7 件中 1 - 7 件目
年度 Year |
著書名 Title of the books |
著書形態 Form of Book |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
出版機関名 Publishing organization,判型 Book Size,頁数 No. of pp.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2022 | 人間の尊厳 ー 学際的なアプローチ | 共著 | |
神言会日本管区(あるむ) , B5 , 333p. , 2022/08/15 | |||
概要(Abstract) この本は、人間の尊厳に関する概念と実践を学際的なアプローチで議論し、分析する。 |
備考(Remarks) これは、"Human dignity: An Interdisciplinary Approach" という英語の本の日本語版となる。 |
2022 | Hominis Dignitati: An Interdisciplinary Approach | 共著 | 978-971-510-317-6 |
Logos Publication , B5 , 383p. , 2022/00/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) The book analyses the concept and application of human dignity in an interdisciplinary context. |
備考(Remarks) |
2021 | "WhatsApp Media Bridging Teaching-Learning Activities for Basic Education in the Border Area of Indonesia and Timor-Leste". In | 共著 | 9781450384995 |
New York: ACM Publication , 未設定 , 187 p (pp. 8-13) , 2021/09/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) This work aims at exploring the extent to which WhatsApp can become a useful and effective long distance teaching and learning activities during Covid-19 pandemic. While in many parts of Indonesia and the world, common ICT means such as Zoom, Teams, etc. have been used for distance teaching and learning activities, most students in the boarder are of Indonesia and Timor Leste lack knowledge and access to such ICT program and infrastructures. WhatsApp and simple text messages become common means of communication. |
備考(Remarks) |
2021 | Expanding Teacher’s Creativity During Covid-19 Era at Timor-leste Border Area in 2020. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL ’21) | 共著 | 978-1-4503-9003-3. |
New York: ACM Publising , 未設定 , 344 p (309-315 pp). , 2021/00/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) The objective of this research is to find out teacher’s creativity approach for students learning at home during Covid-19 pandemic period in the border area of Timor-Leste. It found that due to the limited access to the internet and any other ICT infrastructure, the room for creativities in teaching and learning process are very narrow and stagnant. This made worse due to the unpreparedness of teachers in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic as they were shocked by the spread of this infectious diseases. |
備考(Remarks) |
2021 | Realizing Right to Education and SDG 4 in the Indonesia – Timor Leste Border: The Role of the State-Owned ICT Enterprises. In 2021 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL ’21) | 共著 | 978-1-4503-9003-3 |
New York: ACM Publishing , 未設定 , 344 p (pp. 47-53) , 2021/00/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) This paper aims at providing a theoretical framework of the significance of (1) virtual teaching and learning activities through information and communication technology (ICT) to achieve the full realization of right to education in the Indonesia – Timor Leste border and (2) the role of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) for investing in infrastructure for virtual teaching and learning to achieve the equal quality education (SDGs4). It argues that effectiveness of its method and substance that will lead to a meaningful realization of SDG4 will be very much dependent on: 1) the State’s and SOEs’ knowledge about the connection between human rights and SDGs; 2) clear educational objectives, conducive pedagogical environment, dynamic learning and teaching processes and responsive educational governance suitable for digitally mediated education system; and 3) the capability of SOEs to use SDG4 as an overarching framework to shape, steer, communicate and report their strategies, goals and activities when they invest in digitally mediated education system. |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | "Hardening Corporate Obligations for Human Rights Due Diligence: A Tort Law-Based Approach" in Sigh, P. (ed.) Perspective in Laws Vol. 2 | 共著 | ISBN 978-93-5335-819-8 |
AkiNik Publications , B5 , Chapter 4 pp 59-86 (27 p.) , 2019/12/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) The chapter examines the possibility of the institutionalization of a binding corporate obligation for human rights due diligence under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at the intersection between human rights law and tort law in the domestic legal domain. It argues that by implementing human rights due diligence, it is assumed that a corporation has a degree of involvement, knowledge and proximity relating to the conduct of its subsidiaries or business partners. These may constitute the so-called “specific circumstances” that enable the court to establish negligence (tort) liability against corporations for the violation of a duty of care in human rights cases. |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | "Pesan Ilahi dan Tanda Jaman di Tapak Setengah Abad Umur Paroki Santo Mikhael Maukeli" dalam Betu, F. P. dkk (eds), Kita Adalah Gereja Misioner | 共著 | ISBN 979-429401-2 |
Penerbit Nusa Indah , B5 , Bab 6, hal. 95-105 (10 p.) , 2019/00/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) The chapter reflects the faith and religious journey of the Catholic church community in Maukeli Parish in Middle Flores (Indonesia) during the last fifty years since its birth in 1968. As the numbers of the Church attendance continue to decline in the world, including in Flores, well-known for its strong Catholic tradition in a Muslim majority country, it is imperative to identify the root causes of this trend and various challenges that may come along in order to maintain a firm community of the faithful. As the people tend to be more rational about their own faith and individual freedom becomes a new way of modern life, while the whole truth about the reality of life and faith is harder to grasp in the middle of the uncontrollable spread of information in this digital age, it is the teaching and witness of the local church that enable members of the community of the faithful to built their life on the basis of biblical truth of the gospel. |
備考(Remarks) |
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