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2023  Integration of Digital Media in Religious Activities: Potential and Challenges for Catholic Education  共著   
Religió JURNAL STUDI AGAMA-AGAMA  , Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, Indonesia.  , Vol. 13 No. 2  , pp. 165–187.   , 2023/09/01   

概要(Abstract) This article aims to evaluate the use of digital media in the context of Catholic education, especially in religious activities. The method used in this study is content analysis as well as interviews on various aspects of the parish using ATLAS.ti7 software. It encompasses church building history, architectural design, community engagement, blessing ceremonies, photos, videos, writings, digital media integration and so forth. The results reveal that digital media has been used in a variety of church activities, including sharing photos, videos and writings and integrating digital media into religious experiences. However, its use in the context of Catholic education is still narrow. These factors include local conditions, limited resources and pastoral priorities. Nonetheless, digital media has great potential to be used as an educational tool in the Catholic context with the right approach and investment in the right resources. 


2022  Partecipazione alla riscoperta della vitalità del Vangelo (Una Osservazione autocritica)  単著  ISSN: 0288-6553 
南山神学別冊  , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科  , 第37 号  , pp. 1-23  , 20220300   

概要(Abstract) Participation in the Rediscovery of the Vitality of the Gospel
(A Self-critical Observation)

This paper is a critical observation of the author’s missionary experience dynamics occurred in two different spirituals and religious environments, namely Indonesia as a “religious state” (which requires all its citizens to be religious or to have a kind of religious belief), and Japan as a “secular state” which is open to religions and provides space for the practice of spiritual, religious freedom for each of its citizens. The author argues that in any environment (religious or non-religious/secular), the basic category of evangelization or new evangelization is living in the power of the Gospel. On this basis, a missionary can carry out evangelization without falling into the so-called propaganda or mere adaptation, which in this paper are seen as two “dangers” in the new evangelization. At the same time, it enables a new evangelization as a participation in the rediscovery of the vitality of the Gospel in secular human life. This implies awareness and acknowledgement that the values of the Gospel are never lost in secularism. What is needed here is a new way of thinking about the world, which should affect a renewed perspective and way of being Christian. To become a renewed Christian way of life is to be involved in the world through participation. This theological category refers to the event of God’s involvement in the world through Jesus Christ.

備考(Remarks) Italian 

2021  Revelation and Religious Experience: A Critical Study of René Latourelle’s Theology of Revelation  単著  p-ISSN: 2775-3425, o-ISSN: 2656-7997 
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology  , Faculty of Theology, Sanata Dharma University  , 3/2  , pp. 175-194  , 20210800   

概要(Abstract) 啓示と宗教的経験:

この記事は、啓示を言葉、証言、出会いとして捉えるルネ・ラトゥレルの啓示概念の批判的観点であある。 この記事で私が進めたい神学的テーゼは、神の啓示がどのような類推であっても、それは常に、この世における自分の人生の最高の価値に対する人間のオープンな経験に根本的に根ざしているということである。 啓示そのものは、世界で最も重要な人間の経験を喩えた言葉である。 神の歴史的介入は常に象徴的に経験され、普遍的理性の基準に従ってもっともらしいと考えられる。 神秘のあらゆる理解は人間の経験であり、その本質は神秘そのものによって条件づけられる。 この意味で、啓示のあらゆる概念は、人間の解釈上の重要な経験から構築されていると言える。 キリスト教の啓示のこの基本的な側面は、ラトゥーレルの神学的考察には現れない。 

備考(Remarks) This article has also been written in Italian, and published in "Nanzan Journal of Theological Studies, Supplement" (南山神学別冊) No. 30 March 2021 (第30号 抜刷2021年3月)

2021  Rivelazione ed Esperienza Religiosa: Uno studio critico della teologia della rivelazione di René Latourelle  単著  ISSN: 0288-6553 
南山神学別冊  , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科  , 第36 号  , pp. 1-22  , 20210300   

概要(Abstract) Revelation and Religious Experience:
A critical study of René Latourelle's theology of revelation

This article is a critical study of René Latourelle’s concept of revelation who conceives of it as word, testimony and encounter. The theological thesis that I would like to advance in this article is that, whatever the analogy of God’s revelation, it is always fundamentally rooted in the experience of human openness to the highest value of his/her life in this world. Revelation itself is the analogical word of the most significant human experience in the world. The historical intervention of God is always experienced symbolically and considered plausibly according to the criterion of universal reason. Every understanding of the mystery is a human experience which in its essence is conditioned by the mystery itself. In this sense, it can be said that every concept of revelation is constructed from any interpretative and significant experience of human being. This fundamental aspect of Christian revelation does not appear in Latourell’s theological reflection.

備考(Remarks) Italian 

2020  Paradox of Christian faith in the theological text of Henri de Lubac and in the context of postmodernism  単著  ISSN: 0288-6553 
南山神学別冊  , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科  , 第35号  , pp. 61-82  , 20200300   

概要(Abstract) アンリ・ド・リュバック (1896-1991) によれば、キリスト教の信仰の性質は逆説的です。 イエスは神となり人となった者です。 しかし、イエスは神性を失わなかった。 キリスト教の信仰は人間の知性の産物ではないが、それを適切に考えるために、特にそれを実践するには知性が必要である。 キリスト教の信仰は、人々が信仰自体に入り込むだけでなく、それを超えていくことも助ける。 純粋なキリスト教の信仰は「魂の秘密の深みに達する」だけでなく、「人間を心の限界から解放する」ものでもある。 


2019  Anthropological Turn in the Theology of Karl Rahner  単著  ISSN: 0288-6553 
南山神学別冊  , 在名古屋教皇庁認可神学部・南山大学人文学部キリスト教学科  , 第34号  , pp. 15-51  , 20190300   

概要(Abstract) カール・ラーナーの神学における「人類学的ターン」



2014  Politik dan Proyek Kesejahteraan Sosial  単著  p-ISSN: 1411-1659, e-ISSN: 2502-9576 
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio  , Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP)St. Paulus Ruteng  , 7/1  , pp.40-47  , 20140100   


Politics And Social Welfare Project. The phenomenon that appears in the “politics in the NTT province” is that there is no equal welfare impact on everyone in the political sphere. The welfare effect is only on those who hold responsibility for the welfare of the people, namely the government/bureaucrats (executive rulers), politicians (legislative rulers), and law enforcers (judicial rulers). The people or civil society as the source of democratic authority and the goal of all political power remains static and even continues to fall into backwardness and poverty. This paper attempts to deconstruct the meaning of human existence as “zoon politicon”. I argue that “zoon politicon” doesn’t express everyone’s need for the other. The importance of “zoon politicon” is loyalty and perseverance to wrestle with all one’s abilities creatively. A true “zoon politicon” learns to live from his strengths and creativity. This fundamental disposition of zoon politicon is the basis of responsibility for the welfare of others. Politics is a place to realize and facilitate that responsibility. The face of politics in NTT that still seems to fail is a manifestation of a fake “zoon politicon” praxis. Instead of being responsible for the people’s welfare, those with political power rob the people through various forms of corrupt projects. However, in my opinion, the primary investment for the welfare of the people of NTT is not primarily against the corruptors but learning to work hard and smart on all available natural and human resources.

備考(Remarks) Indonesian 

2010  Mempersoalkan Politik Multikulturalisme Religious Gus Dur  単著  ISSN: 1412-5420 (Print) - ISSN: 2503-4316 (Online) 
Jurnal Ledalero  , STFK Ledalero  , 9/1  , pp.35-47 (12p.)  , 20100600   

概要(Abstract) Questioning Gus Dur’s Religious Multiculturalism Politics
(Responses to Gus Dur’s Political Options and Practice in Dr Otto Gusti’s Paper)

Gus Dur’s patronage as the Father of Pluralism and Multiculturalism by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono did not raise many questions, let alone debates among academics, intellectuals, and national scholars. This patronage was recognized and affirmed by almost all groups based on the options and political praxis of Gus Dur. He had concretely and courageously defended and protected cultural groups considered minor (small/flawed) in this country from the oppressive tendencies of groups that feel significant (big/good and right). However, a serious, critical, and democratic examination of this recognition would immediately show that it is an expression of democratic panic from several people. Therefore, it will bring disaster to the democratization process in Indonesia. In addition, a critical analysis of the reasons used (especially in Dr Otto Gusti’s paper) will also reveal several inconsistencies and the powerlessness of Gus Dur’s political guts in carrying out truly democratic politics in Indonesia. His religious, political motivation or spirituality also reveals contradictions in the body of the political system he defends, which always relies on the separation between legality and morality.

備考(Remarks) Indonesian 

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