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2009  Analyzing and optimizing energy efficiency of algorithms on DVS systems: A first step towards algorithmic energy minimization  共著   
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)  , IEEE Press  , 727–732  , 2009/01   

概要(Abstract) The energy efficiency at the algorithmic level on DVS systems and its analysis and optimization methods are presented. Given a problem the most energy efficient algorithm is not uniquely determined but dependent on multiple factors, including intratask dynamic voltage scaling (IntraDVS) policies, the size of intermediate data structure, and the size of inputs. We show that at the algorithmic level principles behind energy optimization and performance optimization are not identical. We propose a metric for evaluating optimal energy efficiency of static voltage scaling (SVS) and a few new effective IntraDVS policies employing data flow information. Experimental results on sorting algorithms show the existence of several tradeoffs in terms of energy consumption. Transforming algorithms by employing problem specific knowledge and data flow information successfully improves their energy efficiency. 

備考(Remarks) https://doi.org/10.1109/ASPDAC.2009.4796566 

2008  動的電圧制御システムにおける評価戦略選択に基づく高効率消費エネルギー関数型プログラミング  共著  http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110007970891 
情報処理学会論文誌:トランザクション「プログラミング」  , 情報処理学会  , Vol.2, No.2(PRO41)  , 54-69  , 2009/03   

概要(Abstract) 動的電圧制御 (DVS: dynamic voltage scaling) は,プロセッサへの供給電圧とその動作周波数をプログラム実行時に変化させる技術であり,現在,多くの商用プロセッサに実装されている.本稿では,デッドラインなどの制約のあるリアルタイムシステムを対象に,DVS システムにおいて動的エネルギー消費のより少ないプログラムを開発する方法論の 1 つを提示する.DVS システムで実行されるプログラムに動的エネルギー消費の最適化が有効であるためには,残り予測実行時間の実行早期の正確な見積りを容易にすることが重要である.そのため,プログラムは何を計算するかに加えどう計算するかをうまく指定する必要がある.しかし,プログラム改変によるエネルギー消費の最適化はプログラムのモジュール性を著しく損なう.本稿では,プログラムから独立し,エネルギー消費の最適化戦略を開発する手法を提案する.提案手法により,エネルギー消費の最適化を行うときに元のプログラムの部分正当性が容易に保存され,元のプログラムおよびエネルギー消費の最適化を行うための評価戦略が独立してそれぞれモジュール性を有するようになった.遅延評価などのプログラミング言語の特徴や構成的アルゴリズム論における組化などを活用することにより半自動化が実現できたことが,本開発法の特徴の 1 つである.本稿では,整列,選択,文字列検索などの基本的なアルゴリズムに提案手法を適用する.また,電力モデルを備えた命令セットシミュレータ(ISS: instruction set simulator)において実験を行い,エネルギー消費がどれだけ最適化されたかを評価する.基本的なアルゴリズムにおいて,本稿のアプローチが有効であることから,複雑なアルゴリズムに対しても本手法が効果的であることが期待される. 

備考(Remarks) 以下で発表したものを改訂したもの.
動的電圧制御システムにおけるエネルギー効率的な関数プログラム, 第71回情報処理学会プログラミング研究発表会. 

2008  A Generalized Framework for Energy Savings in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems  共著   
Proceedings of 2008 International SoC Design Conference  , IEEE  , 727-732  , 2009/01   

概要(Abstract) A generalized dynamic energy performance scaling (DEPS) framework is proposed for exploring application-specific energy-saving potential in multiprocessor systems. This software-centric framework takes advantage of possible power control mechanisms to trade off performance for energy savings. Three existing technologies, i.e., dynamic hardware resource configuration (DHRC), dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS), and dynamic power management (DPM), have been employed in this framework to achieve the maximal energy savings. The problem of determining the optimal task allocation and DEPS configurations is formulated as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. Several practical issues such as how to reduce measurement and computation time and how to reduce the configuration overhead are also addressed. The effectiveness of DEPS is validated through a case study. 

備考(Remarks) DOI: 10.1109/SOCDC.2008.4815570

2008  Reversible Flowchart Languages and the Structured Reversible Program Theorem  共著   
Automata, Languages and Programming  , Springer  , LNCS 5126  , 258-270  , 2008/08   

概要(Abstract) Many irreversible computation models have reversible counterparts, but these are poorly understood at present. We introduce reversible flowcharts with an assertion operator and show that any reversible flowchart can be simulated by a structured reversible flowchart using only three control flow operators. Reversible flowcharts are r-Turing-complete, meaning that they can simulate reversible Turing machines without garbage data. We also demonstrate the injectivization of classical flowcharts into reversible flowcharts. The reversible flowchart computation model provides a theoretical justification for low-level machine code for reversible microprocessors as well as high-level block structured reversible languages. We give examples for both such languages and illustrate them with a lossless encoder for permutations given by Dijkstra. 


2008  Principles of a reversible programming languages  未設定   
CF '08: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Computing frontiers  , ACM Press  , 43–54  , 2008/05   

概要(Abstract) The principles of reversible programming languages are explicated and illustrated with reference to the design of a high-level imperative language, Janus. The fundamental properties for such languages include backward as well as forward determinism and reversible updates of data. The unique design features of the language include explicit post-condition assertions, direct access to an inverse semantics and the possibility of clean ({\ie}, garbage-free) computation of injective functions. We suggest the clean simulation of reversible Turing machines as a criterion for computing strength of reversible languages, and demonstrate this for Janus. We show the practicality of the language by implementation of a reversible fast Fourier transform. Our results indicate that the reversible programming paradigm has fundamental properties that are relevant to many different areas of computer science. 

備考(Remarks) https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1366230.1366239 

2007  Reversible Machine Code and Its Abstract Processor Architecture  共著   
Computer Science -- Theory and Applications  , Springer  , LNCS 4649  , 56-69  , 2007/09   

概要(Abstract) A reversible abstract machine architecture and its reversible machine code are presented and formalized. For machine code to be reversible, both the underlying control logic and each instruction must be reversible. A general class of machine instruction sets was proven to be reversible, building on our concept of reversible updates. The presentation is abstract and can serve as a guideline for a family of reversible processor designs. By example, we illustrate programming principles for the abstract machine architecture formalized in this paper. 

備考(Remarks) 以下で発表したものを改訂したもの.
Second International Symposium on Computer Science in Russia, CSR 2007


2006  Program Optimizations and Transformations in Calculation Form  共著   
Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering  , Springer  , LNCS 4143  , 144-168  , 2006/11   

概要(Abstract) The world of program optimization and transformation takes on a new fascination when viewed through the lens of program calculation. Unlike the traditional fold/unfold approach to program transformation on arbitrary programs, the calculational approach imposes restrictions on program structures, resulting in some suitable calculational forms such as homomorphisms and mutumorphisms that enjoy a collection of generic algebraic laws for program manipulation. In this tutorial, we will explain the basic idea of program calculation, demonstrate that many program optimizations and transformations, such as the optimization technique known as loop fusion and the parallelization transformation, can be concisely reformalized in calculational form, and show that program transformation in calculational forms is of higher modularity and more suitable for efficient implementation. 

備考(Remarks) 以下を改訂したもの.
Program Optimizations and Transformations in Calculation Form, Ralf Lämmel, João Saraiva and Joost Visser (Eds.) Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering,
Technical Report TR-CCTC/DI-35, Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias de Computaçã, Departamento Informática, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, pp. 41-66, July 4-8, 2005.


2004  決定論的2階パターンとプログラム変換への応用  共著   
コンピュータソフトウェア  , 日本ソフトウェア科学会  , Vol. 21、No. 5  , 71-76  , 2004/09   

概要(Abstract) 2階パターンと2階照合を用いると高度なプログラム変換を記述することができることが知られている.しかし,2階照合はNP困難であるため効率がよい実装が望めない.われわれは,2階パターンの形を制限することで,どのような項とも得られる最汎照合子が高々1つである決定論的なパターンのクラスを定め,またこの照合を得るための効率の良いアルゴリズムを開発した.本稿では,このような決定論的2階パターンのクラスを拡張し,また線形2階パターンが決定論的であるための必要十分条件を与える.このクラスのパターンを用いて幅広いプログラム変換を記述することが可能である. 

備考(Remarks) https://doi.org/10.11309/jssst.21.403 

2004  Deterministic Second-Order Patterns  共著   
Information Processing Letters  , Elsevier  , 89(6)  , 309-314  , 2004/03   

概要(Abstract) Second-order patterns, together with second-order matching, enable concise specification of program transformation, and have been implemented in several program transformation systems. However, second-order matching in general is nondeterministic, and the matching algorithm is so expensive that the matching is NP-complete. It is orthodox to impose constraints on the form of higher-order patterns so as to obtain the desirable matches satisfying certain properties such as decidability and finiteness. In the context of unification, Miller's higher-order patterns have a single most-general unifier. In this paper, we relax the restriction of his patterns without changing determinism in the context of matching instead of unification. As a consequence, our deterministic second-order patterns cover a wide class of useful patterns for program transformation. The time-complexity of our deterministic matching algorithm is linear in the size of a term for a fixed pattern. 

備考(Remarks) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2003.12.008 

2003  Deterministic Higher-Order Patterns for Program Transformation  共著   
Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation  , Springer  , LNCS 3018  , 128-142  , 2004/08   

概要(Abstract) Higher-order patterns, together with higher-order matching, enable concise specification of program transformation, and have been implemented in several program transformation systems. However,higher-order matching in general is nondeterministic, and the matching algorithm is so expensive that even second-order matching is NP-complete. It is orthodox to impose constraint on the form of patterns to obtain the desirable matches satisfying certain properties such as decidability and finiteness. In the context of unification, Miller’s higher-order patterns have a single most general unifier. We relax the restrictions in his patterns without changing determinism within the context of matching instead of unification. As a consequence, the new class of patterns covers a wide class of useful patterns for program transformation. The time-complexity of the matching algorithm is linear for the size of a term for a fixed pattern. 

備考(Remarks) 以下を改訂したもの.
Deterministic Second-order Patterns in Program Transformation. Maurice Bruynooghe (Ed.), In Preproceedings of the International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR), pp. 165-178, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2003. Technical Report CW 365 at Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. August 25-27, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden.


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