54 件中 41 - 50 件目
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2011 | mpact of Peat Fire Disturbance on Vegetation and Successional Change in Peat Swamp Forests in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia | 共同 | 2012/02/27~28 |
International Symposium on “Sustainable Use of Tropical Rainforest with the Intensive Forest Management and Advanced Utilization of Forest Resources” (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta, Indonesia) , 文部科学省科学技術戦略推進費「熱帯多雨林における集約的森林管理と森林資源の高度利用による持続的利用パラダイムの創出」 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | 熱帯泥炭湿地林における撹乱履歴と森林構造の違い | 共同 | 2011/11/15 |
第60回北方森林学会大会(札幌コンベンションセンター, 札幌) , 北方森林学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | Understanding of Current Situation and Estimation of Successional Processes According to Deforestation Level in Central Kalimantan | 未設定 | 2011/09/22~24 |
3rd International Workshop on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia, Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University and Palangka Raya University (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University and Palangka Raya University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | Peat Swamp Forest After Forest Fire in Hampangen, Central Kalimantan: Structure, Species Composition, and Recovery | 未設定 | 2011/09/22~24 |
3rd International Workshop on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University and Palangka Raya University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | Distribution and Edaphic Conditions of Secondary Grasslands Established After Burning of Peat Forest in Central Kalimantan | 未設定 | 2011/09/22~24 |
3rd International Workshop on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University and Palangka Raya University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | Diversity in Leaf Traits, Longevity and Phenology Among Shaded Understorey Plants in a Tropical Montane Forest, West Java, Indonesia | 共同 | 2011/03/14~17 |
Asian Forum on Carbon Update 2011 (Bandung, Indonesia) , the National Council on Climate Change of Indonesia (DNPI), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Hokkaido University and UN-REED Programme Indonesia | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2011 | Diversity in Leaf Traits, Longevity and Phenology Among Shaded Understorey Plants in a Tropical Montane Forest, West Java, Indonesia | 共同 | 2011/03/14~17 |
Asian Forum on Carbon Update 2011 (Bandung, Indonesia) , he National Council on Climate Change of Indonesia (DNPI), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Hokkaido University and UN-REED Programme Indonesia | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2010 | Quantitative Properties of Peat Swamp and Heath Forest Ecosystems in Central Kalimantan | 共同 | 2010/09/28~29 |
2nd International Workshop on Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia (Palangka Raya, Indonesia) , Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University and Palangka Raya University | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2010 | The Relationship Between Soil Type and Leaf Character in Tropical Montane Forest of Mt. Kinabalu, Malaysia | 共同 | 2010/07/19~23 |
The 2010 International Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation “Tropical Biodiversity: Surviving the Food, Energy and Climate Crisis” (Bali, Indonesia) , The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (Joint meeting with Asia-Pacific Chapter) | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2010 | Diversity in Leaf Traits Among Understorey Plants Co-occurring in a Tropical Montane forest, West Java, Indonesia | 共同 | 2010/07/16~19 |
Diversity in Leaf Traits Among Understorey Plants Co-occurring in a Tropical Montane forest, West Java, Indonesia (Bali, Indonesia) , Japan Society of Tropical Ecology, Ecological Society in Indonesia (HEI) and Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCB-LIPI) | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
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