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ムンシ ロジェ ヴァンジラ
MUNSI,Roger Vanzila
MUNSI,Roger Vanzila
国際教養学部 国際教養学科 教授
長期研究:Performing Hiddnness: Looking at the facets of the twentieth Karematsu Shrine Festival in Shimo-Kurosaki

長期研究:Traditional Medicine of the Sakata People in Congo DRC

長期研究:Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Nagasaki Settings

長期研究:The Age-Old Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage: Intersection of Identities and Resources (Part I)

長期研究:The Age-Old Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage among the Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: Intersection of Identities and Resources (Part II)

長期研究:Folk Belief and Traditions of the Supernatiral among the Kakure Kirishitan: Disclosing 'Japanized Catholicism'

長期研究:Kakure Kirishitan in Urban Contexts: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Survival Strategies

長期研究:The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Forms Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society


長期研究:かくれキリシタンの宗教活動とその社会的機能Religious Activities and Related Social Aspects of Kakure Kirishitan in Japan

短期研究:Kakure Kirishitan Survivors in Sendaiji and Takatsuki: Narratives and Memories of the Decsendants

短期研究: Kakure Kirishitan in New Settings: Leadership Succession and Group Survival


短期研究:Rice, Sake, and Sashimi for God and Ancestors:Ethnography of ‘Hatsuhô’ among the Kakure Kirishitan

短期研究:Psycho-Religious Dynamics of God, Ancestors and Shamanism in Sakata Land

短期研究:Hidden Memory of the Mabi chiefdom in Sakata Land

短期研究:Sakata Folk Dance in Urban Setting:
Its Facets and Psycho-Religious Implications


  • PhD 博士 ( 2008年3月   神奈川大学 )



    学位論文名:かくれキリシタンの宗教活動とその社会的機能  ー宗教観と都市文化との相互的影響ー

  • MA 修士 ( 2004年3月   神奈川大学 )



  • BA 学士 ( 1999年3月   Urbaniana Ponctifical UniversitySacred Theology 神学Sacred Theology 神学 )



  • BA 学士 ( 1999年3月   Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUAE)Social Sciences科学Theology and Religious Studies神学・宗教学研究 )



  • BA 学士 ( 1994年7月   Universite Saint Augustin de Kinshasa大学哲学部哲学研究科 )



  • BA 学士 ( 1994年7月   Urbaniana Ponctifical University大学哲学部哲学科 )





  • 人文・社会 / 文化人類学、民俗学


  • 神奈川大学   歴史民俗資料学研究科   歴史民俗資料学専攻

    - 2008年3月

  • 神奈川大学   歴史民俗資料学研究科   歴史民俗資料学専攻

    - 2004年3月

  • Catholic University of Eastern Africa東アフリカカトリック大学   社会科学部   宗教学

    - 1999年6月

  • University Saint Augustin of Kinshasa   Faculty of Philosophy   Philosophy

    - 1993年7月








  • 日本比較文学会

  • 日本社会学会

  • 日本アフリカ学会

  • 全国かくれキリシタン研究会

  • 宗教と社会学会

  • 日本民俗学学会

  • 日本文化人類学学会

  • 南山学会









  • 日本比較文学会  

  • 日本社会学会  

  • 日本アフリカ学会  

  • 全国かくれキリシタン研究会  

  • 宗教と社会学会  

  • 日本民俗学学会  

  • 日本文化人類学学会  

  • 南山学会  



  • Sacred Syncretism in Nagasaki: The Kuwahime Shrine

    The Japan Mission Journal)   Vol. 78. No.1   40 - 48   2024年3月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religious Research  

  • Cultural Performance Festivals in Japanese Settings: An Ethnographic Narrative Analysis and Interpretations (Part II)

    ACADEMIA Humanities and Natural Sciences (27)   Vol. 27   115 - 159   2024年1月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

  • Cultural Performance Festivals in Japanese Settings: An Ethnographic Narrative Analysis and Interpretations (Part I)

    ACADEMIA Humanities and Natural Sciences (26)   Vol. 26   71 - 101   2023年6月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

  • Fieldwork Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Selected Experiences and Fond Memories from the Congo

    ACADEMIA- Social Sciences   24   23 - 40   2023年1月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

    The COVID-19 Pandemic has radically changed the perspectives of fieldwork research in many settings. This study uses an auto-ethnographic approach to determine how this unexpected world crisis affected my two research projects in the hinterland of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The synthesis suggests that my fieldwork research experience among the Sakata people necessitated the creation of new methodological tools and ethical practices, as well as the adaptation of older practices and techniques, to better meet the challenges I faced in the research processes. The analysis, thus, reinforces the assumption that additional measures may be required while conducting fieldwork research in the circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis, depending on specific characteristics of the planned research project, environmental conditions, and local community public health situations. This study has relevance for theoretical conceptualizations of fieldwork research and offers two stunning examples of how an ethnographer engages, adapts, and subsequently survives in the midst of risks associated with resuming essential fieldwork research both during and after theCOVID-19 pandemic. Together, these field experiences, struggles, and insights, therefore, delineate how a combination of “agile research” or “digital ethnography” and in-person ethnographic study can aid greatly in this effort by providing new ideas and data.

    Keywords: Fieldwork research, COVID-19 pandemic, mitigate risks, Sakata people, Congo, digital ethnography, in-person ethnography fieldwork, innovation and flexibility.

  • Kirishitan Shrines in Nagasaki Settings: Narrative Analysis and Perspectives on their Extent, Nature, Facets, and Contours

    ACADEMIA- Humanities and Natural Sciences   25   97 - 129   2023年1月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

    This study draws on a narrative analysis approach to investigate the distinctive aspects of Kirishitan shrines within the context of striking religious phenomena readily observable in the lived religious experiences and relics of the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners in Nagasaki prefecture. The synthesis of ethnographic data and secondary sources suggests that Kirishitan shrines inherently display the religiosity of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners seemingly integrated into supporting local communities. This contextualized examination, thus, reinforces the significance of Kirishitan shrines as sacred sites and institutions representing the footprints of the Christian mission in Japan. At the very least, their facets and contours reflect the symbolism of a sub-culture, often silent, but fully understood within a Christian and Japanese tradition. In general, therefore, this study proposes a refined interpretative tool for demonstrating how Kirishitan shrines have been, within Christian material religion, extended not only to other sacred objects that are ritually ascribed dual nature, such Kirishitan festivals, but also to both religious texts and material vessels to a greater spiritual extent. This study highlights mechanisms by which the Kakure Kirishitan religion’s adaptation and preservation functions in the lives of its followers can lead to religious vitality and affirmation in changing localities.

    Keywords: Kirishitan shrines, sacred sites, festivals, Kakure Kirishitan practitioners, religiosity, lived religious experiences, cherished memories, deceased predecessors, Christian material religion, Nagasaki.

  • Ecological Issues and Protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Billetin of Ecumenical Theology   Vol.34   6 - 41   2022年8月


    出版者・発行元:Ecumenical Association of Nigerian Theologians (EANT)  

    Human practices, water and land management, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation, and protected landscapes have long been topics of much writing and debate. This article focuses mainly on the Congo (DRC) to highlight its relevance to the world, both in terms of its strategic place in the protection of biodiversity and in view of its immense and important resources. Using ethnographic and secondary sources, the results suggest that the DRC, unfortunately, finds itself today in a situation that contrasts with its potential, displaying several threats to environmental protection. Indeed, it happens that the implementation of environmental standards in the DRC is detrimental to its development efforts. On this stance, however, there is a paradox between environmental protection and satisfaction of socio-economic needs. This study provides a refined interpretative tool for further understanding how the protection of the environment is a necessity for the very existence of the individual while the satisfaction of socio-economic needs occupies a significant place for the present and future survival of any human or non-human species. Hence, the ecological question of biodiversity conservation landscape, deforestation, reforestation, and management of natural resources related to the sustainability of the Congo Basin rainforests, grasslands, and rivers ultimately needs, alongside that of Amazonia, serious global economic-ethical attention and solidarity today to ensure the future of humanity and other non-human species.

    Keywords: Congo, Congo River Basin, environmental protection, socio-natural environmental issues, biodiversity conservation landscape, deforestation, reforestation, management of natural resources.

  • Unraveling the Threads: Why does Congo represent the Future of the Globalized World Order

    ACADEMIA- Social Sciences   Vol.23   81 - 109   2022年6月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

    Recent developments in the study of Africa have heightened the world’s interest to have a stable and prosperous Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is capable to help Africa fulfil its economic potential in the 21st century, while offering at the same time great potential for profound change to humanity. This synthesis highlights the nature and extent of the DRC’s potentialities, and determine possible asymmetries and risks entailed in this process at the national, regional, and global levels. Analysis shows that the DRC has, regardless its geo-strategic position in the heart of Central Africa and immense natural ressources, long failed to act in concert and develop a transit economy in the sub-region. These shortcomings have been attributed to the country’s lack of political vision, political will, human and financial capacities, as well as the overall unpleasant regional climate. The study, therefore, provides a refine interpretative tool for understanding how the DRC represents the future of both African and global economic networks. Hence, its stabilization, pacification, and sustainable development, as well as its protection and power reinforcement are solely needed today, lest people in national and international spheres take advantage of the neglect to destroy the world’s ecosystem and humanity.

    Keywords: DRC, geo-strategic position, mineral ressources, stability, pacification, power reinforcement, National interests, global economic networks, ecosystem, humanity.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners in Nagasaki Settings: An Ethnographic Study of their Community Leadership Patterns

    ACADEMIA- Humanities and Natural Sciences   Vol.24   135 - 164   2022年6月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan University  

    The present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners in Nagasaki Prefecture represent the descendants of Japanese Catholics who were persecuted in the early 1600s and who, subsequently, went underground. Recent ethnographic evidence has shown that they constitute a very small, marginalized minority of the local populace, and their survival is in question. This synthesis focuses on the lived-religious experiences, social relations, cultural ideals, and struggles of five active Kakure Kirishitan communities to further highlight the singularity of some salient aspects of their leadership structures and determinants that have significantly characterize them in their present localities. Using ethnographic techniques, I argue that the continued existence and success of Kakure Kirishitan leaders in their respective surviving faith-based communities essentially depend on a continuously creative balancing of leadership functioning and psycho-religious interests dealing with circumstances that can change at any moment. This study, therefore, suggests that Kakure Kirishitan constructs represent a common heritage, an aspect in accordance with which Kakure Kirishitan practitioners effectively identify themselves and that they use to meaningfully account for their continuing spiritual path. This amounts to the quintessential quest of these seemingly integrated religious minorities for assuring their minimal survival in the modern pattern of urban life.

    Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners, faith-based community, leadership patterns, religious
    experience, deceased predecessors, righteous ancestors in faith, minimal survival, Nagasaki Christians.

  • 新型コロナウイルス時の現地調査 -コンゴでの体験と思い出を中心に-

    人類学 研究所 通信   第22号   9 - 11   2022年


    出版者・発行元:Anthropos Institute (Nanzan University)  

    セイでは、私が 2020 年と2021 年に計画した 2 つ

  • Secret Transmission in Kakure Kirishitan Families

    The Japan Mission Journal   75 ( 4 )   267 - 279   2021年12月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Research  

  • Kakure Kirishitan Footprints in Takatsuki and Sendaiji

    The Japan Mission Journal   75 ( 3 )   181 - 195   2021年9月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Research  

    Kakure Kirishitan gravestones and relics have since the 1920's offered precious evidence of the minimal survival of early Japanese Crypto-Christians/Catholics in the secluded Takatsuki and Sendaiji districts. Using ethnographic techniques, the results showed that these significant material objects vividly evoke specific stories and cherished emotional memories from the past through their history associated with the incidents of persecution and untimely martyrdom. The biographies and active socio-religious lives of these Kakure Kirishitan gravestones and relics have enriched the local narratives and anecdotal stories on them both (non-textual) 'documents to changing human sensitivities' and 'sanctified acts of memory'. In general, therefore, this ethnographic synthesis lends credence to the conclusion that "material objects, including relics, are considered to possess an active agency of their own, inviting responses from the audiences that encounter them " (Kazan/Higham 209:142)

  • Twin Rites among the Pygmies of the Congo and the Historical Progress

    Annual Papers of the Anthropological Institute   12   103 - 120   2021年6月


    出版者・発行元:Anthropological Institute/Nanzan University  

    The twin rites among the Pygmies of the Republic of Congo revealed the existence of specific objects and places that only the Pygmy priests can master.
    The research showed that the ritual practices of twins, which begin at birth and are then carried out in three other necessary stages of life are often accompanied by hard, painful, and sometimes fatal events. Pygmies prepare their twins not only for life in the nature, but also for an increasingly high status, which in effect results in the accumulation of experience, formation of spirit, and qualitative and positive training. These twin rituals serve them until they become adults and married persons. In general, therefore, it seems that twin rites still resist today the multiple influences of modernity whose local governors and Bantu are victims to as they somehow vacillate between modernity and tradition. Indeed, the Pygmies of the Congo still continue to be highly regarded as relics of primitive populations which definitely deserve preservation, social interaction, and scholarly attention.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Nagasaki Settings

    Annual Papers of the Anthropological Institute   12   54 - 79   2021年6月


    出版者・発行元:Anthropological Institute/Nanzan University  

    This study provides an anthropological analysis of the most salient features of Kakure
    Kirishitan gravestones and landscapes in Nagasaki settings. The specific focus is on local
    patterns mirrored in the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ social contingencies, reinforcement history, and dynamically lived contexts. The synthesis suggests that Kakure Kirishitan
    survivors produced fundamental faith-practices, symbols of common cultural and religious
    identity, and cherished memories that have long established their gravestones as secondary
    sacred spaces of remembrance. The analysis, thus, reinforces the significance of the material and immaterial aspects highlighting the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ quintessential
    quest to idealize, establish, and maintain the human-divine harmony in their present localities. In general, therefore, this study has provided a refined interpretive tool for demonstrating how Kakure Kirishitan gravestones represent a specific sub-culture, often unspoken,
    but fully understood within a Christian and Japanese tradition.

    Kakure Kirishitan survivors, gravestones, sacred spaces, religious experiences,
    deceased predecessors, Nagasaki Christians

  • Japanese Folklore Studies: Looking at the Origins and New Prospects

    The Japan Mission Journal   74 ( 4 )   219 - 221   2020年12月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Research  

    This synthesis contends that after Yanagita Kunio's seminal work the approach of folklorists and ethno-archeologists in Japan was to base their observations on a study of the non-written materials. However, given the lived experiences of today's Japanese in a changing consumer-driven urban society, many scholars urge a broadening of the scope of Japanese folklore research from the domestic scene to the urban sphere. Thus, timing is critical to enhance a conceptual analysis of materials at the community and urban level, considering the local people's concerns associated with their culture. livelihoods, rights, and capacities. Further enterprise could also consider interpretative ethnographic and applied folklore approaches to materials and samples.

  • The Twentieth San Jiwan Karematsu Shrine Festival

    The Japan Mission Journal   74 ( 2 )   98 - 109   2020年6月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Research  

    This synthesis hilighted the distinct facets and contours of the twentieth Karematsu Shrine Festival from the perspectives of participants' integrated and interrelated experiences, perceptions, meaning making, and actions in a decidedly sacred space. The analysis confirms that religion, its one key site, plays a significant role in forming group identity and maintaining the tradition and cultural heritage. The specificity of the current situation of this interfaith gathering clearly shows the consolidation of the festival participants' socio-religious engagement in pursuing a common goal of interreligious tolerance and peaceful coexistence, while re-embracing at the same time the memories of the shared past. Collectively, these salient features offered by the twentieth San Jiwan Karematsu Shrine Festival are surely a remarkable potentially because they allow the three faith-based communities themselves to be living the pedagogy of presence, experience, discernment, action, and reflection from the path of engaged spirituality. All this, arguably, will ensure the optimum preservation of Karematsu Shrine and its peculiar festival. It will be a really interesting test of how far this festival revival process is going to reach.

  • “Are you a Roman Catholic Priest or a Fieldworking Anthropologist?

    Anthropological Institute Website   2019年6月


    出版者・発行元:Anthropological Institute  

  • The Age-Old Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage among the Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: Intersection of Identities and Resources

    Annual Papers of the Anthropological Institute   9   39   2019年4月


    This article highlights the singularity of the most salient features of the Ohatsuhoage ritual event that constitutes one of the most persistent and deeply ingrained aspects of Kakure Kirishitan survivors in Nagasaki. By bringing together these significant characteristics from the lived religious experiences of three Kakure Kirishitan communities, I attempt to forge a significant positive correlation between the corporate identities and ritual resources that the material gives evidence to. The synthesis demonstrates that the ritually-prepared communal meal—Ohatsuhoage—constitutes a stable part of Kakure Kirishitan dominant ideology in which its followers critically take up membership in and identity with the divine and human community. Intriguingly, its core elements conspire together to signal, shape, and heighten collective self-definition, psycho-religious imagination, cherished memories and emotions, while also grounding their identity formats and adaptation processes. The analysis reinforces the startling assumption that the Ohatsuhoage ritual event continues to be, for the most part of the actor-participants, an historical and valuable religious activity deemed important enough to maintain their minimal survival in urban settings. In general, therefore, this study provides a refined interpretative tool for further understanding how the Ohatsuhoage ritual activity has increasingly proved to be a definitive component of the various processes that ultimately enables Kakure Kirishitan survivors to be nurtured by the strands of their longstanding spirituality and religion in the flux of social change.
    Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan survivors, Ohatsuhoage ritual practice, sharing, remembering deceased predecessors, time-persisting relational patterns, identities, resource-acquisition strategies, Nagasaki Christians

  • Perceptions and Experiences of the Healing Effects of Fundamental Faith Practices in Kakure Kirishitan Society

    Research Papers of the Anthropological Institute   7   2019年4月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan Anthropological Institute  

    The complex and multifaceted intersections between religion, health, and healing in Kakure Kirishitan society are among its crucial and intriguing facets that are in urgent need of analysis. This study is designed to primarily provide a close review of some salient perceptions and experiences surrounding the significant positive healing effects of fundamental faith practices within individual Kakure Kirishitan households. Using a mixed methods approach, the results suggest that both the Kakure Kirishitan prayers (Orasho) and the age-old ritual event of Ohatsuhoage constitute two fundamental faith practices that are deeply embedded, and inscribed with a set of healing meanings. Such specific religious practices and healing are impregnated within the continuous spiritual path of Kakure Kirishitan survivors. On the whole, this field-case study provides the foundation for further conceptualizing and understanding this specific religious phenomenon of prayer and faith healing among the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners in a practically and theoretically integrated way.
    Kakure Kirishitan survivors, Perceptions, Healing experiences, Health outcomes, Fundamental faith practices, Orasho, Ohatsuhoage, Nagasaki Christians

  • San Jiwan Karematsu Shrine Festival: A crisis of Interreligious Tolerance

    The Japan Mission Journal   72 ( 3 )   191 - 201   2018年9月



    The crisis around the 2017 San Jiwan Karematsu Shrine Festival in Shimo-Kurosaki (Nagasaki), a 'notorious incident' as many saw it had strong sociological and religious impact. Given the role of the festival in bringing different religious groups together and increasing the public presence of and socio-religious significance of the Kakure Kirishitan communities. If it is any possible, this study suggests that a common commitment (interfaith engagement) and more integrated solutions should be given utmost priority lest these faith-based communities be re-involved in forms of mistrust, deviant behavior, and utterances that will only breed hatred and misunderstanding. We find ourselves now struggling in a situation where more united and zealous efforts of all religious denominations involved are earnestly solicited in favor of the continued presence of this specific interfaith gathering that reveals to us important dimensions of sacred living.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors

    Perspektif. Jurnal Agama dan Kebudayaan.   11 ( 1 )   1 - 22   2016年6月


    Recent scholarship on the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians) in Japan has tended to emphasize the least telling and distinctive aspects of their very real life experiences and struggles in Nagasaki. This research was instead conducted to highlight the singularity of some salient socio-cultural, psycho-religious, and spiritual constructs that define and determine Kakure Kirishitan survivors in urban settings, and to forge a connection between these significant characteristics. Using ethnographic and observational techniques, the results suggest that Kakure Kirishitan individuals have been intrinsically and extrinsically characterized by remarkable spiritual motivation and persistence, psycho-religious experiences and emotions, as well as vivid historical, Christian and moral references to their deceased predecessors. In particular, the few remaining Kakure Kirishitans have, through shrines and festivals, consciously sought the viability of their religious beliefs and practices in the public sphere, while privately forming and reaffirming suitable images of community. The analysis reinforces the importance of recognizing how sharing common heritage, identity and cherished memories have reinforced the uniqueness and practical value of Kakure Kirishitan communities in their continuing spiritual path and reveals a number of distinctive elements of their religious symbolism imbued with local customs and values. The study provides a refined interpretative tool for demonstrating how the essentially dynamic interplay between specific religious components of Kakure Kirishitan believers mirrors closely the elements of their struggle to achieve transition with experiences of religious adjustment and survival, while maintaining the persistent patterns of the past.

    Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan survivors; religious constructs; spiritual constructs; sharing; remembering deceased predecessors; Japanese shrine festivals; time-persistent relational patterns; Nagasaki Christians.

  • The Society of the Sakata in the Congo: Socio-Political and Religious Organizational Patterns

    3   165 - 222   2016年4月

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors

    The Japan Mission Journal   69 ( 4 )   267 - 280   2015年12月



    Recent scholarship on the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) in Japan has tended to emphasize the least telling and distinctive aspects of their very real life experiences and struggles in Nagasaki. This research was rather conducted to highlight the singularity of some salient socio-cultural, psycho-religious, and spiritual constructs that define and determine Kakure Kirishitan survivors in urban settings, and to forge a connection between these significant characteristics. Using ethnographic and observational techniques, the results suggest that Kakure Kirishitan individuals have been intrinsically and extrinsically characterized by remarkable spiritual motivation and persistence, psycho-religious experiences, and emotions, as well as vivid historical, Christian, and moral references to their deceased predecessors. In particular, the few remaining Kakure Kirishitans have, through shrines and festivals, consciously sought the viability of their religious beliefs and practices in the public sphere, while privately forming and reaffirming suitable images of community. The analysis reinforces the importance of recognizing how sharing common heritage, identity, and cherished memories have reinforced the uniqueness and practical value of Kakure Kirishitan communities in their continuing spiritual path, while revealing a number of distinctive elements of their religious symbolism that are also imbued with local customs and values. The study provides a refined interpretative tool for demonstrating how the essentially dynamic interplay between specific religious components of Kakure Kirishitan believers mirrors closely the elements of their struggle to achieve transition with experiences of religious adjustment and survival, while maintaining the persistent patterns of the past.

    Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan survivors; religious forms; spiritual values; sharing; remembering deceased predecessors; Japanese shrine festivals; time-persistent relational patterns; Nagasaki Christians

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: A Study of Socio-Cultural, Psycho-religious and Spiritual Constructs

    Swedish Missiological Themes   102 ( 4 )   351 - 390   2015年11月



    Recent scholarship on the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) in Japan has tended to emphasize the least telling and distinctive aspects of their very real life experiences and struggles in Nagasaki. This research was rather conducted to highlight the singularity of some salient socio-cultural, psycho-religious, and spiritual constructs that define and determine Kakure Kirishitan survivors in urban settings, and to forge a connection between these significant characteristics. Using ethnographic and observational techniques, the results suggest that Kakure Kirishitan individuals have been intrinsically and extrinsically characterized by remarkable spiritual motivation and persistence, psycho-religious experiences, and emotions, as well as vivid historical, Christian, and moral references to their deceased predecessors. In particular, the few remaining Kakure Kirishitans have, through shrines and festivals, consciously sought the viability of their religious beliefs and practices in the public sphere, while privately forming and reaffirming suitable images of community. The analysis reinforces the importance of recognizing how sharing common heritage, identity, and cherished memories have reinforced the uniqueness and practical value of Kakure Kirishitan communities in their continuing spiritual path, while revealing a number of distinctive elements of their religious symbolism that are also imbued with local customs and values. The study provides a refined interpretative tool for demonstrating how the essentially dynamic interplay between specific religious components of Kakure Kirishitan believers mirrors closely the elements of their struggle to achieve transition with experiences of religious adjustment and survival, while maintaining the persistent patterns of the past.

    Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan survivors; religious constructs; spiritual constructs; sharing; remembering deceased predecessors; Japanese shrine festivals; time-persistent relational patterns; Nagasaki Christians

  • Kakure Kirishitan in Urban Contexts: An Ethnographic Analysis of Survival Strategies

    THE JAPAN MISSION JOURNAL   68 ( 1 )   39 - 57   2014年3月



  • 「枯松神社と祭礼―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって」

    『人類学研究所研究論集』   1号   83 - 113   2013年3月


    出版者・発行元:南山大学 人類学研究所  

    長崎市下黒崎町の山中にある枯松神社は日本でキリスト教が禁止されていた時代、かくれキリシタンが密かに集い祈りを捧げてきた神社である 。この神社は神道ではなく、いわゆる「キリシタン神社(キリシタンを祀っている神社)」の一つである(片岡1997;宮崎2001)。「キリシタン神社」は日本におけるキリシタン伝来地の日本独特の宗教建設である。


  • Japan's Hidden Christians in Contemporary settings

    SMT (Swedish Missiological Themes)   100 ( 4 )   351 - 390 (40p.)   2012年12月


    出版者・発行元:Swedish Institute for Mission Research  

  • Conversion Experiences among the Kakure Kirishitan

    The Japan Mission Journal   65. ( 3 )   162 - 183 (22p.)   2011年9月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute for Religious Research  

  • Kakure Kirishitan in the New Urbanized Context of Kurosaki

    The Japan Mission Journal   64 ( 4 )   22   2008年12月


    出版者・発行元:Oriens Institute  

  • 「かくれキリシタンの宗教活動とその社会的機能-価値観と都市文化の相互的影響-」 (博士論文)





  • “Social Institutions and Folk Religion among the Sakata of the Congo” (修士論文)

    246   2004年3月



  • コンゴ民主共和国における部族紛争の危機ー分析と展望

    比較民俗研究 Studies of Asia   19   9   2003年11月





  • Yamanokami Shrine and Its Religious Performance Festival in Wakamatsu

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • Harmony Unveiled: Exploring the Dynamic Intersection of Anthropology and Sustainable Development

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • Circular Economy in African Contexts

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • Kakure Kirishitan Practictioners in Contemporary Japanese Settings

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • 綿花と人間との関わり

    ( 担当: 共著)

    名著出版  2023年6月 



  • Cotton-Human Relations in Contexts of Production, Consumption, and Sustainable Community

    ( 担当: 単著)




    This study focuses particularly on the little-explored social phenomenon of the relationship between cotton and humans that is observed in different contexts, sectors, and conditions of lived-experiences, business, and economic development, and exists around us. It then explains, along with case studies and actual events, why cotton is so important to humans and why the two are inevitably inseparable. The connection between the two may sound metaphorical, but it is, rather, an unmistakable reality. I argue that this relationship will continue as long as human beings live their social, economic, and material lives. Here, cotton represents one of the world’s leading agricultural crops and appears in many situations as an important textile raw material in clothing. For example, it is cultivated and picked in cotton fields, used in spinning and dyeing mills to produce yarn and fabrics, in sewing factories to manufacture products, and in retail outlets to sell cotton products. In all of these stages, cotton and humans continue to be inextricably linked. The analysis thus reinforces the assumption that the maintenance of natural ecology and human ecology should be reconsidered today as being equally crucial in the process of cotton production and consumption. On the whole, these finding, though preliminary, have important implications for developing our understanding of the many facets and contours of cotton, with regional studies being crucial to such understanding. Keywords: Cotton, humans, production and consumption, economic development, human dignity, sustainable community

  • Tsumoriko Shrines in Shinkamigoto

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • Hominis Dignitatis An Interdisciplinary Approach

    ( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    Logos Publications  2022年5月 



  • 『村上茂の伝記―カトリックへ復帰した外海・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』

    ( 担当: 単著)

    聖母の騎士  2022年3月 



  • The Dancing Church of the Congo. Missionary Paths in a changing Society

    ( 担当: 単著)

    MediaComX  2022年3月 



    This book highlights some salient facets of the Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from the anthropological, theological, missiological, and native perspectives. It specifically provides readers with the insights that delineate the extent to which the movement of inculturation has, since 1989, gained much ground in the DRC. The main thesis of the book posits that the Congolese Catholic Church has, in a remarkable way, revealed evangelization to be its dominant strategy for survival and growth. This undeniable reality, consequently, affirms today its character as the Dancing Church in Central Africa. The Zaïrean rite and the instituted lay ministries of Bakambi and Bayangeli, on which this study has dealt with at great length, constitute, among many others, two striking attempts at inculturation through which the Congolese Catholic Church has built its own unique experience of African Christian life and faith. However, it is the author’s contention that the process of inculturation in the DRC requires that both Congolese people and foreigners (ordained pastors and consecrated religious members or evangelizers, and laypersons) develop in themselves a keen interest in becoming substantively acquainted with Congolese customs, spiritualties, and cultural heritage in order to effectively undertake the task of inculturation in situations and areas in which they find themselves. This task also demands that the Dancing Church of the Congo further undertakes a dialogue between the cultural elements of inculturation and the burning socio-economic and political issues that mark Congolese society today. In general, therefore, this book suggests that an effective inculturation must start from the morphological aspects of culture, passing by the functional aspects, and reaching the mentality of the Congolese people themselves. The hope is that an integrated inculturation, if carried out in the DRC, will lead the Congolese Catholic Church, in this third millennium, to become truly African and determine the future of Christianity both in the country and in Africa.

  • Satnistaw Grodz, Sebastian M. Michael, and Roger Schroeder (eds). Giants' Footprints. 90th Anniversary of Anthropos Institute (1931-2021),"Kakure Kirishitan Survivors and Kirishitan Shrine Festivals in Japan: Some Ethnographic Research Perspectives," 265-277. Bonn, Munich: Academia

    ( 担当: 共著)

    Anthropos Institute  2021年12月 



  • MASSALA, Ngoma & MAFOUMBOU MOODY, Armand. 2008. "Twin Rites among the Pygmies of the Congo and their Historical Progress"

    ( 担当: 単訳)



    Article translated from the French into English.

  • “Royal Family and Conflicts over Leadership of the Mabie Chiefdom in Sakataland

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • “ Medicine Repertory of the Sakata People in the Congo”

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • 『キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって』

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • Milhaud, Olivier. 2006. “Post-Francophonie?” 「ポスト・フランコフォニーとは何か」

    ( 担当: 単著)


  • San Jiwan Karematsu Shrine Festival: Looking at a single-faceted Crisis of the Interreligious Tolerance and Peaceful Coexistence




    In general, therefore, it seems at the least possible—even inarguable—to propose that for all of the differences between Catholic, Kakure Kirishitan survivors, and Buddhists in the present-day Kurosaki, there are no enduring mutual interests around which constructive cooperation can be built, especially concerning the future organization of the San Jiwan Karematsu Festival. Looked at in this way, a very large proportion of festival participants and observers contend quite rightly that all three participating faith-based communities should come up and seek to rally around these issues with local authorities. One sociological and religious approach much in favor at the moment is, as many have reflected, that all parties involved should clearly grasp that the notion of Catholic participants” in this sense has an expansive definition to denote all Roman Catholics from Nagasaki Archdiocese, and is not limited only to those from Kurosaki Catholic Church. Toward those ends, a common commitment (interfaith engagement) and resolution have to be given utmost priority. This is to emphasize that things get even more complicated if not only temporary resolutions are taken into consideration but also continuous sentiments of mistrust and misunderstanding between the religious parties involved, non-engagement with one another so periodically and in such meaningful ways in a determined area. Hence, much attention must be paid in this respect lest these faith-based communities be involved themselves (again) into some kinds of deviant behaviors, acts, and utterances that will only go to breed hate and misunderstanding.

  • 『村上茂の生涯―カトリックへ復帰した外海・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』 CD版

    ( 担当: 共著)

    聖母の騎士社  2015年7月 

  • 『村上茂の生涯―カトリックへ復帰した外海・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』

    ( 担当: 単著)

    聖母の騎士社  2015年6月 


    総ページ数:153 p.  


  • 「わたしと枯松神社祭とのかかわり」

    ( 担当: 単著)




  • 『村上茂の伝記―カトリックへ復帰した外海・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』

    ( 担当: 単著)

    聖母の騎士社  2012年11月 



  • 『ことばと国家のインターフィエス』, 「コンゴ民主共和国における言語と国家の現状」

    ( 担当: 共著)

    南山大学地域研究センター共同研究シリス6 (行路社)  2012年3月 


    総ページ数:373p 、 【185-224 (40p)】  


    ( 担当: 単訳)

    Hawai'i University Press   2011年 



  • キリシタン神社のもつ感性、価値、効果

    ( 担当: 単著)

    南山人類学研究所 南山人類学研究所共同研究会  2010年10月 


    担当ページ:24p.   著書種別:調査報告書

  • ケキ(Keki)渓谷(バンドゥンドゥ州)における石器制作

    ( 担当: 単著)

    南山考古文化人類学研究会 南山考人  2010年3月 


    担当ページ:3   著書種別:調査報告書

  • 「中央アフリカ・コンゴにおけるピグミー族の現在」

    明治大学 明治大学市民講座リバティ・アカデミー『先住民講座』  2009年7月 


    担当ページ:22p.   著書種別:調査報告書

  • 「かくれキリシタンの現状―コンゴ人研究社が見る日本の宗教シンクレティズム」

    ( 担当: 単著)

    明治大学 明治大学  2009年7月 


    担当ページ:22p.   著書種別:調査報告書

  • 『世界中のアフリカへ行こう―<旅する文化>のガイドブック』、「コンゴはどうして貧しいか」

    ( 担当: 共著)

    岩波書店  2009年5月 


    総ページ数:177p  【60-80 (20p)】  

  • The Dancing Church of the Congo. Missionary Paths in a changing Society

    ( 担当: 単著)

    CEEBA Publications  2007年12月 



    “This book is an attempt to show the need for genuine evangelization in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) against the background of the missionary challenge in the three conflicting African worlds today: Christian faith, African traditions, and contemporary cultures buffered by the winds of globalization. In its task to both make a critical analysis and to break some new ground concerning this matter, this book is primarily intended to Congolese Christians, especially members of the Communautés écclesiales vivantes de base [Basic Living Christian Communities] (CEVB) and those of other parish spiritual groups. It is also designed to serve as a useful instrument of study for young Congolese students. From them, considerable insights and creativity in the life and mission of the Catholic Church in the Congo are expected in this Third Millennium. For this purpose, the author strove, from a theological and a missionary-anthropological stand point, to organize this book in such a way as to both enkindle new interest in genuine evangelization in this context, an instill further reflection on some existing outstanding efforts by the Catholic Church in the Congo for this purpose. Specifically, this book tries to point out the implications for Congolese Christians of the initiatives the local Catholic Church has set in motion. The initiatives have been made to allow members of Congolese Christian Communities to play a vital role in bringing Christ into the life of the Congo. It is my hope that this book can reflect my concern for successful evangelization of Africa and especially of the Congo DRC, and that it can explain for readers the means which the Congolese Catholic Church has chosen to bring this evangelization about.” (From the Preface by the Author)

  • 「サブサハラ・アフリカの豊かな民族文化のモザイク.近代化・植民地による衝突緊張.植民地主義の現状」

    ( 担当: 単著)

    リバティ・アカデミー Liberty Academy to the Meiji Universit文化講座『世界文化の旅 アフリカ編』 明治大学  2007年5月 


    担当ページ:20p.   著書種別:調査報告書

  • 「コンゴ国立美術館研究所(IMNC)」

    ( 担当: 単著)

    神奈川大学21世紀COEプログラム非文字資料研究センター 『神奈川大学21世紀COEプログラム非文字資料研究 Newsletter』  2005年9月 


    担当ページ:2   著書種別:調査報告書

  • “Social Institutions and Folk Religion among the Sakata of the Congo”

    ( 担当: 単著)

    東京大学, 2003年度第4回修士論文発表会 東京大学  2004年3月 


    担当ページ:22p.   著書種別:調査報告書



  • Ramos, Martin Nogueira. 2019. La foi des ancêtres. Chrétiens cachés et catholiques dans la société villageoise japonaise XVIIe-XIXe siècles [The Faith of the Ancestors. Hidden Christians and Catholics in the Japanese Village Society].

    413p   2020年6月


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:CNRS Editions  

    My overall observation is that this book successfully fulfills its aims to deftly re-interpret the social and religious history of a Japanese village society. The merit of Ramos is to have particularly demonstrated the extent to which “religion, in its [ultimate] social and spiritual dimension, plays a significant role in preserving its quintessential importance in community organization, modes of thought, and broader human relations [and collectively shared resources]” (p.20). Conceptually, interpretivism is advanced as a suitable philosophical framework for the pursuit of study that offers a methodological rationale for a pragmatic, mixed-method investigation. Although there have been some ethnographic and historical studies on this facet of the subject, the sample and context of this work gives it a distinctive character. The book is organized into six well-documented, integrated and interrelated topical chapters, within a broader analytic-conceptual discussion on the research sample. Readers get the impression that the author pays throughout close attention to the interconnectedness of the chapters as well as the general cohesiveness of the book. In a similar vein, the concise summary at the end of each chapter makes transitions from one to the next very smooth.

  • Sakata Folk Dance in Urban Settings


  • 「キリシタン神社ー地域、宗教の融合に」



    出版者・発行元:東京新聞  『生きる』  

  • 「キリシタン神社ー地域、宗教の融合に」

    中日新聞 『文化』   2018年9月



  • 「かくれキリシタン」という信仰



    出版者・発行元:東京新聞  『生きる』  

  • 「かくれキリシタン」という信仰

    中日新聞 『文化』   2018年8月



  • Chanter, s’attacher et transmettre chez les Darhad de Mongolie (Singing, Attachement and Transmission among the Darhads of Mongolia)

    Annual Paper of Nanzan Anthropological Institute『年報人類学研究』   第7号の編集作業   9   2017年3月


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:Nanzan Anthropological Institute  

  • De l’ombre à la lumière, de l’individu à la nation. Ethnographie du renouveau shamanique en Mongolie postcommuniste (from shadow to light, from the individual to the nation: An ethnology of the shamanic revival in post-communist Mongolia)

    Asian Ethnology   70 ( 2 )   9   2011年12月


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:Nazan Institute for religion and Culture  

  • Kakure Kirishitan in the New Urban Context of Kurosaki (Nagasaki)

    Honolulu   2011年3月


    出版者・発行元:AAS (Association for Asian Studies)  

  • The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Forms Identifying and Preserving Basakata Society

    Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture   42   2011年2月


    出版者・発行元:Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture  

    This paper explores the socio-religious systems that the society of the Basakata depends on for its identity and continued existence in the hinterland of the Congo. Using a variety of ethnographic techniques, the findings suggest that the matrilineal kinship ideology and religious forms that permeate the lives of the Basakata have effectively enabled them to maintain and preserve their collective cultural identity in a changing environment. On the whole, the study demonstrates that the close connection between the historically constructed forms of social organization and religious determinants have increasingly ensured the combination of adaptation and continuity in the Basakata homeland.
    Key words: Sakata society; matrilineal kinship system; ethnic religion; post-modern influences

  • キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー

    南山宗教文化研究所   2010年12月



  • コンゴのことばと国家とのインタフェス

    南山大学   2010年10月



  • L'invention des morts [The Invention of the Dead]

    Asian Ethnology   69 ( 2 )   9 (pp.365 - 370)   2010年


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture  

  • “Report on Keynote 2 ‘The Globalization & Culture’ by Prof. Mike Featherstone (Nottingham University) ”,

    『国連大学グローバル・セミナー第20回湘南セッション報告書「文化の多様性をどう生きるか」(Living Together in Cultural Diversity)』   5   2005年6月


    掲載種別:書評論文,書評,文献紹介等   出版者・発行元:国際連合大学  



  • キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会宗教観をめぐって

    文化人類学会中部地区研究懇談会  2024年2月  南山大学人類学研究所


    Kirishitan Shrines: Looking at the Religiosity of Local Communities This study draws on narrative analysis approach to investigate the distinctive aspects of Kirishitan shrines within the context of striking religious phenomena readily observable in the lived religious experiences and relics of the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners in Nagasaki prefecture. The synthesis of ethnographic data and secondary sources suggest that Kirishitan shrines inherently display the religiosity of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners seemingly integrated into supporting local communities. This contextualized examination, thus, reinforces the significance of Kirishitan shrines as sacred sites and institutions representing the footprints of the Christian mission in Japan. At the very least, their facets and contours reflect the symbolism of a sub-culture, often silent, but fully understood within a Christian and Japanese tradition. In general, therefore, this study proposes a refined interpretative tool for understanding how Kirishitan shrines have been, within Christian material religion, extended not only to other sacred objects that are ritually ascribed dual nature, such as Kirishitan festivals, but also to both religious texts and material vessels to a greater spiritual extent. This study highlights mechanisms by which the Kakure Krishtian religion's adaptation and preservation functions in the lives of its followers can lead to religious vitality and affirmatio in changing localities.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners in Contemporary Japan (Part II)

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)   2023年10月  NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

  • Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Japan (Part II)

    Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners in Contemporary Japan (Part II)  2023年10月  NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

  • Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners in Contemporary Japan

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)   2022年10月  NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

  • Kakure Kirishitan Rituals and Symbols

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)   2022年10月  NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions

  • Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Nagasaki Settings

    12th International Convention of Asia Scholars-- Crafting a Global Future  2021年8月  ICAS and Kyoto Seika University

  • Anthropology and Education: Empowering Human Ressources at School

    Heiwa School Para Activities(HSPA)  2020年8月  HEIWA SCHOOL

  • The Historical Christian Sites and the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christian) communities” in Nagasaki settings

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)   2019年11月  NCC Institute for Religious Studies (Kyoto)

  • The Old-Age Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage among the Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: Intersection between Identities and Resources


  • 「長崎再発見-隠れキリシタンの現在」

    南山中学文化委員会  2019年1月  南山中高男子部


    独自の発展を遂げたかくれキリシタン。 仏教徒と同じように線香を供えて拝んだ「キリシタン神社」や 観音像に似せたマリア像などここまで組織的に信仰を隠すのは、海外では例がない。見つからないよう工夫する中で生まれた信仰の形や現在の姿を探る。

  • Kirishitan Shrine festivals and Christian Ecumenical Discourse: A Performance and Ethnographic Study

    COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH-ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE  2019年1月  Anthropological Institute (Nanzan University)

  • The Age-Old of Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage among the Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: Intersection of Identities and resources (Part 1)



    This paper highlights the singularity of the most salient features of the Ohatsuhoage ritual event that constitutes one of the most persistent and deeply ingrained aspects of Kakure Kirishitan survivors in Nagasaki Prefecture. By bringing together these significant characteristics from the lived religious experiences of three religiously active Kakure Kirishitan communities, I attempt to forge a significant positive correlation between the corporate identities and ritual resources that characterize the celebration of this ritual substitute of the Eucharist. The synthesis demonstrates that the ritually-prepared communal meal—Ohatsuhoage—constitutes a stable part of Kakure Kirishitan dominant ideology in which its followers critically take up membership in and identity with the divine and human community. Intriguingly, its core elements conspire together to signal, shape, and heighten collective self-definition, psycho-religious imagination, cherished memories and emotions, while also grounding their identity formats and adaptation processes. The analysis reinforces the startling assumption that the Ohatsuhoage ritual event continues to be, for the most part of the actor-participants, an historical and valuable religious activity deemed important enough to maintain their minimal survival in urban settings. In general, therefore, this study provides a refined interpretative tool for further understanding how the Ohatsuhoage ritual activity has increasingly proved to be a definitive component of the various processes that ultimately enables Kakure Kirishitan survivors to be nurtured by the strands of their longstanding spirituality and religion in the flux of social change.

  • 『キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって』

    COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH-ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE  2018年10月  Anthropological Institute (Nanzan University)

  • 「かくれキリシタンに迫る」

    世界遺産登録記念  2018年10月  朝日カルチャールセンター

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors in Nagasaki Settings

    ISJP (Interreligious Study in Japan Program) プログラム、 Japanese Christianity  2018年10月  NCC宗教研究所

  • Japan's Hidden Christians in Contemporary Settings

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)  2017年10月  NCC Institute for Religious Studies in Kyoto



  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors



    Recent scholarship on the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) in Japan has tended to emphasize the least telling and distinctive aspects of their very real life experiences and struggles in Nagasaki. This research was rather conducted to highlight the singularity of some salient socio-cultural, psycho-religious, and spiritual constructs that define and determine Kakure Kirishitan survivors in urban settings, and to forge a connection between these significant characteristics. Using ethnographic and observational techniques, the results suggest that Kakure Kirishitan individuals have been intrinsically and extrinsically characterized by remarkable spiritual motivation and persistence, psycho-religious experiences, and emotions, as well as vivid historical, Christian, and moral references to their deceased predecessors. In particular, the few remaining Kakure Kirishitans have, through shrines and festivals, consciously sought the viability of their religious beliefs and practices in the public sphere, while privately forming and reaffirming suitable images of community. The analysis reinforces the importance of recognizing how sharing common heritage, identity, and cherished memories have reinforced the uniqueness and practical value of Kakure Kirishitan communities in their continuing spiritual path, while revealing a number of distinctive elements of their religious symbolism that are also imbued with local customs and values. The study provides a refined interpretative tool for demonstrating how the essentially dynamic interplay between specific religious components of Kakure Kirishitan believers mirrors closely the elements of their struggle to achieve transition with experiences of religious adjustment and survival, while maintaining the persistent patterns of the past. Keywords: Kakure Kirishitan survivors; religious constructs; spiritual constructs; sharing; remembering deceased predecessors; Japanese shrine festivals; time-persistent relational patterns; Nagasaki Christians.

  • 「コンゴはどして貧しいか」

    国際教養学部模擬授業  2016年12月  南山大学国際教養学部国際教養学科

  • Japan's Hidden Christians in Contemporary Settings

    The Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)  2016年11月  NCC Institute for Religious Studies (Kyoto)

  • 外海におけるキリスト教史、枯松神社と祭礼

    オラショ講座、かくれキリシタンの祈り  2016年10月  Nanzan Katolikos

  • 「コンゴはどうして貧しいか」

    国際教養学部模擬授業  2016年7月  南山大学国際教養学部国際教養学科

  • 「豊かさと遠い平和」鉱山資源国・コンゴ民主共和国のジレンマ]


  • Kirishitan Shrines and Festivals in Japan: Looking at the Religiosity of Local Communities

    INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF ASIA SCHOLARS (ICAS)  2015年7月  Australian Association for Religious Studies

  • Kakure Kirishitan in Contemporary Settings

    Interreligious Study in Japan Program (ISJP)  2014年11月  NCC宗教研究所

  • 「私と枯松神社祭との関わり」

    枯松神社祭  2014年11月  枯松神社祭実行員会

  • 「サン・ジワン枯松神社と祭礼―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって」

    天理きりしたんワークショップ  2014年10月  天理大学

  • Folk Belief and Traditions of the Supernatural among the Kakure Kirishitan: Disclosing 'Japanized Catholicism'

    Island Dynamics -Folk Belief and Traditions of the Supernatural: Experience, Place, Ritual, and   2013年  Adam Grydehoj

  • Conversion Experiences among the Kakure Kirishitan

    Religious Coversion Group  2012年11月  AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION

  • The Relationship between Japanese Hidden Christians and Local Catholic Church


  • Japan's Hidden Christians in Contemporary Settings


  • 「日本におけるイエズス会の宣教と五島のキリシタン」

    長崎大学  2011年4月  日本日本ナイロ・エチオピア学会

  • “Kakure Kirishitan in the New Urban Context of Kurosaki”

    Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)  2011年3月  ASSOCIATION FOR ASIAN STUDIES

  • The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Forms Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    OPEN SEMINAR ON AFRICAN ISSUES  2011年2月  Nanzan Institute fo Religion and Culture


    This paper explores the socio-religious systems that the society of the Basakata depends on for its identity and continued existence in the hinterland of the Congo. Using a variety of ethnographic techniques, the findings suggest that the matrilineal kinship ideology and religious forms that permeate the lives of the Basakata have effectively enabled them to maintain and preserve their collective cultural identity in a changing environment. On the whole, the study demonstrates that the close connection between the historically constructed forms of social organization and religious determinants have increasingly ensured the combination of adaptation and continuity in the Basakata homeland. Key words: Sakata society; matrilineal kinship system; ethnic religion; post-modern influences

  • 「キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって―」

    科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)『近代日本における「神」の比較宗教史的研究―戦前から戦後までの制度と思  2010年12月  南山宗教文化研究所

  • 「コンゴのことばと国家とのインタフェス」

    南山地域研究センター共同研究会   2010年11月  南山地域研究センター共同研究会

  • 「中央アフリカ・コンゴにおけるピグミー族の現在」

    明治大学市民講座リバティ・アカデミー『世界文化の旅―先住民編』  2009年7月  明治大学

  • 「かくれキリシタンの現在―コンゴ人研究者の見る日本の宗教シンクレティズム」

    明治大学大学院教養デザイン研究科  2009年7月  明治大学

  • 「サブサハラ・アフリカの豊かな民族文化のモザイク.近代化:植民地による衝突緊張.植民地主義の現状」

    リバティ・アカデミ―文化講座『世界文化の旅―アフリカ編』,   2007年5月  明治大学



  • カトリック学術奨励金研究奨励金

    2013年6月   日本カトリック大学連盟 会長ミカエル・カラマノ   著書:『村上茂―カトリックへ復帰した外海・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』 The Biography of Murakami Shigeru: A Kakure Kirishitan Leader from Sotome-Kurosaki who [re]converted to Catholicism


  • 綿花と人間との関わり 歴史から経験と記録へ [Cotton-Human Relations: From History to Experience and Records]


    神言修道会日本管区  2022年度の学校基金の研究費・活動費 

  • Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Nagasaki Settings


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B 


    This study provides an anthropological analysis of the most salient features of Kakure Kirishitan gravestones and landscapes in Nagasaki settings. The specific focus is on local patterns mirrored in the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ social contingencies, reinforcement history, and dynamically lived contexts. The synthesis suggests that Kakure Kirishitan survivors produced fundamental faith-practices, symbols of common cultural and religious identity, and cherished memories that have long established their gravestones as secondary sacred spaces of remembrance. The analysis reinforces the significance of the material and immaterial aspects highlighting the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ quintessential quest to idealize, establish, and maintain the human-divine harmony in their present localities. In general, therefore, this study has provided a refined interpretive tool for demonstrating how Kakure Kirishitan gravestones represent a specific sub-culture, often unspoken, but fully understood within a Christian and Japanese tradition.

  • The Old-Age Ritual Practice of Hatsuhoage: Intersection between Identities and Resources


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B 

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B 



    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B 



    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金II-B 

  • 「キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって」


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A-2 

  • 「キリシタン神社の歴史と現状―地域社会の宗教観をめぐって」


    南山大学  南山大学パッヘ研究奨励金I-A-2 

  • Sakata Folk Dance in Urban Setting: Its Facets and Psycho-Religious Implications


    The purpose of this study is to offer a contribution to the sociological and cultural analysis of Sakata folk dance. The specific focus is the sketch of the broad facets of the Sakata folk dance moyene as performed today in an urban setting. The study includes ethnographic information gleaned from Sakata residents of Bandundu city, the provincial capital of Bandundu Province, where the retention of traditions is still obvious within different families and communities.

  • コンゴのことばと国家とのインタフェ-ス


    . 多民族国家
     コンゴの国家と民族言語の間には次のような関係がある。 (1)多言語が一国内で話されている.(2)一かニ言語が多民族国家で用いられる.たとえばスワヒリ語はザンビア、タンザニア、ケニアなどで公用語とされている。キコンゴ語はコンゴ共和国と、アンゴラなどで公用語とされている。リンガラ語はコンゴ共和国、アンゴラ、中央アフリカ共和国、ガボンなどで公用語とされている。
     国家が言語の統一と規準化などのために施す政策である。言語を支えているのはその言語を母語としている民族である。しかし政治単位であるコンゴの国家と言語の担い手である民族とは必ずしも一致しない。そこでコンゴの国家は統一を維持するために民族言語を規制しようとし、民族はこれに反発する。ここに言語紛争の根源がある。言語政策の内容は、公用語・標準語の制定、文字改革、表記法の変更、「国語」教育など である。以上、コンゴの言語使用状況において、少なくとも規範としてのフランス語の高い社会的地位prestigeが、民族語や国語のそれに比して、劣勢の状況にあることを述べた。この状況を形成する背景要因として、1)コンゴにおける民族語や国語の伝播の歴史ならびにその規範の形成過程、2)しばしば「民族語」や国語使用状況に重要な影響を及ぼすと見做されている母語(Mother Tongue)」教育について、それが現状ではほとんど機能不全に陥っている実情を実例とともに示した。コンゴの言葉と国家の問題を含む、このコンゴをめぐる混乱の最大の原因は、大国による新植民地主義にあるといわれている。

  • The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Forms Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society


    The purpose of this ethnographic research is to offer a contribution to the analysis of the dominant sociological, cultural and religious patterns which actually secure the maintenance and survival of the society of the Basakata in contemporary setting. Initially, I will explore the question of whether the structuring processes by which the matrilineal kinship ideology and religious forms prove equally informative, in regard to their role and interrelationship in the Basakata lands. By using a mixed method approach, I hope to bring these two areas of social life of the Basakata into intelligible relationship in a single analysis. A further component of this analysis entails a narrative analysis of the distinct and apparently influential retention factors and their implications for today. The content of this paper is particularly significant in that there have been few other studies on this particular facet of the subject.

  • キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー



    今回は黒崎町の枯松神社(キリシタン神社)の特性を見出すとともに、かくれキリシタンを含む地域住民との関連性を論述することにある。ここで筆者は、2010年11月3日に行われる第11回枯松神社祭礼の社会組織的な側面に集中することを提議する。そうした点から、簡略にキリシタン神社の倫理と象徴的な側面にも触れることにする。後者は、前研究において深く検討されたものである(Munsi 2008)。

    1) キリシタン神社は、どのような文化的関心を表すのか、また、キリシタン神社の大祭礼がそのコミュニティ、あるいはかくれキリシタンのグループにおいて、どのような性格や位置づけを持ち、そしてそのためにどのような形式(構造)を取ってきたのか。
    2) キリシタン神社の実態を把握するとともに、近年地域社会的変化の中で、かくれキリシタンがキリシタン神社、あるいはそれの持つ宗教的価値観を、どのように維持し、振舞っているか。

  • かくれキリシタンの宗教活動とその社会的機能Religious Activities and Related Social Aspects of Kakure Kirishitan in Japan



  • Folk Belief and Traditions of the Supernatiral among the Kakure Kirishitan: Disclosing 'Japanized Catholicism'


    This research focuses on aspects of folk belief and traditions of the supernatural experienced by the present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians) in Nagasaki prefecture in Japan. The aim is to establish a firm basis on which it is justified to speak of a kind of ‘Japanized Catholicism’. Using ethnographic techniques, the results suggest that the Kakure Kirishitan’s religion includes a mixture of rituals, liturgies, symbols, and a few texts developed and adapted, during persecution times by their predecessors, from remnants of 16th century Portuguese Catholicism, often camouflaging them in forms borrowed from the surrounding visible forms of Buddhism and Shinto. Moreover, Kakure Kirishitan communities have re-emerged today in urban contexts as corporate religious minorities whose ongoing struggle is to accomplish transition while retaining continuity with of the past. On the whole, the evidence lends credence to the conclusion that ‘Kakure Kirishitanism’ is not a Japanese folk religion but rather ‘Japanized Catholicism’. Thus, because their religion in particular defines who they are, to change religions, for Kakure Kirishitan individuals, would mean giving up their identity and the support and security that are embodied in it. In general, therefore, it seems that essential elements in the sociological, psycho-religious and spiritual experience of the Kakure Kirishitan constitute their significance in Japan’s socio-religious tradition.

    Key words: Kakure Kirishitan, folk belief and traditions, supernatural, religious identity, ‘Japanized Catholicism’

  • Kakure Kirishitan in Urban Contexts: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Survival Strategies


    The Present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan represent a tiny, marginalized minority of the local populace, and their survival is in question. During field investigation, it also became evident that some Kakure Kirishitan communities continue to organize religiously, while others have either disbanded, or have enriched themselves just a little more. So far, however, there has been little discussion about this particular facet of the subject. It is therefore of signal importance that research be conducted to delineate the nature and extent of this issue, and the ways in which religiously committed Kakure Kirishitan communities have attempted to survive in a variety of real world settings.
    This article contributes to this inquiry by providing empirical evidence from Nagasaki districts, focusing on some of the specific survival strategies and practices implemented by Kakure Kirishitan communities to address often complex and fluctuating threats they are currently facing.

  • Kakure Kirishitan in New Settings: Leadership Succession and Group Survival


    The purpose of this study is to look into some of the survival strategies the Kakure Kirishitan have implemented in addressing the leadership and group organizational challenges they currently face while safeguarding their religious convictions and creating and sustaining well-functioning communities in contemporary settings. The nature of the two themes generated different approaches, thus making the use of mixed-methods appropriate (Russell 2006). Within the interpretative perspective adopted, the majority of the data presented in this paper emerged from an ethnographic study I carried out at various dates between 2004 and 2013 among four differentially impacted Kakure Kirishitan communities which were active in Kurosaki, Kashiyama, and Wakamatsu districts (Nagasaki). Although there have been a number of studies on the Kakure Kirishitan, the particular sample and context of this study gives it its distinctive character.

  • Rice, Sake, and Sashimi for God and Ancestors:Ethnography of ‘Hatsuhô’ among the Kakure Kirishitan


    Along with various relics, the ritual ceremony ‘Hatsuho’ is an essential element of the foundation of the Kakure Kirishitan. It merits remarking as well as that throughout the very long history (1873-onwards) of the tiny groups of the Kakure Kirishitan in Nagasaki Prefecture (Japan), it has been thought of as a key factor in identifying and preserving their religious culture and tradition. Central to the entire Hatsuho are Japanese rice, sahshimi and sake. These items are significant in that play a key role in being instruments by which the mediation between the visible and the invisible worlds, and the unity of the congregation of Kakure Kirishitan with God and the ancestors. Traditionally, Hatsuho has subscribed to the belief that it proved and continues to prove an important religious legacy which constitutes an alternative of the Roman Catholic ‘Mass’ in Kakure Kirishitan communities. Several studies into minority groups of Kakure Kirishitan have improved our understanding of their religious practices (Kataoka 1997; Miyazaki 2001; Turnbull 1998), but there is still insufficient data for salient aspects of the ritual ceremony Hatsuho.
    This research is designed to offer a contribution to the analysis of sociological, cultural and religious of Hatsuho among the Kakure Kirishitan in Nagasaki prefecture. Interpretativism is advanced as a suitable philosophical framework for the prosecution of the study that offers a methodological rationale for a pragmatic, mixed-methods investigation. The study designs presents a raison d’etre for a phased approach to the work and data are accrued variously from qualtitaive, secondary and archival sources.

  • Psycho-Religious Dynamics of God, Ancestors and Shamanism in Sakata Land


    This study deals with “The Original Religion of the Congo” as experienced in Sakata land. It points out that the Supreme God for the people was the One and Almighty ruler of the Universe. However, for all practical purposes, the local gods and the ancestors, while occupying a position inferior to the God of the universe, were the real objects of religious concern and veneration. The Supreme God was too exalted and too distant to be concerned with the affairs of men.
    Sakata shamans thus take up such beliefs to perform rituals which protray the interaction between faith and health in Sakata land.
    From the anthropological and psycho-religious point of view, one can argue that:
    some of the facts bound up with the awe and wonder that life and deatharoused in the intelligent minds of primitive men. As regards the deity, it is hard to draw conclusions about how He was imagined, but “belief in spiritual beings” might signify “the minimum definition of belief in God.” Animism saw spirits in trees, rocks, rivers, flowers, mountains, clouds and oceans. From animism it was no long step to polytheism. From polytheism, human intelligence discerned the need for some sort of monotheism. Men could not avoid feeling that some being transcends even the universe itself and which is its ground and support, determining the operations of nature and the destinies of men.
    However, the natural order with its numerous spirits and gods, made the Supreme Being a very vague and inoperative figure obscured in the mists of animism, polytheism and belief in ancestral influences.

  • Hidden Memory of the Mabi chiefdom in Sakata Land


    The Sakata inhabite the territory of Kutu that formed a part of the multi-cultural District (127,341km²) of Mai-Ndombe (Province of Bandundu) located in the southwest part of the Congo, at the extreme south of the Central Basin (Cuvette Centrale). Culturally and linguistically the matrilineal Sakata belong to the nucleus of Bantu speakers of Lower-Kasai. Thus they form the ‘Buma-Sakata cluster’ which included the Nku and several smaller groups. Their neighbors are Nkundo-Ipanga in the Mai-Ndombe district, the Yansi and Buma on the left side of the Kasai River (Vansina 1966, 1999).
    This study focuses on one aspect of the socio-historical context of the Sakata. Specifically, it attempts to unravel the Mabi Chiefdom's hidden striking events, stories and traditions since time immemorial in Sakata land.

  • The Age-Old Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage among the Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: Intersection of Identities and Resources (Part II)


    This research highlights the singularity of the most salient features of the Ohatsuhoage ritual event that constitutes one of the most persistent and deeply ingrained aspects of Kakure Kirishitan survivors in Nagasaki. By bringing together these significant characteristics from the lived religious experiences of three Kakure Kirishitan communities, I attempt to forge a significant positive correlation between the corporate identities and ritual resources that the material gives evidence to. The synthesis demonstrates that the ritually-prepared communal meal—Ohatsuhoage—constitutes a stable part of Kakure Kirishitan dominant ideology in which its followers critically take up membership in and identity with the divine and human community. Intriguingly, its core elements conspire together to signal, shape, and heighten collective self-definition, psycho-religious imagination, cherished memories and emotions, while also grounding their identity formats and adaptation processes. The analysis reinforces the startling assumption that the Ohatsuhoage ritual event continues to be, for the most part of the actor-participants, an historical and valuable religious activity deemed important enough to maintain their minimal survival in urban settings. In general, therefore, this study provides a refined interpretative tool for further understanding how the Ohatsuhoage ritual activity has increasingly proved to be a definitive component of the various processes that ultimately enables Kakure Kirishitan survivors to be nurtured by the strands of their longstanding spirituality and religion in the flux of social change.

  • The Age-Old Ritual Practice of Ohatsuhoage: Intersection of Identities and Resources (Part I)


    This study focuses on the Kakure Kirishitan survivors found in Nagasaki settings to reconfigure our actual understanding of the salient aspects and effects of their age-old ritual of Ohatsuhoage, using a micro-illustrative analysis. The synthesis suggested that the Ohatsuhoage ceremony constitutes a stable part of Kakure Kirishitan ideology, in which its followers critically take up membership in and identity with communities, which in turn serve as homes of these shared practices. Yet this collective ceremony essentially represents a religious practice that includes rice and sake offering and placatory gifts, prayers (Orasho), body movement, and communal meal sharing. Intriguingly, the potential of this ritually-prepared communal meal lies in its ability to shape participants’ psycho-religious imagination, reinforce their sense of belonging to community and collective memories and emotions, while at the same time grounding their identity formats and adaptation processes. Thus, for Kirishitan minorities, the Ohatsuhoage ceremony and its attendant beliefs continue to be historically deemed important and valuable enough to maintain their communities’ minimal religious and cultural survival in urban settings. In general, therefore, this study provided a refined interpretative tool for understanding how the old-age ritual of Ohatsuhoage has increasingly proven to be a definitive component of the various processes that ultimately enables Kakure Kirishitan survivors to be nurtured and resources by the strands of their long-standing spirituality and religion.

  • Performing Hiddnness: Looking at the facets of the twentieth Karematsu Shrine Festival in Shimo-Kurosaki


    The present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners are descendants of Japanese Catholics who were persecuted in the early 1600s and subsequently went underground, practicing secretly their faith for about 250 years. Ethnographic and historical evidence shows that their faith-based communities have drawn very deeply from the religious tradition and culture bequeathed to them by their deceased predecessors or righteous ancestors in faith, including mechanisms by which the ‘hiddenness’ has become part of their continued Christian life and worship (Munsi 2014:353). Here we would like instead to focus on the religiously committed communities of Shimo-Kurosaki, Kami-Kurosaki, and Shitsu (Nagasaki) to highlight the singularity of some salient aspects of the twentieth Karematsu Shrine Festival from the performance and event-centered ethnographic perspectives. Singularly important for our purposes is the understanding of how the concepts of indexicality and negotiation, the presence of social energy, and the facets of interfaith gathering are expressed and articulated by Kakure Kirishitan practitioners, Catholics, and Buddhists in a decidedly urban setting.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Survivors in Sendaiji and Takatsuki: Narratives and Memories of the Decsendants


    This research looks at the autobiographical narratives and fond memories of the early Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ descendants in Sendaiji and Takatsuki districts (Ibaraki) to emphasize the importance of their reconstructive aspects of remembering. The substantive concern is to establish a possible connection between practitioners’ religious expressions and related social contexts.

  • Traditional Medicine of the Sakata People in Congo DRC


    After an overview of the origins of healing practices in Sakata society gleaned from oral history, I will first focus on the meta-physical body-parts as conceptualized by the Sakata. Then I will conduct semi-structure interviews and formal/informal conversations on the physical body called Njore. Here I will be very much interested in three aspects: (1) the appearance (kelli), (2) the life principle (kenima), and the double body (kenyinyei). This information will potentially allow me to explore the theme of the “logic in the repertoire” of Sakata medicine. Two, four, or six parts of the body evoked in literature will be identified and explored in the field. Along with the data on ceramic vessels used for healing practice I hope that I will glean much ethnographic information from informants so that I can explore further this facet of the subject against the backdrop of the contrast visible versus invisible, which is a generative formula in the whole Sakata cosmology.

  • Kakure Kirishitan Gravestones in Nagasaki Settings


    This study provides an anthropological analysis of the most salient features of Kakure Kirishitan gravestones and landscapes in Nagasaki settings. The specific focus is on local patterns mirrored in the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ social contingencies, reinforcement history, and dynamically lived contexts. The synthesis suggests that Kakure Kirishitan survivors produced fundamental faith-practices, symbols of common cultural and religious identity, and cherished memories that have long established their gravestones as secondary sacred spaces of remembrance. The analysis reinforces the significance of the material and immaterial aspects highlighting the Kakure Kirishitan practitioners’ quintessential quest to idealize, establish, and maintain the human-divine harmony in their present localities. In general, therefore, this study has provided a refined interpretive tool for demonstrating how Kakure Kirishitan gravestones represent a specific sub-culture, often unspoken, but fully understood within a Christian and Japanese tradition.



  • Mission Educational Research活動検討委員会の委員長



    Preparation of the 2020 SVD Provincial Chapter and Workshop on "Mission in the Fields".

  • The relationship between Human Beings and Cotton

    2020年4月 - 2021年1月


    Key Note lectures organized for Nanzan Students attending the courses of Ethnology, Multiculturalism, Sustainability, Ethnicity and Culture, Globalization Ethnicity, and Religion based on Collaborative Book Project " The relationship between Human Beings and Cotton".

  • Anthropology of Japan in Japan



    Preparation and Organization of the Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting held at Nanzan University on the theme "Displacements and Potentials".

  • African Association for the Sudy of Religions



    Discussion on African Religions and Societies during the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion

  • African Association for the Sudy of Religions

    2017年11月 - 2018年3月


    Compiling contemporary Issues of African Religions

  • Asian Studies in Africa

    2017年7月 - 2018年3月


    Outline of main research topics related to Asian Studies in Africa

  • 研究テーマ

    2015年4月 - 2016年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabi Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo
    (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー

    6. Kakure Kirishitan Survivors: A Study of the Socio-cultural, Psycho-Religious and Spiritual Constructs

    7.Kirishitan Shrines and Festivals in Japan: Looking at the Religiosity of the Local Communities
    7. Kirishitan Shrines and Festivals in Japan: Looking at the Religiosity of Local Communities.
    Paper to be presented at the 9th International Convention of Asian Scholars, Adelaide (Australia), July 6, 2015

    8. The Dancing Church of the Congo: Missionary Paths in a Changing Society. Revised Edition.


    2015年1月 - 2015年2月


    Formation of Interculturality Resource Persons
    (Nemi-Rome, Italy)

  • Aspects of the Interculturality





  • 研究テーマ

    2014年4月 - 2015年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabi Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo
    (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー

    6. Kakure Kirishitan in Urban Contexts: An Ethnographic of Survival Strateg


  • 研究テーマ

    2013年4月 - 2014年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabi Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo  第二部調査 (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー

  • 研究テーマ

    2012年4月 - 2013年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabie Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo
    (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー
    6. The Dancing Church of the Congo: Missionary Paths in a Changing Society. Revised Edition.

  • 研究テーマ

    2011年4月 - 2012年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabi Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo
    (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー

    6. Conversion Experience among the Kakure Kirishitan


    7. The Dancing Church of the Congo: Missionary Paths in a Changing Society. Revised Edition.

    8. Japanese Hidden Christians in Contemporary Settings

    Paper presented at Lund University (Sweden) (March 2012) during the Open Seminar on Interfaith

  • 研究テーマ

    2010年4月 - 2011年3月


    1. キリシタン神社の歴史と現状ー地域社会の宗教観をめぐってー


    2. The Matrilineal Kinship Ideology and Religious Deterinants Identifying and Preserving Sakata Society

    (Article in completion)

    3. Hidden Memories of the Mabi Chiefdom in the Sakata Lands, Congo
    (Book in completion)

    4. Traditional Medecine and Shamanism in the Sakata lands, Congo
    (Article in completion)

    5. サン・ジワン枯松神社ー歴史と現状ー

    6. Kakure Kirishitan in a New Urbanized context of Kurosaki

    Paper to be presented at Honolulu (31 march 2011) during the Annual Conference of the Assiciation for Assian Studies (AAS)

  • Research Papers



    1.「キリシタン神社」 、人類学研究所第二共同研究会



  • Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners: A Study of their Historical Background , Socio-Cultural and Psycho-Religious Constructs

    2022年4月 - 2023年3月


    This study demonstrates that Kakure Kirishitan practitoners have been intrinsically and extrinsically characterized by remarkable spiritual motivation and persistence, psycho-religious experiences, and emotions, as well as vivid historical, Christian, and moral references to their dceased predecessors or righteous ancestors in faith. More importantly, they have sought, through,the so-called Kirishitan shrine festivals, the visibility and viability of their religious beliefs and practices in the public sphere, while privetely forming and reaffirming suitable images of community, including member bonds, secrecy, fond memories, and sacred relic veneration---the most basic tenets of their religion and ideology.

  • Unraveling the Threads: Why does Congo represent the Future of the Globalized World Order?

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月


    Recent developments in the field of African studies have heightened the world’s interest to have a stable and prosperous Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is capable to help Africa fulfil its economic potential in the 21st century, while offering at the same time great potential for profound change to humanity. This synthesis highlights the nature and extent of the DRC’s potentialities, and determine possible asymmetries and risks entailed in this process at the national, regional, and global levels. Analysis shows that the DRC has, regardless its geo-strategic position in the heart of Central Africa and immense natural ressources, long failed to act in concert and develop a transit economy in the sub-region. These shortcomings have been attributed to the country’s lack of political vision, political will, human and financial capacities, as well as the overall unpleasant regional climate. The study, therefore, provides a refine interpretative tool for understanding how the DRC represents the future of both African and global economic networks. Hence, its stabilization, pacification, and sustainable development, as well as its protection and power reinforcement are solely needed today, lest people in national and international spheres take advantage of the neglect to destroy the world’s ecosystem and humanity.

    Keywords: DRC, geo-strategic position, mineral ressources, stability, pacification, power reinforcement,
    National interests, global economic networks, ecosystem, humanity.

  • Cotton-human Relations and SDGs

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月


    Cotton cultivation and consumption face various issues in today's globalized world. The effects of cotton on local community sustainability call for further ethnographic inquiry. From this perspective, this study analyses the relationship of cotton production and fair trade as well as with the deplorable implications of a growing amount of child labor in India, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, and Mali. An important note is made on the concepts of conventional cotton and organic cotton in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Kakure Kirishitan Practitioners in Nagasaki: An Ethnography of their Community Leadership Patterns



    The present-day remnants of Kakure Kirishitan practitioners in Nagasaki Prefecture represent the descendants of Japanese Catholics who were persecuted in the early 1600s and who, subsequently, went underground. Recent ethnographic evidence has shown that they constitute a very small, marginalized minority of the local populace, and their survival is in question. This synthesis focuses on the lived-religious experiences, social relations, cultural ideals, and struggles of five active Kakure Kirishitan communities to further highlight the singularity of some salient aspects of their leadership structures and determinants that have significantly characterize them in their present localities. Using ethnographic techniques, I argue that the continued existence and success of Kakure Kirishitan leaders in their respective surviving faith-based communities essentially depend on a continuously creative balancing of leadership functioning and psycho-religious interests dealing with circumstances that can change at any moment. This study, therefore, suggests that Kakure Kirishitan constructs represent a common heritage, an aspect in accordance with which Kakure Kirishitan practitioners effectively identify themselves and that they use to meaningfully account for their continuing spiritual path. This amounts to the quintessential quest of these seemingly integrated religious minorities for assuring their minimal survival in the modern pattern of urban life.

  • Hidden Memories of the Mabie Chiefdom in Sakata land

    2018年4月 - 2019年1月


    The second Part II of this research focused on Royal family conflicts

  • Sakata Medicine and Folk Dance in Urban Settings

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月


    A medical anthropological study of Sakata Traditional Medicen
    A visual Anthropological study of the Sakata Folklore Dance in Urban Settings

  • Historical and Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Mabie Chiefdom in Sakata Society (Congo DRC)

    2017年4月 - 2018年3月


    An anthropologica Study of the Mabie Chiefdom in Sakata Lands

  • コンゴ東部における内戦―新植民地主義をめぐって




  • コンゴ民主共和国における文化と首長生社会





  • アフリカの歴史と現状ーアフリカ諸国の発展が可能か




  • アフリカの歴史と現状ーアフリカ諸国の発展が可能か




  • アフリカの歴史と現状ーアフリカ諸国の発展が可能か






  • Committee

  • .神言修道会の養成・教育委員会Formation/Education

  • .フランス語のミサ共同体

  • Activities Study Committee]活動検 討委員会

  • .神言修道会のMER [Mission Education Research

  • .コンゴの子どものために「平和学園」という学校建設を進める

  • .アフリカ研究会、アフリカサックル

  • .神言修道会の社会福祉的活動団体(JPIC委員会)
