氏名 Name |
DANCAR,Aleksander ( ダンチャー アレクサンダー , DANCAR,Aleksander ) |
所属 Organization |
人文学部キリスト教学科 |
職名 Academic Title |
准教授 |
専攻分野 Area of specialization |
コンテクスチュアル神学、基礎神学 |
学会活動 Academic societies |
南山学会 |
著書・学術論文数 No. of books/academic articles |
総数 total number (13)
著書数 books (6) 学術論文数 articles (7) |
学校名 Univ. |
卒業年月(日) Date of Graduation |
卒業区分 Graduation Classification2 |
Pontificia Università Gregoriana Roma-ItalyFacoltà di TeologiaDipartimento di Teologia Fondamentale | 2021年06月 | 卒業 |
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik (STFK) Ledalero, now Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif (IFTK) Ledalero, Flores-IndonesiaFilsafat dan Teologi KatolikFilsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual | 2010年06月 | 卒業 |
大学院名 Grad. School |
修了課程 Courses Completed |
修了年月(日) Date of Completion |
修了区分 Completion Classification |
Pontificia Università GregorianaDoctorate in fundamental theologyTheology | 博士課程 | 2021年06月 | 修了 |
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik (STFK) Ledalero, now Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif (IFTK) Ledalero, Maumere-IndonesiaContextual TheologyTheology | 修士課程 | 2010年06月 | 修了 |
学位区分 Degree Classification |
取得学位名 Degree name |
学位論文名 Title of Thesis |
学位授与機関 Organization Conferring the Degree |
取得年月(日) Date of Acquisition |
博士 | Doctor of theology | Fondamenti Teologici della Prassi Religiosa: Trascendentalità o Storicità? Un Confronto tra Karl Rahner e Hans Waldenfels nel Contesto del Vivere Cristiano in Indonesia | Pontificia Università Gregoriana | 2021年06月 |
修士 | Master of fundamental theology (Licentiate) | Teologia come Antropologia: Uno studio per comprendere la svolta antropologica di Karl Rahner | Pontificia Università Gregoriana Roma | 2016年06月 |
修士 | Master of contextual theology | Trilogi Skandal Pastoral dan Visi Kegembalaan Profetis | STFK (IFTK) Ledalero, Maumere-Indonesia | 2010年06月 |
年度 Year |
著書名 Title of the books |
著書形態 Form of Book |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
出版機関名 Publishing organization,判型 Book Size,頁数 No. of pp.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2024 | "Jalan Mundur dan Spiritualitas Eksploratif-Kolektif dan Inovatif" Prolog dalam Sipri Wagung, SVD Jalan Mundur: Kisah-Kisah Inspiratif | 共著 | |
Seksi Komunikasi Sosial (Komsos) Paroki Bekasi-Gereja Santo Arnoldus Janssen , A5 , 108 p. , 2024/01/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) German philosopher and theologian Karl Rahner (1904-1980) wrote a book called "Hörer des Wortes", which can be translated as "Hearer of the Word" or "Listener of the Word". The author of this book sees himself as not only a listener of the Word, as described by Karl Rahner, but also as someone who seeks meaning in the Word, words, and various events he experiences. This effort is what he refers to as “Jalan Mundur”: a "way backward", which is also used as the title of the book. As listeners of the "Word that saves" and seekers of meaning, anyone in their life every day can always engage in the "path backward" not only intellectually and spiritually, but also physically. Engaging in innovative intellectual retreats generally occurs alongside an honest and critically open intellectual attitude in the face of daily life events and experiences. Intellectual honesty in confronting one's own reality and the reality outside oneself is the key to many great stories of discoveries that have contributed to progress in various fields. Isaac Newton, as noted by Gribbin, was an obsessive character who dedicated himself, body and soul, to whatever project he undertook. He often forgot to eat or sleep, especially when he was studying or conducting experiments. He even neglected his own safety when studying optics, staring at the sun for so long that he almost went blind and even poked his eyes with a blunt needle to study color images (Gribbin, 180-181). |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2022 | Robertus Jematu, Memungut Remah-Remah yang Tercecer di Jalanan Peziarah (Prolog) | 共著 | ISBN:978-623-8007-04-2 |
Jejak Pustaka , A5 , 313p. , 2022/09/00 | |||
Picking up the crumbs of the Word scattered on the pilgrim's path |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2022 | “Anthropological Foundation of Transcendental Dignity of Human Beings in the Thought of Karl Rahner" in Robert Kisala et.al., Hominis Dignitati, An Interdisciplinary Approach (Chap. 8) | 共著 | ISBN: 978-971-510-317-6 |
Logos Publications , A5 , 383p. , 2022/00/00 | |||
概要(Abstract) この記事は、人間が尊厳のある生き物として認められるのは、特定の宗教の教えに従って神を信じているからではなく、人間には神を信じるか信じないか、信奉するかしないかの可能性、能力、自由があるからであり、 特定の宗教を信奉するかしないか、ということを説明したいと思う。 |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | “Kenangan Akan Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan Beradab. Pesona Kekristenan” in Mathias Daven dan Georg Kirchberger, Hidup: Sebuah Pertanyaan. Kenangan 50 tahun (Chap.13 ) | 共著 | ISBN: 978-602-1161-80-7 |
Ledalero , A5 , 529p. , 2019/00/00 | |||
Memories of a Just and Civilized Humanity |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2017 | "Masyarakat Terbuka Menurut Karl R. Popper dan Tribalisme Politik Demokrasi" in Maksimilianus Jemali, Tindakan Politik Perspektif Hannah Arendt (Epilog) | 共著 | ISBN: 978-602-1161-49-4 |
Ledalero , A5 , 326p. , 2017/00/00 | |||
Open Society According to Karl R. Popper and Tribalism in Democracy |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2015 | “Formasi Iman dan Solidaritas Kristen”, in Luis Aman et.al., Kisol: Kenangan dan Harapan (Chap.16) | 共著 | ISBN: 978-979-19290-5-9 |
Institut SOPHIA dan Parrhesia Institute , A5 , 246 , 2015/00/00 | |||
Formation of Faith and Christian Solidarity |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2012 | “Teologi Sosial dan Provokasi Melawan Penjinakan" in Paul Budi Kleden, Robert Mirsel (eds.) Menerobos Batas, Merobohkan Prasangka(Chap.16) | 共著 | ISBN:978-979-9447-56-2 |
Ledalero , A5 , 443p. , 2012/00/00 | |||
Social Theology and Provocation Against Taming |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
年度 Year |
論文題目名 Title of the articles |
共著区分 Collaboration Classification |
NeoCILIUS 請求番号/資料ID Request No |
掲載誌名 Journal name,出版機関名 Publishing organization,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos.,発行年月(日) Date | |||
2023 | Integration of Digital Media in Religious Activities: Potential and Challenges for Catholic Education | 共著 | |
Religió JURNAL STUDI AGAMA-AGAMA , Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, Indonesia. , Vol. 13 No. 2 , pp. 165–187. , 2023/09/01 | |||
概要(Abstract) This article aims to evaluate the use of digital media in the context of Catholic education, especially in religious activities. The method used in this study is content analysis as well as interviews on various aspects of the parish using ATLAS.ti7 software. It encompasses church building history, architectural design, community engagement, blessing ceremonies, photos, videos, writings, digital media integration and so forth. The results reveal that digital media has been used in a variety of church activities, including sharing photos, videos and writings and integrating digital media into religious experiences. However, its use in the context of Catholic education is still narrow. These factors include local conditions, limited resources and pastoral priorities. Nonetheless, digital media has great potential to be used as an educational tool in the Catholic context with the right approach and investment in the right resources. |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | Partecipazione alla riscoperta della vitalità del Vangelo (Una Osservazione autocritica) | 単著 | ISSN: 0288-6553 |
南山神学別冊 , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科 , 第37 号 , pp. 1-23 , 20220300 | |||
Participation in the Rediscovery of the Vitality of the Gospel |
備考(Remarks) Italian |
2021 | Revelation and Religious Experience: A Critical Study of René Latourelle’s Theology of Revelation | 単著 | p-ISSN: 2775-3425, o-ISSN: 2656-7997 |
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology , Faculty of Theology, Sanata Dharma University , 3/2 , pp. 175-194 , 20210800 | |||
啓示と宗教的経験: |
This article has also been written in Italian, and published in "Nanzan Journal of Theological Studies, Supplement" (南山神学別冊) No. 30 March 2021 (第30号 抜刷2021年3月) |
2021 | Rivelazione ed Esperienza Religiosa: Uno studio critico della teologia della rivelazione di René Latourelle | 単著 | ISSN: 0288-6553 |
南山神学別冊 , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科 , 第36 号 , pp. 1-22 , 20210300 | |||
Revelation and Religious Experience: |
備考(Remarks) Italian |
2020 | Paradox of Christian faith in the theological text of Henri de Lubac and in the context of postmodernism | 単著 | ISSN: 0288-6553 |
南山神学別冊 , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科 , 第35号 , pp. 61-82 , 20200300 | |||
概要(Abstract) アンリ・ド・リュバック (1896-1991) によれば、キリスト教の信仰の性質は逆説的です。 イエスは神となり人となった者です。 しかし、イエスは神性を失わなかった。 キリスト教の信仰は人間の知性の産物ではないが、それを適切に考えるために、特にそれを実践するには知性が必要である。 キリスト教の信仰は、人々が信仰自体に入り込むだけでなく、それを超えていくことも助ける。 純粋なキリスト教の信仰は「魂の秘密の深みに達する」だけでなく、「人間を心の限界から解放する」ものでもある。 |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | Anthropological Turn in the Theology of Karl Rahner | 単著 | ISSN: 0288-6553 |
南山神学別冊 , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科 , 第34号 , pp. 15-51 , 20190300 | |||
カール・ラーナーの神学における「人類学的ターン」 |
備考(Remarks) |
2014 | Politik dan Proyek Kesejahteraan Sosial | 単著 | p-ISSN: 1411-1659, e-ISSN: 2502-9576 |
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio , Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP)St. Paulus Ruteng , 7/1 , pp.40-47 , 20140100 | |||
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
2010 | Mempersoalkan Politik Multikulturalisme Religious Gus Dur | 単著 | ISSN: 1412-5420 (Print) - ISSN: 2503-4316 (Online) |
Jurnal Ledalero , STFK Ledalero , 9/1 , pp.35-47 (12p.) , 20100600 | |||
Questioning Gus Dur’s Religious Multiculturalism Politics |
備考(Remarks) Indonesian |
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2023 | Ethics Without God (A Critical Review of Yuval Noah Harari`s Idea on the Meaning of God | 単独 | 2023/09/02 |
International Conference , Institute Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif (IFTK) Ledalero , IFTK Ledalero | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2020 | Kerja Sama Dalam Rencana Dan Bencana. Refleksi Atas Covid-19 di Italia | 単独 | |
Antropologi Bencana: Refleksi atas Covid-19 di Italia dan Indonesia , Nahdlatul Ulama Nusa Tenggara Barat University | |||
概要(Abstract) This article is a critical opinion which shows that humans seem to find it easier to work together in facing disasters, such as the Covid-19 Pandemic, rather than working together in plans to anticipate disasters. The positive response of countries to the Covid-19 Pandemic to carry out a lockdown together not only indicates the cooperation of countries, but also reveals this basic "instinct". Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has also revealed the failure of countries to work together to develop anticipatory plans for possible humanitarian disasters. |
備考(Remarks) This article, written in Indonesian, is in the documentation of the Faculty of Anthropology, Nahdlatul Ulama University, West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia |
年度 Academic Year |
学術研究著書の件数 No. of Academic Books |
学会誌・国際会議議事録等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles in Journals/Int'l Conference Papers |
学内的な紀要等に掲載された学術論文の件数 No. of Academic Articles Pub'd in University Bulletins |
学会受賞等の受賞件数 No. of Academic Awards Received |
国際学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国際学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Presentations of Papers at Int'l Academic Conferences |
国内学会でのゲストスピーカーの件数 No. of Times as Guest Speaker at National Academic Conf. |
国内学会での研究発表の件数 No. of Papers Presented at National Academic Conf. |
2023 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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