54 件中 31 - 40 件目
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2013 | Integration of Response and Recovery Processes of Peat Forests to Human-Induced Disturbance into Terrestrial Ecosystem Management | 共同 | 2013/09/24~26 |
International Symposium on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University, BSN, BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN and Minister of Forestry | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2013 | Floristic Diversity and the Distribution of Selected Species in the Peatland Ecosystem in Central Kalimantan | 共同 | 2013/09/24~26 |
nternational Symposium on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia, Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University, BSN, BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN and Minister of Forestry | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2013 | Relationship Between Hydrochemical Conditions and Variation in Forest and Grassland Communities in Peat Swamps of Central Kalimantan | 共同 | 2013/09/24~26 |
International Symposium on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia, Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University, BSN, BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN and Minister of Forestry | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2013 | Application of Hyperspectral Data for Assessing Peatland Forest Condition with Spectral and Texture Classification | 共同 | 2013/07/21~26 |
2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium-IGARSS (Melbourne, Australia) , the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2013 | 熱帯泥炭地に生息するAcacia mangiumの葉色の変異と成長・個葉特性 | 共同 | 2013 /03 /05~09 |
第60回日本生態学会大会(グランシップ(静岡県コンベンションアーツセンター), 静岡) , 日本生態学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2012 | 13th JSCE (Japan Society of Civil Engineering) Student Study Tour on the Environmental Problem in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia | 共同 | 2012/11/28~30 |
第49回環境工学研究フォーラム(京都大学, 京都) , 土木学会環境工学委員会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2012 | The Relationship Between Leaf Traits and Growth Properties of Acacia mangium Growing in Tropical Peat | 共同 | 2012/09/13~14 |
International Symposium on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Bogor, Indonesia) , Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University, BSN, BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN and Minister of Forestry | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2012 | Distribution of Secondary Grasslands in Relation to Edaphic Conditions Established After Burning of Peat Forest in Central Kalimantan | 共同 | 2012/09/13~14 |
International Symposium on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Bogor, Indonesia) , Hokkaido University, Palangka Raya University, BSN, BPPT, LIPI, LAPAN and Minister of Forestry | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2012 | 貧栄養土壌に生育するAcacia mangiumの葉色の変異と成長特性 | 共同 | 2012/06/15~17 |
22回日本熱帯生態学会(横浜市立大学, 横浜) , 日本熱帯生態学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2012 | 調査フィールドを用いた実践的環境教育 | 共同 | 2012/05/26~27 |
大学教育学会第34回大会(北海道大学, 札幌) , 大学教育学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
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