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Period of Activities
2023  Using Online Resources to Support and Promote Extensive Reading 

Workshop presented at the 2023/32nd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, the annual conference of ETA-ROC, co-hosted by College of Humanities and Social Sciences & Institute of Applied English National Taiwan Ocean University. 

2022  Introduction to NU-COIL 

Workshop presented to Griffith University Professional Development Webinar Series. 

2020  Mreader & Xreading: They aren't the same thing 

Presenting and facilitating discussion at a TESOL International Reading & Vocabulary Interest Section Online Roundtable 

2019  Quizlet: Effective use inside and outside the language classroom 

Workshop at The 28th International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Book Exhibit (Taiwan) on ways to use Quizlet to promote language learning in class and for independent study. 

2019  Gamify your classes with Quizlet Live and Kahoot! 

JALT 2019 International Conference Technology in Teaching Workshop on using Quizlet Live and Kahoot! for learning games in the classroom. 

2019  Engaging digital natives with gamified learning apps: Quizlet and Kahoot 

Workshop at the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference on using Quizlet and Kahoot in second language courses. 

2019  Active Classroom Engagement with Quiz Apps 

Workshop at JACET 2019 Convention on using Quizlet and Kahoot for language teaching and learning. 

2019  Kahoot for classroom fun. 

Presentation at Nagoya JALT Chapter Meeting on how to use Kahoot! study app. 

2014  Making your own WebQuests 

This workshop introduced participants to WebQuests, included demonstrations of some available WebQuests, and went over an evaluation rubric and process for creating WebQuests. 

2014  Digital Video: Using Tools for Speaking and Presentation Practice, Reflection, and Assessment. 

This workshop guided participants in making use of a variety of digital video recording devices, cloud and offline storage options, sharing techniques, and uses. Recording with hand-held digital video cameras, smart-phones and tablet computers, webcams, and using the record function for Google Hangout were demonstrated. The workshop also addressed management of the recordings, including how to upload to a personal computer, the use of storage and sharing sites such YouTube and Vimeo, and attention to privacy settings and other controls. Additionally, ideas for using these recordings to support learner practice, self-reflection, peer support and even public presentation were discussed. 


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