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2023  サン・ジョヴァンニ病院地下救貧慈善施設の 歴史学的・教父学的考察―ローマ貴族ヴァレリウス家を巡る 人脈と神学思想史的背景を中心に―  未設定   
『アカデミア』人文・自然科学編  , 南山大学  , 第28号  , 印刷中  , 2024/06   

概要(Abstract) The purpose of this paper is, first, to verify and infer, based on the results of archaeological and iconographical research conducted by Prof. Jun Yamada, what kind of Christian philosophy the builders and users of this site had and for what purpose they used this site group, especially from the early Christian characteristics of this “orphanage” structure and its interior wall paintings. The second is to verify and infer, based on the results of archaeological and iconographic research, what kind of Christian ideals the builders and users of the site had and for what purpose they used the site complex. Secondly, to confirm the overall genealogy of the religious and charitable philosophy of Christian women in Rome at the end of the 4th century, and to compare the results of historical and patristic studies of religious philosophy in early Christian literature with the results of the original archaeological and iconographical research. The first step in this process was to compare the results of historical and patristic monastic philosophy research in early Christian literature with the original archaeological and iconographic findings. The final objective of this paper is to propose the inference that the founders and earliest users of the structure may have been the great and small Melanesians of the Varelii family, a Roman aristocracy of the same period. 


2022  ペラギウス論争への相互影響・発達史的研究方法の適用妥当性ードナトゥス派論争との関係考察における史的・方法論的課題を中心にー  単著   
『アカデミア』人文・自然科学編  , 南山大学  , 第26号  , 1−24  , 2023年6月   

概要(Abstract) Gadamer created the foundation of the socio-philosophical Hermeneutic Method utilizing the model of the “Dialog”. Habermas criticized Gadamer’s methodology, which ignored “systematically distorted communication”. Based on this criticism, Habermas proposed his ideology-critical hermeneutic, later inherited by the German church historian Grillmeier. He clarified three rhetorical devices used in the excommunication of Nestorius: 1) systematization, 2) schematization, and 3) rhetorical dialectic. Although initially successful, no longer can Grillmeier’s three devices nor Gadamer’s nor Habermas’s methodologies be validly or effectively applied to investigating the relationship between the Donatists’ and Pelagian Controversies. In both of these controversies, no “Dialog” or “systematically distorted communication” but their exact opposite, even destructive violence by sectarian and governmental powers were executed. To address the positivist problems of Gadamer’s and Habermas’s methodologies, I would like to propose a new approach, which could be applied to conflicting plural Christian parties, based upon a mutually influencing, historically developing theological basis, itself grounded in “dependence behind violence”. This article explores applying this new approach to deepening our understanding of the relationship between the Donatists’ and Pelagian Controversies.  


2021  Pelagians’, Chrysostom’s and Augustine’s Different Views on Pain of Childbirth as Revealed through their Counsel to Women  単著   
Studia Patristica  , Peeters Publishers  , Vol. 128  , pp. 300-312  , 2021/12   

概要(Abstract) The first purpose of this article is to investigate in detail the practical counsel Pelagians and Chrysostom offered Christian noblewomen in their letters and homilies. In this correspondence we can recognize one shared characteristic of Eastern ascetic practices, ἀπάθεια, the serene status the human soul acquired by exercising one’s own free will. The Pelagians and Chrysostom gave spiritual counsel to women in a similar manner, encouraging them to cast aside an evil mind and demonic power by using their own volition, so as to overcome the social conditions of injustice.
The second purpose of this article is to classify the diverse views on the pain of childbirth held by Pelagius, Pelagian anti-traducianists, Chrysostom, Julian of Eclanum, and Augustine. By comparing their different perspectives, the evolving content of their counsels to women are clarified. 


2020  Pelagius’ View of Ideal Christian Women in his Letters - Critical Perspectives of Recent Pelagian Studies Comparing Chrysostom’s View in his Letter to Olympias  未設定  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/18177565-00160A17 
Scrinium, Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography  , Brill  , Vol. 16  , pp. 67-88  , 2020/10/19   

概要(Abstract) The Pelagians’ ascetical practices were aiming at neither a kind of elitism nor perfectionism, rather, they simply tried to instruct their women disciples on the physical and spiritual care management in Eastern Christian ascetic manners. Pelagius emphasized the free will of women and their dignity as being in the image of God. This was quite different from the negative evaluations of women’s free will by Jerome, Augustine, and later Western priests, but quite similar to the affirmative perspectives of women’s freedom
of will by Eastern Church fathers like John Chrysostom. In this presentation, I would like to focus on the letters to Demetrias from Jerome, Pelagius, and Ps. Prosper; Pelagius’ letters to a widow and a married woman; and Chrysostom’s letter to Olympias. Critically considering the previous research on the letters to Demetrias (by A.S. Jacobs 2000, A. Kurdock 2003 and 2007, and K. Wilkinson 2015), I would like to evaluate the unique perspective that Pelagius offers of the ideal woman as described in the letters to Christian women, from an Eastern theological viewpoint. 


2018  ペラギウス派による原罪論批判の本質と課題ー悪は「善の欠如」であるかー  単著   
中世思想研究  , 中世哲学会  , 第60号  , pp.115-123  , 2018/9/15   

概要(Abstract) 本稿は、2017年11月に開催された中世哲学会におけるシンポジウム、「中世における原罪論の諸相 I」にて発表した内容を纏めたものである。最近のペラギウス研究における研究動向を踏まえつつ、アウグスティヌス最晩年の、エクラヌムのユリアヌスとの性欲やキリスト論を巡る論争を収録したOpus Imperfectusを中心に、ペラギウス論争における原罪論批判の本質とは果たして如何なるものであったのかについて論じた。最後に、結論として、原罪論批判の要点から浮かび上がってくる課題を5点指摘した。 


2018  Rhetorical, Political, and Ecclesiastical Perspectives of Augustine’s and Julian of Eclanum’s Theological Response in the Pelagian Controversy  単著   
Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography  , Brill  , Vol.14  , pp.161-193  , 2018/11   

概要(Abstract) In Opus imperfectum, Augustine’s last controversy against Julian of Eclanum, we can recognize these two theologians’ rhetorical devices in which they tried to condemn each other as heretics. Particularly in the interpretations of both polemists on the issue of human sexual desire, Augustine and Julian fiercely confronted each other, making extensive use of a variety of rhetorical measures. In this article, referring to important recent research while at the same time focusing on crucial primary texts, I first would like to clarify these rhetorical arguments, particularly, the supremacy of Augustine in using such rhetorical devices. Next, the quite different philosophical frameworks of both polemists are clarified. In addition, the political and ecclesiastical perspectives of
Augustine’s and Julian of Eclanum’s theological reasoning are investigated and the political tactics and ecclesiastical diplomacy of Augustine clarified. The ultimate purpose of this article is to explicate the mechanism and the true reasons for the victory of Augustine and the excommunication of Julian and other Pelagians. 

備考(Remarks) Refereed Paper 

2017  Pelagius’ Narrative Techniques, their Rhetorical Influences and Negative Responses from Opponents Concerning the Acts of the Synod of Diospolis  単著   
Studia Patristica  , Peeters  , 98  , pp.451-462  , 2017/11   

概要(Abstract) The aims of this article is to describe Pelagius’ narrative techniques and their rhetorical influences on his followers, and then to clarify the way his opponents responded negatively to his rhetorical assertions, particularly how Augustine regarded Pelagius’ answers as evasion. I will focus on two kinds of rhetoric used by Pelagius. One of them is the same-person narrative in his Pauline Commentaries. Here,Pelagius overlays the subject of himself onto the subject of Paul’s text, and simultaneously overlays a third subject, that of the text readers. That is, Paul’s ‘I’ sees his opponents at this time; Pelagius’ ‘I’ sees the negative circumstances persisting in the Roman churches of his day; and the reader’s ‘I’ sees her or his personal situation that is to be overcome. The other rhetorical technique I will explore is the classical method of reasoning ‘from the Minor to the Major’. Pelagius used these two narrative techniques to encourage his followers. Such rhetorical techniques played a very important role in intensifying the will of Pelagius’ followers, particularly female Roman Christians. However, at the same time, Pelagius’ narrative rhetoric was misunderstood and in some cases intentionally distorted, and came to be considered ‘heretical’ assertions by his opponents in polemical
contexts. For example, in the proceedings of the Synod of Diospolis, only a part of his rhetorical narratives was cited and attacked sarcastically. His opponents often separated his work from their original contexts, in which Pelagius criticized the excessive immorality
he saw in the very inside of the Roman churches. 

備考(Remarks) Refereed Paper 

2015  What Is the Evil to Be Overcome? Differences between Augustine’s and Pelagius’ Views on Christ’s Life and Death  単著   
Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography  , BRILL  , 11  , pp.160-180  , 2015/11   

概要(Abstract) Significant perspectives on Christ’s life and death, which both Pelagius and the Eastern Fathers held, are Christ’s victory over the Devil, the continuous creation of humanity,and Christ’s redemption of human sin. Imitating Christ’s example by exercising free will is the most important Christian response to Christ’s victory. Synergism between the exercise of free will and Christ’s example as God’s grace are located in God’s mystical Oikonomia. As seen in their for-knowledge theory concerning the story of Esau’s abandonment,Pelagius’ synergism was in no way heretical, but rather completely consistent with the Eastern Fathers. On the other hand, the discontinuity in Augustine’s soteriology between human nature after the Fall and Christ’s redemption as God’s grace is significantly different from the continuity evident in Pelagius’ and the Eastern Fathers’views. Augustine’s logical- philosophical speculation on Esau’s abandonment, which was repeated in non-historical contexts, had to come down to his theories of original sin and predestination. The peculiarity of the historical Jesus Christ in God’s Oikonomia, as well as the unique, special historicity of every human, was almost absorbed into the universality of Augustine’s theories. However, Pelagius as well as Basil and Rufinus thought that in every decision of free will to imitate Christ’s life and death, as seen in the
same person narrative in Pelagius’ Pauline commentary, the grace of God was concretely and livingly expressed in the unique and personal history of believers. 

備考(Remarks) Refereed Paper 

2013  The Influence of Chromatius and Rufinus of Aquileia on Pelagius - as seen in his Key Ascetic Concepts: exemplum Christi, sapientia and imperturbabilitas  単著   
Studia Patristica  , PEETERS  , VOL. LXX  , pp. 661-670  , 2013/8   

概要(Abstract) This study attempts to show that translations by Rufinus of Aquileia and the Sermons of Chromatius of Aquileia both had significant influence on Pelagius' ascetic key concepts: exemplum Christi, sapientia and imperturbabilitaas. The concept of exemplum Christi was central to Pelagius' understanding of the ascetic life, and it is generally accepted that Pelagius took this concept from Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, translated by Rufinus of Aquileia. In his use of the concept Pelagius may also have been influenced by Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia, who was a close friend of Rufinus. The evidence for this will be presented later in the course of this article. In their thought concerning sapientia mediated by the Holy Spirit, we find a clear similarity between Pelagius' understanding and ideas found both in the Sentences of Sextus and in the work of St Basil. The Sentences of Sextus and several of Basil's writings were translated into Latin by Rufinus. Pelagius used the word imperturbabilitas itself sparingly; but he repeatedly emphasized similar concepts that expressed the process by which the human condition may be prepared for the Holy Spirit's indwelling. It is clear that this concept does not correspond to apatheia as this was understood by the Stoics, but it is rather the notion of metriopatheia in the Peripatetic school. We can point to marked similarities between Pelagius' understanding of imperturbabilitas and metriopatheia in the scheme of Evagrius Ponticus. Rufinus of Aquileia was very familiar with the writings of Evagrius and translated the latter's Sententiae into Latin. Here again we can point to contact between Pelagius and Rufinus of Aquileia.  

備考(Remarks) Refereed Paper 

2011  世俗化した教会の制度化と権威主義化に抗してーペラギウス派修道倫理の影響力と挫折  単著   
キリスト教史学  , キリスト教史学会  , 第65集  , pp.41-58  , 2011/7   

概要(Abstract) 本稿では、古代末期に至って、それまで新しい意識や価値観をもたらしたはずのキリスト教が、逆に世俗化、制度化、そして権威主義化の過程で新たな排他的組織として整備され機能するようになっていたことを、ペラギウス派の排斥事例を基に指摘した。5世紀初頭のペラギウス派の排斥という出来事の中に、キリスト教がローマにもたらした功罪の両側面が皮肉にもきわめて先鋭化された形で表されていた。 

備考(Remarks) 査読あり 

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