ディリジェンス(DD)が、人権を尊重する事業活動の中心原則として位置づけられている。人権法において 通常、人権 DD は人権を保護する国家の義務と結び付けて考えるが、「国連指導原則」 は人権 DD を企業による人権を尊重する責任としても理解する。企業が人権を尊重する責任を 果たすために、どのようにこの国家及び企業による人権 DD の意味と関係を理解すべきかを説 明する必要がある。更に、人権 DD と違って、ビジネスDD は企業の利益を脅迫するリスク、つまり、企業買収の時、相手の企業価値や潜在リスクを 事業・財務・法令・契約・人事などの観点から調査をし、評価する作業として理解され、契約や法令上は何の関係もない外部的な第三者である人権被害者の利 得を対象とする人権リスクに関して、そのビジネスリスクには含まれていない。人権 DD において、人権リスクをビジネスリスクとして取り扱うとすれば、理論的に は通常の企業 DD を超える新たな理解が必要になり、実践的には人権リスクを含む人権 DD を 取り込むことが不可欠であろう。そこで問われるのは、もし人権リスクが実際にビジネスリス クにもなり得るとしたら、それはどういうことか、である。それ以外に、構想的内容的に人権 DD は既存の人権影響評価と似ているところが多くあるため、その必要性が疑われるかもしれ ない。そうすると、その人権 DD は既存の人権影響評価と結び付けて考える時にどのように理 解すべきか。その理解の仕方は、正確な人権 DD を実現するためにどんな影響をもたらすのか。 本稿ではそれらの問いに解答し、明確にしてみる。

  • Socio-Spiritual Aspect of Business

    The Japan Mission Journal   Vol. 75, No. 2   124 - 134   2019年6月


    出版者・発行元:Oriense Institute for Religious Research  

    While neoliberal economic mentality cherishes the assumption that the main purpose of business is profit maximisation, the various social problems that have resulted from this narrow pursuit of economic interests make imperative a fundamental rethinking that will step beyond the commercial to the socio-spiritual: the realisation of human dignity. Economic profit maximisation that does not lead to the realization of this fundamental end does not only create new problems of humanity. It also undermines the most fundamental value of the human person for whom all business enterprises and activities exist. To avoid this, commitment to respecting the dignity of every human person and to serving the common good should become the precondition for every business activities. In practice, this commitment should be manifested through a fair distribution of opportunities and resources (solidarity) and intensive empowerment of different stakeholders within the structure of a business operation (subsidiarity).

  • In Search of Viable Standards of Culpability for Corporate Complicity Liability in Human Rights Abuses

    International Journal on Human Rights and Business,   Vol. 3, No. 1   65 - 114   2019年1月


    出版者・発行元:Human Rights and Business Centre of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora  

    This paper explores the appropriate and viable standards of actus reus and mens rea to hold corporations liable for complicity in human rights abuses and to clarify the implications of these standards in the context of the UN ‘Protect-respect-remedy’ Framework and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. As the appropriate standards remains in contention, this paper argues that the “substantial effect” and “knowledge” standards constitute the most appropriate and viable standards of the actus reus and mens rea for corporate complicity liability in human rights abuses. Furthermore, these standards are apt to the Framework and Guiding Principles, which require corporations to exercise due diligence to avoid and address complicity issues through concrete acts of “knowing and showing”.

  • Institutionalising A Binding Human Rights Due Diligence Obligation through Criminal-Law-Based Corporate Culture Model of Liability

    International Review of Human Rights Law   3rd Issue   1 - 31   2018年9月


    出版者・発行元:Ramkrishna Publisers  

    This article examines legal implications of the corporate human rights due diligence (HRDD) obligation under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and its potential of becoming a binding obligation through criminal-law-based model of liability. It argues that the HRDD obligation as a binding duty of care may be established based on criminal negligence under the corporate culture liability model. Such binding duty of care may emerge when criminal law and human rights law intersect in criminal court proceeding in the domestic legal domain. This may be realised when HRDD is implemented by corporations and such HRDD exercise is adopted by court to establish the mens rea (knowledge - intent) of corporate culture model of liability.

  • Revisiting the‘Sovereignty’ argument against the migrant workers convention: A view from the vulnerability of foreign ‘Trainees’ in Japan

    International Journal of Law   Vol. 4, No. 1   31 - 38   2018年3月


    出版者・発行元:Gupta Publications  

    This article reexamines the ‘sovereignty’ argument used by many countries in support of their objection to ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. Using a case study about the vulnerability of ‘trainees’ in Japan under its domestic labor policy, the Technical Intern training Programme, this article argues that the ‘sovereignty’ argument is no longer tenable, not only because policies and practices towards migrant workers have often contradicted the protection of rights guaranteed under the ICRMW, but also because the ‘sovereignty’ argument is nothing more than an excuse and a shield for human rights unfriendly domestic political economy.

  • Legalization and Politicization of Religious Sentiment: A Blasphemy Trial in Indonesia

    The Japan Mission Journal   Vol. 72, No. 1   62 - 72   2018年


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religous Research  

    This article analyses critically how the law of blasphemy in Indonesia has been used for political ends and explores the impact of such an abusive practices on the the realisation of civil and political rights individuals and on the prospects of dialog, tolerance and peaceful coexistence among religious groups in Indonesia.

  • Human Rights and The Kingdom of God: The Witness of St Oscar Romero

    The Japan Mission Journal   Vol. 72, No. 4   226 - 233   2018年


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religous Research  

    This article reflects how Oscar Romero unites the spiritual and secular aspect of Christian life and mission. Romero shows that a personal relationship with God must lead to concrete connection with the people in their day-to-day struggle.

  • Denying Atrocity? Making Sense of the 1998 Jakarta Mass Rape of Ethnic Chinese Women as Genocide

    SOAS Law Journal   Vol. 4, No. 2   109 - 131   2017年


    出版者・発行元:SOAS, University of London  

    Since mob violence and mass rape of hundreds of ethnic Chinese women in Jakarta in 1998, no legal action has been taken to hold the perpetrators to account and to provide justice to the victims. What has happened so far is that despite the evidence of the tragedy having been documented and publicized by reliable sources, the government, military and police, as well as some religious groups that were accused of being responsible for the atrocities have strongly denied the occurrence of the mass rape. Members of the Indonesian parliament and Supreme Court have even suggested that the tragedy, including mass rape of ethnic Chinese, should be considered as ordinary crimes. In contrast to this suggestion, this paper argues that the Jakarta mass rape tragedy was not only a crime against humanity, but also a crime of genocide, as a particular group of Chinese descent women were intentionally targeted with intent to destroy them because of their ethnicity, race and religion.



  • "Pesan Ilahi dan Tanda Jaman di Tapak Setengah Abad Umur Paroki Santo Mikhael Maukeli" dalam Betu, F. P. dkk (eds), Kita Adalah Gereja Misioner

    ( 担当: 共著)

    Penerbit Nusa Indah  2019年 


    総ページ数:Bab 6, hal. 95-105 (10 p.)  

    The chapter reflects the faith and religious journey of the Catholic church community in Maukeli Parish in Middle Flores (Indonesia) during the last fifty years since its birth in 1968. As the numbers of the Church attendance continue to decline in the world, including in Flores, well-known for its strong Catholic tradition in a Muslim majority country, it is imperative to identify the root causes of this trend and various challenges that may come along in order to maintain a firm community of the faithful. As the people tend to be more rational about their own faith and individual freedom becomes a new way of modern life, while the whole truth about the reality of life and faith is harder to grasp in the middle of the uncontrollable spread of information in this digital age, it is the teaching and witness of the local church that enable members of the community of the faithful to built their life on the basis of biblical truth of the gospel.

  • 人間の尊厳 ー 学際的なアプローチ

    ( 担当: 共著)

    神言会日本管区(あるむ)  2022年8月 




  • Hominis Dignitati: An Interdisciplinary Approach

    ( 担当: 共著)

    Logos Publication  2022年 



    The book analyses the concept and application of human dignity in an interdisciplinary context.

  • "WhatsApp Media Bridging Teaching-Learning Activities for Basic Education in the Border Area of Indonesia and Timor-Leste". In

    ( 担当: 共著)

    New York: ACM Publication  2021年9月 


    総ページ数:187 p (pp. 8-13)  

    This work aims at exploring the extent to which WhatsApp can become a useful and effective long distance teaching and learning activities during Covid-19 pandemic. While in many parts of Indonesia and the world, common ICT means such as Zoom, Teams, etc. have been used for distance teaching and learning activities, most students in the boarder are of Indonesia and Timor Leste lack knowledge and access to such ICT program and infrastructures. WhatsApp and simple text messages become common means of communication.

  • Expanding Teacher’s Creativity During Covid-19 Era at Timor-leste Border Area in 2020. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL ’21)

    ( 担当: 共著)

    New York: ACM Publising  2021年 


    総ページ数:344 p (309-315 pp).  

    The objective of this research is to find out teacher’s creativity approach for students learning at home during Covid-19 pandemic period in the border area of Timor-Leste. It found that due to the limited access to the internet and any other ICT infrastructure, the room for creativities in teaching and learning process are very narrow and stagnant. This made worse due to the unpreparedness of teachers in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic as they were shocked by the spread of this infectious diseases.

  • Realizing Right to Education and SDG 4 in the Indonesia – Timor Leste Border: The Role of the State-Owned ICT Enterprises. In 2021 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL ’21)

    ( 担当: 共著)

    New York: ACM Publishing  2021年 


    総ページ数:344 p (pp. 47-53)  

    This paper aims at providing a theoretical framework of the significance of (1) virtual teaching and learning activities through information and communication technology (ICT) to achieve the full realization of right to education in the Indonesia – Timor Leste border and (2) the role of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) for investing in infrastructure for virtual teaching and learning to achieve the equal quality education (SDGs4). It argues that effectiveness of its method and substance that will lead to a meaningful realization of SDG4 will be very much dependent on: 1) the State’s and SOEs’ knowledge about the connection between human rights and SDGs; 2) clear educational objectives, conducive pedagogical environment, dynamic learning and teaching processes and responsive educational governance suitable for digitally mediated education system; and 3) the capability of SOEs to use SDG4 as an overarching framework to shape, steer, communicate and report their strategies, goals and activities when they invest in digitally mediated education system.

  • "Hardening Corporate Obligations for Human Rights Due Diligence: A Tort Law-Based Approach" in Sigh, P. (ed.) Perspective in Laws Vol. 2

    ( 担当: 共著)

    AkiNik Publications  2019年12月 


    総ページ数:Chapter 4 pp 59-86 (27 p.)  

    The chapter examines the possibility of the institutionalization of a binding corporate obligation for human rights due diligence under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at the intersection between human rights law and tort law in the domestic legal domain. It argues that by implementing human rights due diligence, it is assumed that a corporation has a degree of involvement, knowledge and proximity relating to the conduct of its subsidiaries or business partners. These may constitute the so-called “specific circumstances” that enable the court to establish negligence (tort) liability against corporations for the violation of a duty of care in human rights cases.



  • Intellectual Solidarity in the Face of Political Injustice

    The Jakarta Post   p.2   2024年2月


    出版者・発行元:PT. Bina Media Tenggara  

  • 「カトリックの聖書的・神学的k価値観に基づく多様性とインクージョン」

    『社会と倫理』   第38号   1 - 3   2023年12月



  • The Rule of (by) Law and Capitalistic Political Exploitation

    The Jakarta Post   2023年11月


    出版者・発行元:Pt. Bina Media Tenggara  

  • 《特集》移動と人権 「緒言」

    「社会と倫理」   第36号   2021年11月



  • 「緒言」ビジネスと人権ーーデューディリゲンスの可能性と限界 

    「社会と倫理」   第34号   1 - 2   2020年12月



  • Responding to the Environmental Crisis




  • State and Corporate Human Rights Obligation

    The Jakarta Post (Op.Ed)   2013年1月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

    As the national human rights commission revealed that business entities ranked two after the police officers (ranked one) as the worst human abuses in the country, the article call both the Indonesia government and firms operating in the country to adopt the UN Guideline Principles on Business and Human Rights in order to avoid similar human rights abuses by corporate entities in the future.

  • Investment Incentives: A Waste of Public Money?

    The Jakarta Post (Op.Ed)   2012年10月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

    The article argues that the decision of the Indonesia government to spent tax incentives in order to attract foreign direct investment, in particular natural resources seeking companies, where Indonesia is advantageous in natural resources is a waste of public money

  • Orde Baru Boneka Kapitalis Internasional

    The Global Review (再発行)   2010年9月


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:Global Future Institute  

  • Globalisasi dan Kedaulatan Hibrida

    Pos Kupang (Op.Ed)   p. 4   2010年3月


    出版者・発行元:Tribun News Corp  

  • Optimisme yang Kian Terimpit

    Kompas (Op.Ed)   2007年9月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

  • Bargain Politik Petani Jepang

    Kompas (Op.Ed)   2007年8月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

  • Terkuaknya Fenomena Isu Ianfu

    Kompas (Op.Ed)   2007年6月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

  • People Power, Alternative superpower

    Kompas (Op.Ed)   2003年12月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

    Any unilateral and unfair decision to wage war agains any particular country in the world must be made through the UN Security Council. Otherwise people power from around the world must opposed such decision

  • Pendidikan Agama di Sekolah

    Suara Pembaruan   2003年6月


    出版者・発行元:Berita Satu Media Holding  

  • Presiden Berkepemimpinan Visioner: Sebuah Mimpi?

    Suara Pembaruan (Op.Ed)   2003年6月


    出版者・発行元:Berita Satu Media Holding  

  • Asas Proporsionalitas Dalam Kasus Aceh

    Media Indonesia (Op.Ed)   2003年5月


    出版者・発行元:Media Indonesia Group  

    The article calls for a balance approach from the perspective of justice in dealing with territorial conflict in Aceh (North Indonesia)

  • Konflik Aceh dan Visi Tentang NKRI

    Kompas (Op.Ed)   2003年5月


    出版者・発行元:Kompas Gramedia  

    The article calls out the irony and paradox of the government's unilateral decision to use military action in response to the territorial conflict in Aceh. Since that conflict arose as result of injustice created by the government itself in the past, the government should instead solve the problem by realising justice for the local people rather than creating new problems of war by using military action there.

  • Kematian Warga Sipil, Kegagalan Kemanusiaan

    Suara Pembaruan (Op.Ed)   2003年4月


    出版者・発行元:Berita Satu Media Holding  

    The article underlines the fact that the death of ordinary civilians in an unnecessary and preventable war in Iraq is failure of humanity



  • Key Note Speaker: Dignity of Intelligent Beings: Legal and Human rights Issues of AI

    International Conference on Philosophy and Civilization  2023年12月  Faculty of Philosophy Widia Mandira Catholic University Kupang

  • Spiritualitas HAM dan Misi Pembebasan Dari Kemiskinan oleh Gereja

    Seri Kuliah Dosen Tamu Internasional Tentang Agama dan Politik  2023年10月  IFTK Ledalero

  • Gereja dan Masalah Ham berkaitan dengan Hal Hidup

    Seri Kuliah Dosen Tamu Internasional Tentang Agama dan Politik  2023年9月  IFTK Ledalero

  • Gereja dan Misi Martabat Manusia Sebagai Fundasi Perlindungan HAM

    Seri Kuliah Dosen Tamu Internasional Tentang Agama dan Politik  2023年9月  IFTK Ledalero

  • Right to Political Participation: Japanese Youth in Search of Approachable Forms of Political Engagement

    International Symposium on Political Digitalization: Increasing Millennials Political Participation in Political Election  2023年5月  Political Science Faculty, Unwira Kupang

  • Comentator

    Between Loneliness and Issoaltion  2022年11月  Outset England, Jupiter Woods, Magazzino Italian Art, Italian Embassy in Tokyo, Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture and ICA Milan

  • 人間の尊厳と人権に基づく奉仕とケア

    職員一同のための講演  2021年11月  老人保健施設サンタマリア

  • The Impacts of the Japanese Government Covid-19 Policy on the Psychological State of Youth in Japan

    International Association for Suicide Prevention 31st World Congress, Gold Cost, QLD, Australia, 21-24 September 2021   2021年9月  International Association for suicide Prevention & Griffith University


    The presentation is based on the results of a survey that aims (1) to find out the psychological state of college students due to the Japanese government policy on Covid-19 and (2) to identify the trend of infection condition in Japan during the above period as a result of the changes in government policy on Covid-19.

  • コメンテーター:「SDGsと食 〜いかなるフードシステムが持続可能か」ー (SDG2「飢餓をゼロに」:人権と企業の社会責任)

    南山大学社会倫理研究所2021年度第1回懇話会  2021年6月  南山大学社会倫理研究所



  • Realizing Right to Education and SDG 4 in the Indonesia – Timor Leste Border: The Role of State-Owned ICT Enterprises

    The 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL 2021)  2021年5月  ICDEL&ICERP 2021 (Sanghai, China)


    The presentation provides a theoretical framework of the significance of (1) virtual teaching and learning activities through information and communication technology (ICT) to achieve the full realization of right to education in the Indonesia – Timor Leste border and (2) the role of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) engaging in ICT for investing in infrastructure for virtual teaching and learning to achieve equal quality education (SDGs4) for all.

  • Business and Green Growth: Environmental Justice for Inclusive Wellbeing

    Agenda Focus Group Meeting: Toward Indonesia’s Equitable Green Growth – Improving Access to Justice in Environmental Matters   2020年11月  Westminster Forum for Democracy (WFD), Indonesian Parliament (DPR), Mulawarman University


    1. Academic background on the relationship between Green Growth, Responsible Business and the Neoliberal political economy 2.Reflection on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Indonesia: Obstacles, Strengths, and Opportunities for Ways Forward 2. Exploring Strategies to Improve Access to Justice in Environmental Matters to Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Green Growth in Indonesia

  • Trend Toward A Balanced Approach on Business and Human Rights in Investment Treaties and Arbitrations

    多国籍企業学会  2020年5月  多国籍企業学会西部部会


    This last decade there has been a shift in investment agreements, which traditionally focused on unilateral protection of investors/MNEs), but now increasingly turning toward a more balanced approach to include corporate social responsibility. This has been significantly intensified since the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011. As a matter of legal approach, not simply a voluntary one, how and to what extent do the trend to toward this balanced approach take into account this Guiding Principles and other CSR standards into legal framework developed by States through their duty to regulate and adjudicate in investment law regime? This report provides the answer for this question.

  • カトリックと自殺~教義と対応の実際~

    第45回 社会倫理研究プラットフォーム  2020年2月  社会倫理研究所

  • 「人権と環境を保護・尊重する事業活動 〜 パーム油産業における 土地収奪と森林伐採の事例 〜」

    「すべてのいのちを守る」社会のために〜Care for Creationを考える〜  2020年1月  上智大学生命倫理研究所&南山大学社会倫理研究所2019年度共催シンポジウム



  • コメンテータ:死刑 ― 道徳的法的原則としての生命権と法的慣行や政策に適用されている生命権に関する矛盾

    懇話会:いま「極刑」をどう考えるか—死刑をめぐる法と倫理  2019年12月  南山大学社会倫理研究所



  • Human Rights Due Diligence and Corporate Complicity: Making Multinational Enterprises Accountable

    State, Corporatism and Human Rights in Indonesian Economic Development  2019年3月  The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) and Law Faculty of Jember University


    In the absence of legal framework to hold multinational corporations liable for human rights abuses abroad, the due diligence principles under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Rights can be utilised to do so if in fact the corporations incorporate human rights due diligence in their business policy and the courts at the national level use it to establish corporate duty of care toward the victims.



  • レジリエンスの論理的妥当性を支える持続可能性と補完性に関する社会倫理学的研究


    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(一般) 


