氏名 Name |
BIERI,Thomas ( ビーリ トーマス , BIERI,Thomas ) |
所属 Organization |
経営学部経営学科 |
職名 Academic Title |
准教授 |
個人または研究室WebページURL URL |
https://thomasedwardbieri.weebly.com/ |
専攻分野 Area of specialization |
Teaching Second Language (English) |
学会活動 Academic societies |
TESOL / TESOL Reading & Vocabulary Interest Section |
著書・学術論文数 No. of books/academic articles |
総数 total number (21)
著書数 books (3) 学術論文数 articles (18) |
学校名 Univ. |
卒業年月(日) Date of Graduation |
卒業区分 Graduation Classification2 |
University of California, BerkeleyDepartment of Women's StudiesWomen's Studies | 卒業 |
大学院名 Grad. School |
修了課程 Courses Completed |
修了年月(日) Date of Completion |
修了区分 Completion Classification |
University of Southern QueenslandApplied LinguisticsTeaching Second Language | 未設定 | 2001年04月 | 修了 |
Michigan State UniversityMaster of Educational TechnologyMaster of Educational Technolgoy | Master of Educational Technolgoy | 2016年12月 | 修了 |
学位区分 Degree Classification |
取得学位名 Degree name |
学位論文名 Title of Thesis |
学位授与機関 Organization Conferring the Degree |
取得年月(日) Date of Acquisition |
修士 | Master of Arts, Applied Linguistics | University of Southern Queensland | 2001年04月 | |
未設定 | Master of Arts in Educational Technology | ミシガン州立大学 (Michigan State University) | 2016年12月15日 |
年度 Year |
著書名 Title of the books |
著書形態 Form of Book |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
出版機関名 Publishing organization,判型 Book Size,頁数 No. of pp.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2019 | Adapting the WebQuest model to teaching English for business. Chapter in Cripps, T. (Ed.), Perspectives on English Language Education in Japan (Volume Two) | 未設定 | |
KDP , 未設定 , 157-180 , 2019/04/14 | |||
概要(Abstract) This paper describes the author’s adaptation of the WebQuest model for projects in English as a foreign language courses for Japanese university students of business administration. WebQuests are briefly explained, and the author’s initial exposure to the model and reasons for adapting them to his classes are outlined. Then the teaching context and two distinct projects are described in detail. The results of these coursework projects, instructor reflections, and some student reactions are also detailed. These include overall positive impressions of the use of the model for language learning. Finally, some implications and suggestions are noted. |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Normalisation in flux: teachers’ and learners’ digital literacy in the Japanese university context. (Bieri, T. E., & Elliott, D.). In K. Borthwick, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds), CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017. | 共著 | |
EUROCALL & Research-publishing.net , その他 , 51-55 , 2017/12 | |||
Although subsequent research suggests a more nuanced reality, Prensky’s (2001) concept of the digital native remains a compelling and influential metaphor, continuing to shape thinking in education and beyond. This paper addresses self-reported digital literacy of teachers and learners in Japanese tertiary education. An online survey was administered to measure how much access participants have to mainstream technological tools, how often they use particular types of tools and perform certain tasks, and how comfortable they feel using technology. For initial analysis, some items were grouped into constructs labeled work, creative, and social. |
備考(Remarks) Co-authored chapter 50% with Elliott, D. |
2017 | Using Presentation Software, Peer-instruction and Learner Reflections to Develop Communication Skills, Chapter in S. Ioannou-Georgiou & P. Hubbard (Eds.), Teaching English Reflectively with Technology | 共著 | |
IATEFL , その他 , 14 p. , 2017 | |||
概要(Abstract) This chapter describes a project in which small groups of students in English oral communication courses in a Japanese university were asked to research and learn to use presentation software programs, to create a presentation using the software their group was assigned, to present individually to other groups of students about the software, and reflect on the project. I describe the setting and address the objectives of the unit, which were to encourage self-managed learning, cooperation and peer instruction, increased use of digital tools for creating visual aids, and critical reflection by the learners on not only the content of the unit but also the learning process. I give a detailed description of the procedures used, which culminated with learners presenting an evaluation and demonstration of a visual aid tool. I also address critical reflection during and after the project. I summarize the written reflections produced by the students and include examples of their comments. |
備考(Remarks) |
年度 Year |
論文題目名 Title of the articles |
共著区分 Collaboration Classification |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
掲載誌名 Journal name,出版機関名 Publishing organization,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2023 | Investigation of normalization of digital technology in language learning and teaching: Teacher training in MA programs | 未設定 | |
アカデミア 文学・語学編 (115) , 南山大学南山学会 , 115 , pp. 179-198 , 2024/01 | |||
概要(Abstract) This paper describes qualitative research conducted in late 2019 and early 2020 into to what extent and in what way educational technology was incorporated in the curricula of several Master of Arts (MA) degree programs for language teachers and how administrative faculty viewed the use of technology in language learning and teaching. Institutions in Japan and Michigan, USA offering MA programs on English language teaching were identified and curricular information gathered from what was available publicly online, and then key faculty-administrators in each were identified and contacted. Data was collected from these administrators, who were asked to sit for in-person, semi-structured interviews. The spread of COVID-19 at the same time as some of the interviews resulted in some adjustments to data collection and some data loss. Analysis of the gathered data showed that the programs in general offered little if any instruction in technological pedagogy, and offered only limited experience in using educational technology in the classroom, even though the interviewed administrators expressed beliefs that it was an important element of language teaching. Some reasons for this limited instruction are noted in the results as well. Subsequent reexamination of the available online curricular information shows little apparent change in content of these programs as of 2023 in spite of the general spread of educational technology use during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
備考(Remarks) Available here: https://nanzan-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/records/2000382 |
2023 | Student Reactions to Basic COIL for Business English | 単著 | |
南山経営研究 , 南山大学経営学会 , 38/2 , pp 147-162 , 2023/10 | |||
概要(Abstract) This paper describes the results and implications of a reflective research project on adopting Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) language and intercultural exchanges in Business English Oral Communication classes, particularly student impressions of the two implementation styles that were incorporated in these classes. Qualitative data was collected via anonymous online surveys conducted after implementation of each of two distinct types of virtual exchanges during the 2019 academic year. Respondents were from convenience samples of intact classes taught by the researcher and another instructor. The research aimed to illuminate what elements of these virtual exchanges these learners liked and did not like, what elements were challenging, what elements were considered motivating and effective, and the reasons for these impressions. The paper outlines how the exchanges were planned and conducted using different online tools and methods, presents survey results, and describes instructor reflections and subsequent methodological adjustments. It is hoped that this information will help instructors in similar contexts provide more motivating and effective exchanges in the future. |
備考(Remarks) https://doi.org/10.15119/0002000219 |
2018 | Self-reported technology use for language learning among Japanese university students | 単著 | |
Nanzan Management Review , 南山大学経営学会 , 33/3 , 367-376 , 2019/03 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | Learner reflections on extensive reading materials | 単著 | |
Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings , Extensive Reading Foundation and JALT ER SIG , 4 , 285-293 , 2018/10 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Global themes at EUROCALL 2017. (Elliott, D. & Bieri, T. E.) | 共著 | |
ACADEMIA Literature and Language , Nanzan University , 103 , pp. 291-295 , 2018/01 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Language learning technology preferences in Business majors. | 単著 | |
Nanzan Management Review , 南山大学経営学会 , 32/2 , pp. 129-138 , 2017/10 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Conference Report of JALTCALL 2016: CALL & the BRAIN | 未設定 | |
ACADEMIA , Nanzan University , 101 , pp. 195-199 , 2017/01 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2015 | Implementing M-Reader: Reflections and Reaction | 未設定 | |
Extensive Reading in Japan , JALT Extensive Reading SIG , 8/2 , pp. 4-7 , 2015/10 | |||
概要(Abstract) Description of student and instructor reflections on using M-reader to track extensive reading. |
備考(Remarks) |
2015 | ER definitions and practice: Instructor voices | 未設定 | |
Extensive Reading in Japan , JALT Extensive Reading SIG , 8.1 , 4-6 , 2015/05 | |||
概要(Abstract) This article discusses the results of two surveys conducted in order to describe what the actual definitions and practice of a group of ER instructors at a Japanese university was, juxtapose them with the "Top ten principles for teaching extensive reading" (Day and Bamford, 2002), and identify where divergences might give cause for redefining extensive reading. |
備考(Remarks) |
2014 | Roles and process in peer-reviewed publishing | 未設定 | |
Extensive Reading in Japan , JALT Extensive Reading SIG , 7/1 , p. 27 , 2014/05 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2023 | Investigation of normalization of digital technology in language learning and teaching: Teacher training in MA programs | 単独 | 2023/12/03 |
一般社団法人大学英語教育学会(JACET)中部支部 2023 年度第1 回定例研究会 , 一般社団法人大学英語教育学会(JACET)中部支部 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2023 | Student reactions to Basic COIL for Business English | 単独 | 2023/08/24 |
British Association for Applied Linguistics, 56th Annual Conference , British Association for Applied Linguistics | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | EFL learner reactions to using an online extensive reading system | 単独 | 2022/08/31 |
16th European Society for the Study of English Conference , European Society for the Study of English | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Business English Learner Reactions to Xreading ER Instead of Paper-Based ER | 単独 | 2022/08/05 |
Extensive Reading Around the World , Extensive Reading Foundation | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2020 | Getting the Most Out of Extensive Reading Online Resources for Your ELLs | 単独 | 2021/03/08 |
Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference , MACUL | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2020 | Mreader and Xreading: They aren’t the same thing | 単独 | 2020/08/14 |
TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section Online Workshop , TESOL International | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | COILを使い始める経験 (Starting up with COIL) | 単独 | 2019/08/27 |
Summer Institute on International Education, Japan , 国際教育研究コンソーシアム | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | 最初のCOILの感想 (Impressions of First COIL) | 単独 | 2019/07/14 |
NU-COIL Symposium , Nanzan University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | What tech to use? Preferences of Japanese Business majors | 単独 | 2019/03/13 |
TESOL International Convention 2019 , TESOL International Association | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | Getting the most out of Quizlet Live & Kahoot | 単独 | 2018/10/05 |
The Australian Council of TESOL Associations International Conference 2018 , The Australian Council of TESOL Associations | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
年度 Year |
タイトル Title |
内容等 Content |
活動期間 Period of Activities |
2023 | Using Online Resources to Support and Promote Extensive Reading |
Workshop presented at the 2023/32nd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, the annual conference of ETA-ROC, co-hosted by College of Humanities and Social Sciences & Institute of Applied English National Taiwan Ocean University. |
2023/11/11 |
2022 | Introduction to NU-COIL |
Workshop presented to Griffith University Professional Development Webinar Series. |
2023/02/21 |
2020 | Mreader & Xreading: They aren't the same thing |
Presenting and facilitating discussion at a TESOL International Reading & Vocabulary Interest Section Online Roundtable |
2020/08/14 |
2019 | Quizlet: Effective use inside and outside the language classroom |
Workshop at The 28th International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Book Exhibit (Taiwan) on ways to use Quizlet to promote language learning in class and for independent study. |
2019/11/10 |
2019 | Gamify your classes with Quizlet Live and Kahoot! |
JALT 2019 International Conference Technology in Teaching Workshop on using Quizlet Live and Kahoot! for learning games in the classroom. |
2019/11/01 |
2019 | Engaging digital natives with gamified learning apps: Quizlet and Kahoot |
Workshop at the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference on using Quizlet and Kahoot in second language courses. |
2019/10/12 |
2019 | Active Classroom Engagement with Quiz Apps |
Workshop at JACET 2019 Convention on using Quizlet and Kahoot for language teaching and learning. |
2019/08/29 |
2019 | Kahoot for classroom fun. |
Presentation at Nagoya JALT Chapter Meeting on how to use Kahoot! study app. |
2019/01/20 |
2014 | Making your own WebQuests |
This workshop introduced participants to WebQuests, included demonstrations of some available WebQuests, and went over an evaluation rubric and process for creating WebQuests. |
2014/11/21 |
2014 | Digital Video: Using Tools for Speaking and Presentation Practice, Reflection, and Assessment. |
This workshop guided participants in making use of a variety of digital video recording devices, cloud and offline storage options, sharing techniques, and uses. Recording with hand-held digital video cameras, smart-phones and tablet computers, webcams, and using the record function for Google Hangout were demonstrated. The workshop also addressed management of the recordings, including how to upload to a personal computer, the use of storage and sharing sites such YouTube and Vimeo, and attention to privacy settings and other controls. Additionally, ideas for using these recordings to support learner practice, self-reflection, peer support and even public presentation were discussed. |
2014/06/06 |
年度 Year |
活動名称 Name of activities |
活動期間 Period of Activities |
2023 | Outbound Chair, TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section | 2023/03~2024/03 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Co-Leading the steering committee of the TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section. |
2022 | Chair, TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section | 2022/03~2023/03 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Leading the steering committee of the TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section. |
2021 | Seminar Co-organizer, 16th ESSE Conference | 2021/05-2022/10 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) With co-organizers, prepare and submit a seminar proposal, recruit submissions and vet for appropriateness, manage communication with proposing researchers and conference organizers, plan program for seminar, moderate sessions. |
2021 | Chair, TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section | 2021/03~2022/03 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Leading the steering committee of the TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section. |
2020 | Symposium Co-organizer, AILA 2020/2021 | 2019~2021 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Was lead organizer of a reading and vocabulary symposium for the AILA 2020 (2021) International Conference. |
2020 | Seminar Co-organizer. 15th ESSE Conference | 2019~2021 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Was a co-organizer of an ELT symposium for the 15th ESSE Conference (2020/2021) planned for Lyon, France and eventually shifted online. |
2020 | Chair-Elect, TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section | 2019/11~2021/03 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Assisting the Chair managing activities and communications during the founding and inaugural year of the TESOL Reading and Vocabulary Interest Section |
2016 | JALT Affiliate Representative, TESOL International Association | 2016/12/10~2017/10/31 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Represent JALT at the TESOL International Convention. |
2016 | 広報担当理事、全国語学教育学会(JALT) | 2016/11/25~2017/10/31 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Directing PR activities for JALT, other national-level policy making and leadership activities. |
2015 | PanSIG2016 Submissions Chair | 2015/11/22 ~ 2017/04/15 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Oversee call for papers and submission process, assist in management of review process, for PanSIG2016. Sit on planning committee for the conference. |
年度 Academic Year |
学術研究著書の件数 No. of Academic Books |
学会誌・国際会議議事録等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles in Journals/Int'l Conference Papers |
学内的な紀要等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles Pub'd in University Bulletins |
学会受賞等の受賞件数 No. of Academic Awards Received |
国際学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国際学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Presentations of Papers at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国内学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at National Academic Conf. |
国内学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Papers Presented at National Academic Conf. |
2023 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
2022 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
2019 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2018 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
2017 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
2016 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
2015 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
2014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
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