氏名 Name |
MANGGA,Stephanus ( マンガ ステファヌス , MANGGA,Stephanus ) |
所属 Organization |
外国語学部アジア学科 |
職名 Academic Title |
准教授 |
専攻分野 Area of specialization |
専攻分野は神学と言語学。 |
学会活動 Academic societies |
インドネシアの言語コミュニティの会員 |
社会活動 Community services |
神言会日本管区会員 |
著書・学術論文数 No. of books/academic articles |
総数 total number (13)
著書数 books (4) 学術論文数 articles (9) |
学位区分 Degree Classification |
取得学位名 Degree name |
学位論文名 Title of Thesis |
学位授与機関 Organization Conferring the Degree |
取得年月(日) Date of Acquisition |
博士 | Doctor in Humanities, Faculty of Cultural Sciences | Reduplikasi Morfemis dalam Bahasa Manggarai, Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna (Morphemic Reduplication in Manggarai Language, Type, Function and Meaning) | Gadjah Mada University | 2018年01月31日 |
修士 | 言語学修士 (Master of Arts in Linguistics) | Bentuk Pasif dalam Bahasa Manggarai | ガジャマダ大学 (Gadjah Mada University) | 2013年04月25日 |
修士 | キリスト教思想修士 | テサロニケの信徒への手紙一における感謝(一テサ1・2-3・13) | 南山大学大学院 | 2009年03月20日 |
年度 Year |
著書名 Title of the books |
著書形態 Form of Book |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
出版機関名 Publishing organization,判型 Book Size,頁数 No. of pp.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2022 | Hominis Dignitati An Interdisciplinary Approach | 共著 | ISBN:978-971-510-317-6 |
Logos Publications, Inc. , B5 , 383 p. , 2022/05 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
執筆担当部分: "Human Dignity and Indonesian Language Teaching at Nanzan University", pp. 221-234. (14p.). |
2015 | Linguistics and Teaching for Cultural Understanding, The First International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching | 共著 | 978-602-7981-56-0 |
UNY Press , A4 , 532 p. , 2015/05 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
執筆担当部分:"Kedo Elipsis in Japanese from Perspective of Speech Acts", pp. 513-517 (5 p.). |
2014 | Keberagaman Budaya dalam Bingkai Keberagaman Bahasa, Prosiding Seminar Tahunan Linguistik (SETALI) | 共著 | 978-979-378647-6 |
UPI Press , A4 , 771 p. , 2014/08 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
執筆担当部分: "Analisis Semantik-Kontekstual Penggunaan Kata Sudah dalam Tuturan Bahasa Indonesia Masyarakat Manggarai", |
2013 | Celah Bahasa Kumpulan Analisis Linguistik | 共著 | 978-602-96825-5-7 |
Gress Publishing , B5 , 414 p. , 2013/07/10 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
執筆担当部分: "Telaahan Pronomina Diri Orang Kedua Tunggal dalam Bahasa Jepang dari perspektif Linguistik Antropologi", |
年度 Year |
論文題目名 Title of the articles |
共著区分 Collaboration Classification |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
掲載誌名 Journal name,出版機関名 Publishing organization,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2021 | The Use of First Person Pronouns in the Dawan Language in Bijeli from the Social Factors and Dimensions Perspective | 共著 | ISSN0389-8431 |
ACADEMIA , 南山大学 , 377/111 , 333-348 , 2021年1月31日 | |||
概要(Abstract) This study is a descriptive analysis of first person pronouns in the Dawan language seen from the social factors and dimensions perspective. The data were collected using the simak method. A qualitative content analysis method was used to analyze the data, and it was supported by an introspection technique. There are two results of this study. First, the first person pronouns in DL are divided into two types: (1) the general type of three first person pronouns namely au/I, hai/we (excluding addressed person), and hit/we (including an addressed person); and (2) two additional first person pronouns used in certain situations namely nana/mother, and hit ate ana/your servant. Second, four social factors and dimensions are found in the use of first person pronouns in the Dawan language in Bijeli. |
備考(Remarks) |
2020 | Morphological Analysis of Manggarai Language | 単著 | https://doi.org/10.14710/parole.v10i2.124-135 |
PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education , Diponegoro University , vol. 10, no. 2 , pp. 124-135 , 2020年10月 | |||
概要(Abstract) This study was a morphology descriptive analysis of Manggarai language (BM) which was focused on three areas those are language typology based on the level of morphological use namely analytic, synthetic, and polysynthetic; morpheme identification; and morphological process. Therefore the aim of this study was to describe them. Data used in this study were library data which were collected using simak method and introspection method. The data were analyzed using agih method. Besides, there are three main results of the analysis data in this study. The first showed that BM is the analytic language because morphologically words in BM are monomorphemic. The second finding showed that bound morphemes in BM not related to affixation, but they are related to the combination of synonyms and clitictation. The last finding found that there is no affixation in the morphological process, but it is only compound words and reduplication. |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | Non-Adjacency Reduplication in Manggarai Language | 単著 | 0389-8431 |
アカデミア 文学・語学編 , 南山大学 , 105 , pp. 141-156 , 2019年1月31日 | |||
概要(Abstract) There is a form of reduplication whose phonemes are not repeated continuously because of the presence of other morphemes in them. It is called Non-Adjacency Reduplication (NAR). The content of this study is descriptive analysis of NAR in Manggarai language (abbreviated as BM). The result of this study showed that there were six types of NAR in BM, namely NAR –ko-, NAR –cuku-, NAR –po-, NAR –te-, NAR –eme-, and NAR –er-. The consecutive meaning of them are `ignorance`, iterative`, `surprise`, `very`, `confirmative`, and `swear`. |
備考(Remarks) |
ERJEE , Universitas Kuningan , Vol. 6 No. 2 , pp.19-26 , 2018年6月1日 | |||
概要(Abstract) This article is a qualitative description of the nouns reduplication comparison in Indonesian and Japanese language. Nouns are restricted to the category on the noun which can be counted (KBK). The data were taken from library source and analyzed by comparing the elements of similarity and difference. As result, it was found that there are similarities and differences between KBK’s reduplication of Indonesian and Japanese language. The equations include three items, namely; a) it has simple type without affixes, b) it has complex type with changes of consonants, and c) it functions to declare the indefinite category of the group. While the differences consist of four items and they are not found in Japanese language. Those four items are: a) it is in the form of simply affix, b) it is in the complex form with the repetition of consonants, c) it functions to show group category indefinite, and d) it functions as types of category indefinite. Those differences prove that reduplication of KBK in Indonesian language are more productive that reduplication of KBK in Japanese language. |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Reduplikasi Morfemis dalam Bahasa Manggarai: Tipe, Fungsi dan Makna (Morphemic Reduplication in Manggarai Language: Type, Function and Meaning) | 未設定 | |
2017年12月4日 | |||
This dissertation covers research on morpheme reduplication in bahasa Manggarai (hereinafter abbreviated as BM). BM is one of the regional languages on the mainland of West Flores Island, NTT Province. Reduplication was chosen because the last decades of reduplication research continued to increase. Moreover, theoretically this study offers an approach different from what has been made by previous researcher, Verheijen (1948). |
備考(Remarks) これは博士論文である。インドネシアのガジャマダ大学に提出しました。 |
2016 | Klitika dalam Klausa Pasif Bahasa Manggarai (Clitics in Passive Clauses in Manggarai) | 単著 | 0215-4846 |
Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI) , Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta , Vol.34, No. 1 , 57-66 , 2016年2月 | |||
概要(Abstract) This study is about clitics in passive clauses in Manggarai, a language in West Flores. The purpose of this study is to describe the type, location, and function of the clitics that occur in the passive clauses of the language. The data were collected by using introspection technique and, following Mahsun (2013), were analyzed by using position interchange technique of constituents in the passive clauses in order to determine the structure of information and to find the change of syntactic function of the clitics in the clause. The result of this study reveals two things: a)en enclitic of subject pronoun attached to phrase agents and verbs is a pronominal copy of the subject patient, and b)an enclitic of a genitive pronoun serves as a possession marker and nominalization marker. |
備考(Remarks) |
2015 | Various Uses of Address Forms in Japanese Society in Perspective of Sociolinguistics and Anthropological Linguistics | 単著 | 2087-345X |
Parole , Diponegoro University (Semarang - Indonesia) , Vol.5 No.1 , pp。67-73 , 2015年4月 | |||
概要(Abstract) Every social and cultural community has its own appropriate ways and forms to address someone. Addressing someone in appropriate way is a sign of respect and honorific. This paper describes various uses of address forms in Japanese society. Japanese society has four address forms in common: -chan, -kun, -san, and -sama forms. They are related to social dimensions: social distances scale, status scale, and formality scale. In addition, background of various uses of the forms in perspective of sociolinguistics and anthropological linguistics is thought as reflection of cultural aspects which exist in Japanese society. Those are politeness-deference aspects, seniority-junior aspects, and insider-outsider aspects. Finally, there are two major findings of this study: (1) various uses of address forms in Japanese society and cultural relation to social dimensions, (2)various uses of address forms in Japanese society and Japanese culture as a reflection of cultural aspects. |
備考(Remarks) |
2015 | Konstruksi Pasif dalam Bahasa Manggarai: Pasif tanpa Pemarkah Verba Pasif (Passive Construction in Manggarai Language: Passive without Marker of Passive Verb) | 単著 | 2338-8528 |
Ranah , Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan , Vol.4, No.2 , 135-151 , 2015年12月 | |||
概要(Abstract) Object of this research is about the passive construction in Manggarai language. Manggarai language is one of the local languages in the western part of the mainland of Flores. Main issue to be discussed in this study is how does the passive construction of Manggarai language formed without affixation to the verb? As the result it can be summarized that although morphologically Manggarai language has no passive form, but in the term of syntax Manggarai language has the passive construction in the clauses. What syntactically indicating passivity in Manggarai language are constituents order and the presence of li/le/l agent phrase. This prepositional phrase is obligatory in the passivation of Manggarai language. |
備考(Remarks) |
年度 Year |
タイトル Title |
内容等 Content |
活動期間 Period of Activities |
2024 | 関東国際高等のための模擬授業 |
南山大学アジア学科並びにインドネシアについて話しました。 |
2024年7月8日 (90分) |
2023 | 海外フィルドワークB 引率 |
インドネシア・ジョグジャカルタでのアジア学科のフィルドワーク Bの引率者 |
2024年2月17日〜3月11日 |
2023 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。学生たちはグループワーク研究結果を発表しました。 |
2023年1月12日(100分) |
2023 | ディグニタス原稿執筆 |
ディグニタス原稿執筆の貢献。テーマは「大学でのパストラル・ケア」。 |
2023年12月3日 |
2022 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。 |
2022年9月29日(100分) |
2022 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。 |
2022年1月20日(100分) |
2022 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。 |
2022年12月22日(100分) |
2022 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。 |
2022年10月27日(100分) |
2021 | 海外大学との交流会 |
BINUS大学の日本文学科の学生とアジア学科の学生がオンラインの形で交流会をしました。参加者は47人(BINUS大学生23名、南山大学生24名)。学生の皆さんは自分の専門の言語(BINUS生は日本語、南山生はインドネシア語)でお互いに自己紹介したり、好きなことなどを話したりしました。 |
2021年1月20日(100分) |
2018 | Bahasa Indonesia Tingkat Madya Percakapan & Komposisi (中級インドネシア語会話・作文) |
二年生向きのインドネシア語会話・作文の教材 |
2018/12/15~2019/3/27 |
年度 Year |
活動名称 Name of activities |
活動期間 Period of Activities |
2020 | webinar | 2020年10月12日 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) Webinar for English Department students of Sampoerna University in Jakarta - Indonesia. The title of seminar was "Behind Learning a New Language: A Linguistic Analysis". Learning a foreign language is not easy, but it doesn`t mean `cannot`. A foreign language will be more interesting to learn when we can understand not only the phonology and grammar, but also the socio-cultural aspects of the language. |
2019 | 社会的活動 | 2019年6月15日 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) 神言神学院での講話。テーマは「感謝概念、一テサ1・2-3・13」。 |
2018 | 総合的な学習の時間 | 2018年10月4日 |
活動内容等(Content of Activities) 岐阜県立本巣松陽高等学校で授業をしました。対象学年は高校3年生、受講生徒数は22名。テーマ:インドネシア:どこ、何で有名?授業内容はa)インドネシアの民族、宗教、文化について、b)インドネシアと日本の高校生の比較について、c)インドネシアと日本の関係について、d)南山大学アジア学科について。 |
年度 Academic Year |
学術研究著書の件数 No. of Academic Books |
学会誌・国際会議議事録等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles in Journals/Int'l Conference Papers |
学内的な紀要等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles Pub'd in University Bulletins |
学会受賞等の受賞件数 No. of Academic Awards Received |
国際学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国際学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Presentations of Papers at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国内学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at National Academic Conf. |
国内学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Papers Presented at National Academic Conf. |
2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2022 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2020 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2019 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2018 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2017 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2016 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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