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2023  Passengers' multiple choices on OD paths in a point-to-point airline network design  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2023  , 42-47  , 2023/06   

概要(Abstract) we propose two airline network design problems based on point-to-point transit system to analyze how passengers’ choices on travel paths affect an optimal network. One assumes passengers’ multiple choices; i.e., passengers are distributed over all available paths from origin to destination, while the other assumes passengers’ single choice; i.e., passengers are concentrated on an available path. From computational experiments, we observe that the relatively drastic change in market share in the former model and that the network in the latter model tends to actuate more passengers. 

備考(Remarks) Jinha Hibino, Shungo Koichi, Mihiro Sasaki (査読付き国際会議議事録) 

2022  Cooperation and competition to design a point-to-point airline network under regulation for a new entry  共著   
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing  , The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  , 16/4  , JAMDSM0044  , 2022/10   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, we propose a point-to-point airline network design model where a new company plans to enter a market to maximize its revenue under a regulation. The presented model prevents the entrant company from developing a route that may drastically reduce the existing company’s revenue. Under this restriction, the entrant company considers cooperation and competition with the existing companies when entering the market. We use a hub connection cost, which is the required cost for passengers when they transfer to other routes, to represent various levels of cooperation. Small hub connection cost means cooperative relations between the companies. We also incorporate the path’s attractiveness that shows how attractive it is for passengers, depending on the hub connection cost and how it detours compared to a non-stop path between the origin and destination of the path. If a path is not sufficiently attractive, passengers do not use it, which causes revenue reduction. Hence the entrant company requires to find an optimal strategy, i.e., cooperative or competitive relations to be developed with the existing company, to maximize its revenue. We formulate the model as a 0-1 integer programming problem and obtain optimal solutions using optimization software. From computational results using the standard CAB hub location data set, we observe that the results greatly depend on the existing company’s network; however, cooperative relations and a certain de-regulation achieve the total revenue increase by developing an attractive network. 

備考(Remarks) Jinha Hibino, Shungo Koichi, Takehiro Furuta, Mihiro Sasaki (査読付き論文) 

2021  Prototype of a Classroom Assignment Support System -A Case Study at Nanzan University-   共著   
Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   , 日本経営工学会  , 72/4E  , 304-316  , 2022/01   

概要(Abstract) In many universities, the schedule for assigning classrooms to classes is often performed manually by staff. With the constraints such as classroom quipment, classroom capacity, number of students taking the classes, and requirements of professors and students for the classes, manually solving the classroom assignment problem is a complex and time-consuming task. Therefore, we present a classroom assignment support system that solves the problem using a network flow model. The proposed system can be used to provide an assignment that satisfies the conditions and requirements in a short time and reduces the workload of the staff. 

備考(Remarks) Aino Ohnishi, Atsuo Suzuki, Mihiro Sasaki (査読付き論文) 

2021  On the integrality gap of a point-to-point based airline network design problem  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2021  , 75-79  , 2021/06   

概要(Abstract) Given m as the number of flight arcs provided by an airline company, a point-to-point based airline network design problem (PPANP) gives, as its optimal solution, an airline network of m flight arcs that allows the company to capture as any passengers as possible. This paper shows that the integrality gap of PPANP as an integer programming problem can be quite large for instances with some property even if not a few variables are fixed to be zero. This observation means that the branch and bound method has to make a deep search tree, and hence it takes a very long time to solve PPANP. We also propose a practical algorithm based on a greedy property of PPANP. 

備考(Remarks) Shungo Koichi, Mihiro Sasaki, Jinha Hibino (査読付き国際会議議事録) 

2021  Point-to-point airline network design under cooperation and competition  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2021  , 124-129  , 2021/06   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, we propose an airline network design model in the case that an new entrant company is planning to enter a market where other airline companies have already provided route operations. We incorporate both competition and cooperation with the existing companies into the model to analyze how the two factors affect an optimal network. From computational experiments, we observe that the results depend on the existing company's network; however, moderate cooperation with the competitor makes additional revenue to each company. 

備考(Remarks) Jinha Hibino, Shungo Koichi, Takehiro Furuta, Mihiro Sasaki (査読付き国際会議議事録, The Best Paper Award in Scheduling Practice 受賞論文) 

2019  Robust p-hub median problems  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2019  , Scheduling Society of Japan  , 58-63  , 2019/07   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, we consider a robust p-hub median problem where the OD (origin-destination) flow is unknown. The majority of hub location models in the literature assume that all data are deterministic and known; however, the hub location decision should be made from a strategic perspective considering future demand change because it costs a lot of money to change later. From these observations, we apply robust optimization approach to the fundamental p-hub median problem that is the basis of various hub location models proposed in the last three decades. The numerical examples using two data sets including commonly used CAB data set show a rather small impact on the hub network structures. 

備考(Remarks) Mihiro Sasaki, Takehiro Furuta, Akihiro Hattori (査読付き国際会議議事録) 

2018  大学におけるクォーター制に対応した教室割り当て問題-南山大学を例として-  共著   
南山大学紀要『アカデミア』理工学編  , 南山大学  , 第19巻  , 39-47  , 2019/03   

概要(Abstract) クォータ制を導入した大学における授業の教師割り当てを求める問題を0-1整数計画問題として定式化し, 南山大学の授業データを用いて計算実験を行った. その結果, 1クォータ分の教室割り当てを約2秒で求めることができた. 手作業による教室割り当て作業には2 クォータ分で35時間程度を要していることから, 提案するモデルを用いることによって大幅に作業時間を削減できる可能性があることを示した.  

備考(Remarks) 古澤美鈴, 佐々木美裕 

2018  Modeling and analysis with real-world data for global production planning and location of automobile assembly plants  共著   
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing  , 12/3  , 2018/07   

概要(Abstract) The management of the automobile industry has changed recently because of the influence of the financial crisis and the industrial boom in developing countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs). In this paper, we consider a global automobile-production optimization problem (GAPOP), which we model as a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. The GAPOP determines global production bases and transportation plans to minimize the total cost of production, transportation, and facilities. It is a unified model that contains the facility location, production planning and transportation problems. We analyze the model for instances generated from real-world data with up to 20 production bases and 133 importing countries for the 18 years from 1997 to 2014. The computational results show that near-optimal solutions to our model are close to the present real-world situation. We also analyze our model with various parameter settings and observe from the results that, at each production base, changes in the number of production lines are affected mainly by labor and material costs. In addition, the proportion of each automobile type when allocating production is influenced by the material costs of all automobile types and the demands of nearby importing countries. Our model is expected to be of use to the automobile industry for making forecasts. 

備考(Remarks) Kie Funahashi, Wei Wu, Yannan Hu, Hiromichi Goko, Mihiro Sasaki, Mutsunori Yagiura (査読付き論文) 

2017  Online product shipping using heuristic algorithms based on column generation  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2017  , Scheduling Society of Japan  , 133-140  , 2017/06   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, we consider a product shipping problem (PSP). Given a period and a set of products, each with a weight, a release date, and a due date, the PSP calls for product shipping to be planned between a fixed origin–destination pair so as to minimize the total shipping cost. Given several types of boxes with different sizes and shipping costs, packing several products into one larger box may lead to cheaper shipping costs than sending them separately in smaller boxes. The online PSP is a problem with an online constraint that requires a decision to be made for each day without knowing about future requests or being able to change boxes that have already been packed and shipped. For the online PSP, we propose column-generation-based algorithms with six different criteria incorporating ideas such as iterative surplus reduction and heuristic column generation. Computational results show that the proposed algorithms with one of the six criteria called “regret with cost of remaining capacity” obtain high-quality solutions with average gaps about 3% over all the tested instances. 

備考(Remarks) Mayu Ito, Wei Wu, Yannan Hu, Hiromichi Goko, Mihiro Sasaki, Mutsunori Yagiura (査読付き国際会議議事録) 

2017  A mathematical model for vehicle movements scheduling in a large parking lot  共著   
Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2017  , Scheduling Society of Japan  , 158-161  , 2017/06   

概要(Abstract) In this paper, we consider a large-sized parking lot packed with vehicles in which all the vehicles leave there almost simultaneously. We propose a mathematical model to obtain a schedule for each leaving vehicle so as to minimize the time till the last vehicle leaves the parking lot. The schedule is presented by specifying a position of each vehicle by time unit. Such a system optimization solution may not be acceptable for individuals; however, it may give us a finding to
control traffic flows and design an efficient layout, which leads to reduce congestion in a parking lot. 

備考(Remarks) Takamori Ukai, Mihiro Sasaki (査読付き国際会議議事録) 

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