26 件中 1 - 10 件目
年度 Year |
題目又はセッション名 Title or Name of Session |
細目 Authorship |
発表年月(日) Date |
発表学会等名称 Name, etc. of the conference at which the presentation is to be given, 主催者名称 Organizer, 掲載雑誌名等 Publishing Magazine,発行所 Publisher,巻/号 Vol./no.,頁数 Page nos. | |||
2023 | Exploring the Relationship Between the Donates' and Pelagian Controversies: Validity of a New Mutually Influencing, Historically Developing Theological Approach | 単独 | 2023/9/07 |
Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 13th Annual Conference , Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 13th Annual Conference , Scrinium , Brill | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2022 | シンポジウム 古代・中世キリスト教における女性像の多様性 | 共同 | 2022/9/13 |
キリスト教史学会第73回大会 , キリスト教史学会 , キリスト教史学 , キリスト教史学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) |
備考(Remarks) |
2019 | Pelagians' and Chrysostom's Similar Ascetic Counsel to Christian Women | 未設定 | 2019/08/21 |
19th International Patristics Conference at Oxford , Oxford University , Peeters | |||
概要(Abstract) Since about half a century ago, the relationship between Pelagian and Antiochian theologies has been explored (e.g. E.TeSelle, 1972). Altough a similarity between Pelagius' and Chrysostom's views on infant baptism and ascetic exercises has been pointed out, the relationship between their theologies has not yet been fully investigated. One of the reasons that these theologians are distinguished is due to their different sacerdotal statuses (Pelagius as a Western layman and Chrysostom as an Eastern Bishop) and evaluation of women's roles (Pelagius as a strong feminist and Chrysostom the opposite). Nevertheless, if we investigate in detail the practical counsel they offered Christian women in their letters and homilies, particularly in their letters to noblewomen, we can recognize two shared characteristics of Eastern ascetic theology and practices, that is, απαθεια and θεωσις. In this presentation, firstly, I would like to clarify the main characteristics of the common ascetic counsels to Christian women in Pelagius' and Chrysostom's letters and homilies. Secondly, I would like to introduce Chrysostom's Genesis interpretation, particularly on Genesis 3:16 about Eve's pains of childbirth, whose interpretation Chrysostom displayed in his letter to Olympias. It is well known that Pelagius' disciple, Julian of Eclanum, debated fiercely with Augustine in Opus Imperfectum, asserting that women's pain during childbirth was quite natural and not a penalty for Eve's transgression. I would like to demonstrate that Chrysostom's interpretation of Genesis 3:16 could be one of the reasons, which suggests a close relationship between Pelagians' and Chrysostom's understanding of Christian anthropology. |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | ペラギウス派神学における自由意志論と女性観 | 単独 | 2019/02/24 |
上智大学中世思想研究所主催講演会 , 上智大学中世思想研究所 | |||
長らく、ペラギウス論争やペラギウス派の研究は、論争に勝利した正統派アウグスティヌス側からの、あくまでも異端者としての研究が主流であったが、この30年ほどの間に劇的に研究状況が変化し、現在では、ペラギウス派内部にかなりの多様性のあったこと明らかになり、ペラギウス派に好意的な、あるいはペラギウス派の復権の可能性さえも示唆する研究が見られるようになった。その最大の根拠は、西方側では教理化され、中世以降、西洋キリスト教神人学の重要な要となってきたアウグスティヌスによる原罪論が、キリスト教古代の教理確立に重要な役割を果たした東方正教会では全く教理化されておらず、正教会の神人学においてはほとんど顧みられてこなかったという明らかな事実による。今日では、ペラギウス派の神人学を東方神学やギリシャ教父、ギリシャ的修道論との関連で解明しようとする研究が中心となり、かつ、北アフリカの霊性との対比や、東方での神学派閥をめぐる教会政治的・歴史的状況の中で見直しを図ろうとする研究も出てくるようになった。 |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | Change of Views on Ideal Christian Woman in Late Antiquity - From Early Eastern Traditions to the Pelagian Controversy - | 単独 | 2018/10/28 |
シンポジウム「東方キリスト教と女性(Women in Eastern Christianity」 , 教父研究会 , Women to Con-viviality--In/Ad Spiration to Convivials , 教友社 | |||
概要(Abstract) The fourteen-year girl Demetrias of gens Anichia, a preeminent wealthy Roman noble family, decided to take the veil and was consecrated in 414. Before Demetrias’ consecration, her mother Juliana had asked several Christian thinkers to write her a letter encouraging her decision. It was Pelagius who immediately responded Juliana’s request. Thereafter, Jerome, Augustine and Ps. Prosper also wrote to her and her family. I would like to evaluate again the peculiarity of Pelagius’ view of the ideal woman described in the letter to Demetrias from an Eastern theological viewpoint. Moreover, for proving that Pelagius developed not a novel heretic view, particularly in emphasizing women’s free will, I introduced John Chrysostom’s letter to the deaconess Olympia. |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | Pelagius’ View of Ideal Christian Woman – A Watershed from Early Christianity via Chrysostom to Augustine – | 単独 | 2018/09/13 |
The fourteen-year girl Demetrias of gens Anichia, a preeminent wealthy Roman noble family, decided to take the veil and was consecrated in 414, in Chartage, where she had come to take refuge from the invasion of Rome by Goth Alaric. Before Demetrias’ consecration, her mother Juliana had asked several Christian thinkers to write her a letter encouraging her decision. It was Pelagius who immediately responded Juliana’s request. Thereafter, Jerome and Augustine also wrote to her and her family. Augustine did not write directly, but he wrote letters to Demetrias’ mother Juliana and grandmother Proba. |
備考(Remarks) |
2018 | 女性の尊厳と自由意志 − ペラギウスによる構造悪・原罪論批判の一要点 – | 単独 | 2018/09/11 |
2018年日本基督教学会学術大会 , 日本基督教学会 | |||
フェミニズム神学者E・S・フィオレンツァによれば、イエスに最後まで付き従った人々が女性たちであったのみならず、初期キリスト教運動において、聖職者、教師、家の教会の創始者、パトロンや宣教者として女性たちが重要な役割を果たしていた。 しかし、イエス運動の中心に位置した女性たちは、歴史的・社会的変動の中で急速に周縁部分へと追いやられ、東方教会では女性助祭職が7世紀後半まで存続したのに対し、西方ラテン教会圏では4世紀半ばには歴史の表舞台から姿を消した。 ハンス・キュングによれば、イエスの神の国運動の重要な中心部分に位置した女性の存在や役割の重要性を抹消し、女性の真の解放を妨げたものとは、1)教会内部の男性支配による位階構造の浸透、2)古代キリスト教において顕著に表れた性(Sexuality)の敵視、3)教育、すなわち女性教育の軽視、の3点に集約できるという。 |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | [シンポジウム提題]ペラギウス派による原罪論批判の本質と課題 ――悪は「善の欠如」であるか?―― | 未設定 | 2017/11/12 |
中世哲学会 第66回大会 , 中世哲学会 | |||
概要(Abstract) ペラギウス派によるアウグスティヌスの原罪論批判の本質とは如何なるものであったのか、ペラギウスとその弟子であったエクラヌムのユリアヌスの著作から要点を浮き彫りにし、アウグスティヌスの提唱した原罪論の問題点を浮き彫りにした。 |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Political and Ecclesiastical Perspectives of Augustine’s and Julian of Eclanum’s Theological Response in the Pelagian Controversy | 単独 | 2017/09/25 |
Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 11th Annual Conference , APECCS | |||
概要(Abstract) Initially, it might seem to be a little strange to provide a political perspective on completely theological arguments not of a politician but of a clergy person. Nevertheless, if a theological argument is located in strongly political power balances at the macro level, we can not help seeing a political perspective even in genuine theological statements at the micro level. The well-known German social philosopher Jürgen Habermas refers to such phenomenon in an ideology-critical hermeneutic, stating, “Language serves to legitimize relations for organized violence. So long as the legitimation doesn’t speak about the violent relations, whose institutionalization the language makes possible, so long as the language expresses itself only in the legitimation, the language also becomes ideological.” Theological arguments of Julian of Eclanum also as well as those of Augustine are appropriate to being seen under such a political perspective. |
備考(Remarks) |
2017 | Presentation for the Bridgefolk Board | 単独 | 2017/07/28 |
Bridgefolk Conference 2017 , Bridgefolk | |||
概要(Abstract) The purpose of this presentation was to make a proposal to Bridgefolk Board for setting a plaque in the city of Chiusa (Klausen in German) in South Tyrol in the northern part of Italy.The plaque will be not only for the memory of Georg Blaurock’s burning at the stake but also for the historical memory of reconciliation of Catholics and Mennonites through the concrete healings by both sets of Christians. |
備考(Remarks) |
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