氏名 Name |
松井 宗也 ( マツイ ムネヤ , MATSUI Muneya ) |
所属 Organization |
経営学部経営学科 |
職名 Academic Title |
准教授 |
個人または研究室WebページURL URL |
https://sites.google.com/view/muneya-matsui/home |
専攻分野 Area of specialization |
経済理論専攻 統計コース |
著書・学術論文数 No. of books/academic articles |
総数 total number (15)
著書数 books (0) 学術論文数 articles (15) |
大学院名 Grad. School |
修了課程 Courses Completed |
修了年月(日) Date of Completion |
修了区分 Completion Classification |
東京大学大学院経済学研究科 | 博士課程 | 2006年03月 | 修了 |
学位区分 Degree Classification |
取得学位名 Degree name |
学位論文名 Title of Thesis |
学位授与機関 Organization Conferring the Degree |
取得年月(日) Date of Acquisition |
博士 | 博士(経済学) | Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Heavy Tailed Distributions | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科経済理論(統計コース)専攻博士課程 | 2006年03月 |
修士 | 修士(経済学) | 東京大学大学院経済学研究科経済理論(統計コース)専攻修士課程 | 2003年03月 | |
学士 | 学士(経済学) | 東京大学経済学部経済学科 | 2001年03月 |
長期研究/短期研究 Long or Short Term research |
研究課題名 Research Topic |
長期研究 | 確率・統計の理論とその社会科学への応用:人類は「偶然」に対してどのように取り組むか |
概要(Abstract) 数理統計の理論研究、確率過程の理論研究、社会科学における数理モデルの構築。数理だけでなく、ジョン・ロールズの「無知のヴェール」、「ナイトの不確実性」といった偶然も射程に入れている。さらに欲を言えば「同じように努力する人たちの間での待遇や所得の違いを偶然で片づけてよいか?」等の偶然に関係する規範倫理学も視野に入れたいと考えている。「それは偶然だからしょうがない。」と目をつむるのでは自分の気分が悪いし、何のための研究か分からないから。 |
短期研究 | 数理モデルの構築 |
概要(Abstract) 確率・統計を用いて分野を限らず研究しています。とはいっても興味の主な分野は社会科学です。最近は理論的にやや込み入った数学を用いることが多くやや理論寄りです。数理以外の「偶然」に関する勉強も始めていますが、未だ勉強の段階です。 |
年度 Year |
論文題目名 Title of the articles |
共著区分 Collaboration Classification |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
掲載誌名 Journal name,出版機関名 Publishing organization,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2022 | Characterization of the tail behavior of a class of BEKK processes: A stochastic recurrence equation approach | 未設定 | |
Econometric Theory , Cambridge University Press , 38 , 1-34 , 2022 | |||
概要(Abstract) We consider conditions for strict stationarity and ergodicity of a class of multivariate BEKK processes and study the tail behavior of the associated stationary distributions. Specifically, we consider a class of BEKK-ARCH processes where the innovations are assumed to be Gaussian and a finite number of lagged ’s may load into the conditional covariance matrix of . By exploiting that the processes have multivariate stochastic recurrence equation representations, we show the existence of strictly stationary solutions under mild conditions, where only a fractional moment of may be finite. Moreover, we show that each component of the BEKK processes is regularly varying with some tail index. In general, the tail index differs along the components, which contrasts with most of the existing literature on the tail behavior of multivariate GARCH processes. Lastly, in an empirical illustration of our theoretical results, we quantify the model-implied tail index of the daily returns on two cryptocurrencies. |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Tails of bivariate stochastic recurrence equation with triangular matrices | 共著 | |
Stochastic Processes and their Applications , Elsevier , 150 , 147-191 , 2022 | |||
概要(Abstract) We study bivariate stochastic recurrence equations with triangular matrix coefficients and we characterize the tail behavior of their stationary solutions W=(W_1,W_2). Recently it has been observed that W_1,W_2 may exhibit regularly varying tails with different indices, which is in contrast to well-known Kesten-type results. However, only partial results have been derived. Under typical “Kesten–Goldie” and “Grey” conditions, we completely characterize tail behavior of W_1,W_2. The tail asymptotics we obtain has not been observed in previous settings of stochastic recurrence equations. |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Distance covariance for random fields | 共著 | |
Stochastic Processes and their Applications , Elsevier , 150 , 280-322 , 2022 | |||
We study an independence test based on distance correlation for random fields (X, Y). We consider the |
備考(Remarks) |
2021 | Asymptotics of maximum likelihood estimation for stable law with continuous parameterization | 単著 | |
Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods , Taylor & Francis , 50 , 3695-3712 , 2021 | |||
概要(Abstract) Asymptotics of maximum likelihood estimation for α-stable law are analytically investigated with a continuous parameterization. The consistency and asymptotic normality are shown on the interior of the whole parameter space. Although these asymptotics have been provided with Zolotarev’s (B) parameterization, there are several gaps between. Especially in the latter, the density is discontinuous at α = 1 for β≠0 and usual asymptotics are impossible. This is a considerable inconvenience for applications. By showing that these quantities are smooth in the continuous form, we fill the gaps between and provide a convenient theory. We numerically approximate the Fisher information matrix around the Cauchy law (α,β)=(1,0). The results exhibit continuity at α=1,β≠0 and this secures the accuracy of our calculations. |
備考(Remarks) |
2016 | Fractional absolute moments of heavy tailed distributions | 共著 | |
Brazilian journal of probability and statistics , Brazilian Statistical Association , 30 , 272-298 , 2016 | |||
概要(Abstract) Several convenient methods for calculation of fractional absolute moments are given with application to heavy tailed distributions. Our main focus is on an infinite variance case with finite mean, that is, we are interested in formulae for E[|X − μ|γ ] with 1 < γ < 2 and μ ∈ R. We review techniques of fractional differentiation of Laplace transforms and characteristic functions. Several examples are given with analytical expressions of E[|X − μ|γ ]. We also evaluate the fractional moment errors for both prediction and parameter estimation problems. |
備考(Remarks) |
2016 | Extremogram and the cross-Extremogram for a bivariate GARCH(1,1) Process | 共著 | |
Advances in Applied Probability , Applied Probability Trust , 48A , 217-233. , 2016 | |||
概要(Abstract) We derive asymptotic theory for the extremogram and cross-extremogram of a bivariate GARCH(1,1) process. We show that the tails of the components of a bivariate GARCH(1,1) process may exhibit power-law behavior but, depending on the choice of the parameters, the tail indices of the components may differ. We apply the theory to five-minute return data of stock prices and foreign-exchange rates. We judge the fit of a bivariate GARCH(1,1) model by considering the sample extremogram and cross-extremogram of the residuals. The results are in agreement with the independent and identically distributed hypothesis of the two-dimensional innovations sequence. The cross-extremograms at lag zero have a value significantly distinct from zero. This fact points at some strong extremal dependence of the components of the innovations. |
備考(Remarks) |
2015 | Macroeconomic dynamics in a model with heterogeneous wage contracts | 共著 | |
Economic Modelling , Elsevier , 49 , 72-80 , 2015 | |||
概要(Abstract) In the present paper, we constructed a DSGE model with two types of workers with heterogeneous wage contracts, unionized and non-unionized wages, to investigate macroeconomic dynamics and welfare implications. The innovative feature of this paper is to examine direct substitution effects between workers with both types of wage contracts by introducing firms that jointly employ them. It is revealed that the macroeconomic volatility and welfare loss to asymmetric labor productivity shock increased and decreased with the elasticity of substitution between two types of workers and labor unions' bargaining power, respectively. Furthermore, those of monetary policy shock increased with labor unions' bargaining power, which implies that better monetary policy design is more important when unions are more influential. |
備考(Remarks) 査読付き論文 |
2015 | Generalized fractional Levy processes with fractional Brownian motion limit and applications to stochastic volatility models | 共著 | |
Advances in Applied Probability , Applied Probability Trust , 47 , 1108-1131 , 2015 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) 査読付き論文 |
2014 | Prediction in a non-homogeneous Poisson cluster model | 単著 | |
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , Elsevier , 55 , 10-17 , 2014 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) 査読付き論文 |
2014 | The Lamperti Transform of fractional Brownian motion and related self-similar Gaussian processes. | 共著 | |
Stochastic models , Taylor & Francis , 30 , 68-98 , 2013 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) 査読付き論文 |
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2022 | Recent developments in subexponentialiy of infinitely divisible distributions | 単独 | 2022/12/8 |
「無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題」 , 統計数理研究所 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Subexponentiality of densities of infinitely divisible distributions on the whole real line | 単独 | 2022/12/18 |
科研費シンポジウム「統計科学の開拓」 , 科学研究費・基盤研究(A) 「大規模複雑データの理論と方法論の革新的展開」 (研究代表者:青嶋 誠(筑波大学), 課題番号:20H00576) 主催 シンポジウム | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Subexponentiality of densities of infinitely divisible distributions on the whole real line | 単独 | 2022/10/12 |
Risk and Statistics, 3rd Tohoku-ISM-UUlm Joint Workshop , Tohoku University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
年度 Year |
助成名称または科学研究費補助金研究種目名 Name of grant or research classification for scientific research funding |
研究題目 Research Title |
役割(代表/非代表) Role |
助成団体 Granting body |
助成金額 Grant amount |
2011 | 科学研究費補助金 | 地震や台風等の大規模災害リスクの確率・統計的方法―保険学への貢献へ向けて | |
代表 | 日本学術振興会 | ||
研究内容(Research Content) ポアソン・クラスターモデルを改良・拡張することで、大規模化する災害と付随する損失を適切に表現しうる確率モデルを構築する。稀にしか起こらない現象の「稀」(何をもって小さい確率とするか)は主観的に決めざるを得ないのですが、「そんなことは起こらない。」と無視する訳にもいきません。そういった稀にしか起こらない現象も視野に入れてモデルを作っています。 |
備考(Remarks) 2011~2012年度 |
2009 | 特別研究員奨励費 | 厚い裾や強い依存関係による特異性を有するモデルの統計的方法 | |
研究代表者 | 日本学術振興会 | ||
研究内容(Research Content) 科学研究費補助金 |
備考(Remarks) 2007〜2009年度 |
年度 Year |
活動名称 Name of activities |
活動期間 Period of Activities |
2009 | Review | |
活動内容等(Content of Activities)
Review for ``Testing procedures based on the empirical characteristic functions I: Goodness-of-fit, testing for symmetry and independence, (English) |
年度 Academic Year |
学術研究著書の件数 No. of Academic Books |
学会誌・国際会議議事録等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles in Journals/Int'l Conference Papers |
学内的な紀要等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles Pub'd in University Bulletins |
学会受賞等の受賞件数 No. of Academic Awards Received |
国際学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国際学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Presentations of Papers at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国内学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at National Academic Conf. |
国内学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Papers Presented at National Academic Conf. |
2023 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2022 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2020 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
2019 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
2018 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2017 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2016 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
2015 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
2014 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
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